Children stars, victims. 5 Parent History Stories


Everyone heard about the father of Michael Jackson, who exploited the talents of numerous offspring, or the parents of McColale Kalkin, who gnawed because of her son and guardianship. D. Arya Yatvitskaya, Collected five more stories about parents who walked on the fate of their children with tanks of unsatisfied ambitions.

Eva Ionec


Irina Ionec, the mother of Eve, in the 70s was popular in France by the photographer. Mom did not see anything wrong to shoot her daughter from her 4 to 12 years old in small poses, and sell these photos to magazines. In 11 years, the pictures of the girls appeared in the "playboy" and "penthouse". Even for the distinguished 70s it was too, the scandal broke out. Irina Jason was deprived of parental rights and forbidden to take pictures of her daughter, but even after that she continued to sell pictures in secret. From her point of view, her actions had some attitude towards feminism and service to radical art.

An adult daughter was a member of his mother several times. In the end, Eve answered the mother on Irina's understandable Irina. In 2011, the autobiographical film Eva Ionek "My Little Princess" (the second name is "I`m Not a Fucking Princess"). In the film, she expressed her attitude to the work of the parent of the mouth of the young heroine of the film: "You repeat to me: art, art. But there are my pictures in the portraight? "

Bjorn Andresen


Another child, according to which, the efforts of relatives, was driving an adult world of show business - Swede Biorn Andresien. When he was 6 years old, his mother was deprived of parental rights, and after 3 years she committed suicide. Guardian of Daguni Eriksson took care of the boy. Since childhood, Bjorn dreamed of becoming a pianist, but Babuli had other plans. She worked in Stockholm film studio in the casting department and wanted the grandson starred into the cinema. Probably, from the best motives - not to disappear such beauty and musicality? Andresgen himself did not burn with the desire to become an actor. But when Lukino Wisconti chose him to the role of Tadzio, in his film screening of Thomas Mann "Death in Venice", struck Babulin Starry Hour, and there was no chance of relying at Bjorn.

The history of the painful passion of the writer Gustav von Ashshbha to the young Polish aristocrat Tadzio was beloved by Wisconti. At the shooting director sought to replace the person's personality the way Tadzio - the child was forbidden to swim in the sea, sunbathing (in order not to lose the aristocratic pallor), play football with the guys, and when Andresien, as a normal teenager, began to giggle and flirt with actress girls who played him Sisters, Wisconti Scandalil and stopped shooting.

Even before the start of the film, there was a rumor about the sudden death of Andresien: whether overdose, or in a car accident. According to some reports, they distributed their actor and lover Lukino Wisconti Helmut Berger, who was not received by Tadzio himself. After the premiere and the grand success of the film on Bjorn, Glory collapsed, he was called "the most beautiful boy of the XX century." True, Glory turned out with a nasty tint: the journalists were constantly eager to catch the poorness of Bjorn in touch with men. Oils in the fire poured by Wisconti himself, proving the case that you can be simultaneously a genius, and cattle. After the premiere of the maestro, he led a 16-year-old guy in a gay club, whose regulators he himself and half of the filming group were. As the Andresen himself recalled, visitors and waiters looked at him "like a piece of meat."

On the wave of hysteria, Bjorn went to homosexual contacts, but, as he himself recalled later: "... The homosexual experience I received, being a teenager, was very much influenced by my psyche in a negative key. I succumbed to universal influence and simply caused myself physical and moral harm. "

Loving grandmother after the release of "death in Venice" dragged her grandson on tour to Japan, planning to make pop star from him. There, Bjorn starred in advertising and recorded two songs in the image of an angel young man with curls. The opinion of Byrom himself was not taken into account. As he said: "I felt an exotic animal in a cage. No one was interested in my real desires and aspirations. Everyone was worried only my appearance. "

Refusing further to participate in this circus, he returned to his music classes, removing only in the episodes of low-budget films. Now Bjorn Andersen lives in Stockholm with his wife and their 29-year-old daughter Robin. "I think it would be better if I stayed away from all this," he says.

Alan Thompson ("Cutie Buba")


In a photo and video from Toddlers & Tiaras contests (American children's beauty contests), impressionable people can only look with Tablet Validol, because small girls with the naked-cultural centuries, auto markets and the seamaney permanent on the hair whipped by A la Dolly Parsons - the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. This show has long turned into a scandal with high ratings. Favorite attacks of mothers, kickering kids on the screen: "She herself is crazy about all this." And "she is only worth saying, and we will no longer participate in this." Classes are the same truthful as an alcoholic promises. One alternatively gifted mother even made his eight-year-old daughter's injection of Botox and wax epilation, resulting in parental rights.

Chubby and hyperactive Alan Thompson (or Hani, Cutie Buba), the winner of one of the competitions, her mother, fortunately, did not decorate Botoks. But, conquering the people with their directness, Alan, along with his family, became the heroine of a reality show "And here is Cutie Bubu!" Her family, mother, dad and three adult sisters are typical American representatives of social bases, or "Redneki" (from the words "Red Neck", red from the neck of the neck when working outdoors). In stock The entire set of stereotypes is slope, overweight, jank-food, early pregnancy, obscene vocabulary, games like "guess a man in the smell of mouth" and eating a shot down machine of animals.

The mother of the family, Jun, stacked her daughter before shooting "Go-Go cocktail" (lemonade with energy), so that she behaved in active, and the refrigerator in the house is scored sweets, fast food and gas.

Alan wears almost 60 kg with a height of 137 cm, and the power mode does not add health. Not to mention the fact that the child is tired of living under a regular speaker.

In October 2014, the TLC channel canceled the show of the next season of the show "and here and Cutie Buba!" True, it was not in sweets, but much worse. Mom Jun has resumed a novel with some Mark McDaniel, who was later than 10 years on charges of corruption of an eight-year-old girl. This girl was the eldest daughter Jun, sister Buba. Well, not fraught. Now the stubborn parent is trying to promote the baby in some other show.

FUN POVOVA (FUN BO-Bo or Petrina Fun)


"Hong Kong Shirley Temple" in the 50s shot somewhere in 80 (according to other sources - in 160) films even before she turned 10 years old. The stunning "hardworking" of the child was explained simply - her reception father, director Feng Feng, put the operation of a young talent on the conveyor, removing her in his films, and "lenting" in other people's hair.

Upon reaching the age of adulthood, the girl simply escaped from the film industry and went to London, where the father of one of her fans paid her training on the designer. Then Fun Powodily returned to the cinema and became a rather famous dramatic actress, but still does not like to remember and revise his children's films. Apparently, the traditional Chinese respect to parents seals her mouth, but she scoop mentions that she managed to reconcile with the past only recently. "... happened, I starred immediately in three films at the same time. I suffered a lot of adversity. There were days when I had to sit until midnight, waiting for adult actors, because they were too busy with smoking opium. "

Tilan Lubri Blondo

Children stars, victims. 5 Parent History Stories 36981_5

This girl in the model business is almost with a pellery. Her mother is a former TV presenter, Father - in the recent past football player, is now a restaurant. In 2011, a girl, together with other children-models, removed in a photo shoot for the magazine "Vogue".

Whether photographers wanted to make a parody of ordinary fashion photo shoots (high heels, very bright makeup, diamonds and sensual postures), whether they didn't give rest of the laurels of Irina Iason, but the scandal turned out to be serious. The mother of a young model Veronica Lubri believes that it is not about anything, a common thing, a daughter is trying new images, and in general "Achotakova, envy silence." True, together with this, I accidentally deleted my daughter's blog on Tumblr and her page on Facebook.

American Dr. Leonard Sakes, the author of the book "Girls on the Right" comments on such trends like this:

"Modern girls pretend to adult sexual sex, participate in the shows in which there is a danger of losing an understanding of their own sexuality. As if you wear a mask, and when you remove it, it turns out that you have no faces.

Another problem is to accelerate maturation. Girls disappears the opportunity to live the time that psychologists call the "middle childhood": between the 8th and 12 years, the age of peppy long stocking, when the girl can enjoy the adventures and recognize himself as a person without thinking as much as she is sex.

Girls spend a lot of time, photoshop their photos, removing pimples and trying to make themselves at least a little bit. Thus, a 14-year-old girl presents itself as a brand, tries to create his own public image, lacques himself outside. It is more important how you look and what you did yesterday than who are you and who you want to be.

And this leads to alienation from itself, because in most cases the girls do not even suspect that their "image" is not them themselves. They are too busy to enjoy "consumers", to present the brand that will be sold. "

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