If you see the faces in the subjects - you are normal!


Do you remember how in childhood he considered patterns on the carpet or on the wallpaper - and found the novel and eared horrids in them, smiling or threatening grimaces? But no one was hiding there! Some innocent patterns. Many people retain the ability to "see the Suslik where it is not", and in solid age. This phenomenon has a beautiful scientific name - "Paredolia".

Psychological reference books call it a "violation of perception." But in fact, if desired, you can find this phenomenon anywhere. Strictly speaking, the clouds are completely wrong with the white horses. And even a smiley - well, no image of a human smile: it's just two points and a bracket. How did you see two dots and brackets on a smiling face? That's something ...

The Internet is having fun, finding faces on googlockards and drunken octopus in the form of hooks for clothes. So all of us, baby, a little paheidolics ... But some are especially. And surrounding actively infect!

Mars attacks!

Here, say, researchers of space. It seems that serious people are not hunting for ghosts so much in vain ... But no: in the pictures of the holmi of the Martian region, the kidonia made by the American "Viking-1" in 1976, everyone saw a kind of face. And we went, went: it's we have a "sad angel", and here we have the ruins of the ancient city, and there - the pyramids, and the hill is generally a phallic symbol of the birth of life ... From one game of light and shadow in the human brain, bloomed and buoyed the next extraterrestrial civilization.

Saint Virgo on Sandwich

But fiction lovers are still okay, they read and write beautiful myths and do not touch anyone. But what about going for thousands of kilometers to worship ... pellet? And in 2002, it was exactly this: 20,000 (twenty thousand!) Pilgrims were granted to the Indian town of Bangalore in India, to see the "Lick of Christ", a mystically shearding Chapati's pellet. And the American lady-designer Diana Daiser kept the sandwich, which appeared to her the "image of the Virgin Mary", ten years. Only then was able to part with the relic. For 28,000 dollars. And they bought it!

Merry Tubes

The paheidolic effect is deliberately used by manufacturers. For example, the bottles and bottles are seductive bends, so that the subconsciousness associates them with the female figure, and cars give individual "facial expressions" depending on the "character", which will attract the consumer: aggressive, assertive or cute.

Download Face Cache

Where does this property come from - to see in the banana not just a banana, that is, at every step, if not a divine face, then a funny face? Of course, it is brain tricks. It reads the information on us from outside, very quickly - but very approximately. Since he in the "RAM" (or in "cache") already stored certain relationships and associations, the main of which: the stick-shutter is clearly Homo Sapires. Our individual "face recognition program" works in one fifth second. And it is precisely the outlines of the face that she will gladly substitute wherever neither falling and how much in vain.

Where the ears come from

And why some sees this good more, and others are less? Opinions of specialists, as usual, diverge. The patterns and versions here are the following.

    • Those who believe in God (gods, demons, the universal mind, the supernatural - need to emphasize), is inclined at times more often to find images of animated in inanimate: in the shadows, bends of mountains, chips, fish cutlets and any other objects. Starting from the Turin Drying, the origin of which we, CHUR, will not discuss;)
    • Representatives of the beautiful floor, the tendency to Paredolia occurs more often than the representatives of strong.
    • Such effects often occur and rapidly flourish in the brain under the influence of psychotropic substances or in initial (that is, the initial) stages of sharp psychosis.
    • As it was said, we automatically "substitute" the items seen in the common picture, without processing each separately - to save time. This is based on the well-known effect of type texts "on rzelelists Ilsowyovaniy ODONGO Anligisokgo Unwitiseta, not the Yeetem of items, in the cocams of rzapoozheny Bkuva in Solwe." Everything is wrong, but still read quickly and unequivocally.


  • However, first of all, the human brain is programmed to search and recognize persons - and this feature "starts" from the very beginning. The newborn baby firstly allocates from the surrounding reality of the face of people who are with him next.
  • This built one of the theories of the emergence of the Paredolia effect: they say, the ability to recognize faces at a large distance or in the fog was so important for our distant ancestors, that the evolution diligently developed it for survival - has not yet developed places to the level of Diana Diser with its divine sandwich.
  • Some psychologists believe that if a person in its usual everyday state is well developed, this feature is well developed - this is one of the signs of a high level of neuroticism.
  • However, this is also a sign of creative and fine nature. So if you see an elf in every curl on the upholstery, but in any folding blanket - dragon, it means you have a subtle mental organization and developed creative abilities!

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