Umbilical storage. 11 terrible facts


You just have it. And every person has it. You can like you or do not like, but it is not anywhere to go away. And he also has its secrets. Sometimes scary!

Pup - essentially your very first scar

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Your navel formed from a wounded fabric of your umbilical cord, which joined you with the maternal placenta. When you were taken out and cut off most of the umbilical cord, the scar was formed in the right place, and excessive processes fell off. And you remained unique in shape (and content, moa ha ha) "Button".

In our nauddles live whole worlds

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In 2012, a study with the literal name "Jungle there" was published. Scientists have studied 60 navels of volunteers and revealed 2.368 different types of bacteria. Approximately 67 species in each.

Piercing in the navel heals from half a year before a year and for the bunch you need to carefully care

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Redness, moisturizing and discomfort - the first signs of infection.

Many mammals are not visible at all

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That is, it is formed in all placental mammals, but some naturally erases, hiding in wool or over time it becomes like just on a small lump.

If you are an elderly hairy fat man, then most likely you have a felt lump truck in the navel

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Dr. Karl (do not laugh) The circulars spent a curious study and found out that if a man chases his stomach, the felt lumps will not be assembled so active. Its formation contributes to the formation of dead skin particles and sprinkled fibers of the fabric, and the hair on the body is simply "pushing" all this in the navel. Especially if he is deeply planted.

In the Guinness Book of Records there is the world's largest collection of felt balls from navels

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In November 2000, Gerard Barker and his collection of naughty "treasures" contributed to the Guinness Book of Records.

Previously, close peering in the navel was one of the forms of meditation.

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Greek monks in Athos considered the contemplation of their own navel with Isicham, giving an understanding of eternal grace.


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"Fali" - navel, "Skepticism - observation -" fading ", the method of an in-depth extended attack of consciousness for the most difficult issues as a result of meditative relaxation. In yoga - observation of Poup, it is the cultivation of the energy "flower" from the manipura.

Fetishists really have a navel cult

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In the study of Herrt Heibrune, published in 1975 describes the case of a 27-year-old school teacher, which was actually obsessed with navels, especially twisted outwards. He tried to "correct" his own navel twice, with the help of a dangerous razor and needles with a thread. At the same time, he almost died from blood loss. But he did not feel pain at all, because he felt the strongest excitement and everything ended with orgasm. And critical blood loss. Like this.

From bacteria in the navel can make cheese

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His project Biologist Christina Agapakis and Perfum Sissel Tolaas called "Selfmade". They made 11 types of cheese, using bacteria collected under mouses, in the mouth, in the navel and between the fingers of the legs

Even the earth has its navel

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The journal of Smithsonian Institute describes a giant quiet in the area of ​​the natural monument of Grand Staircase-Escalante, which is located in Utah, which local residents call "cosmic navel." The crystrine has 61m widths and scientists believe that she is 216,000 years old.

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