Frank conversation about men driving


    At the beginning of the coming year, the monkey we decided to talk to those who are tightly connected with the monkey in a close cage of public stereotypes. And not simple, but with a grenade. According to the results of the survey, it became quite obvious that the "monkey with a grenade" is the concept of an intergency. Rather, it became obvious that this concept is general about men, but we are tolerant, so we will write an "intergenerate".

    - "When I lead the car, I just lead the car. And they increase their member. "

    - "They are sick of the flu, without getting out of the blanket, and buy cars with an automatic transmission. And I gave birth to children and I can knock out a spark by a wrench. Leave them, they just don't know anything about pain. "

    "He suits the devilish chess from the fourth row to the third through the first to stay at the traffic light, where everything is catching up. I have not seen a single woman who would go like that. "

    - "If a woman on a good car violates the speed mode - it is late. If a man on a good car breaks down the speed mode, a bright metaphorical inscription lights up above it: "I paid!".

    - "Brother of me a month and a half troll - asked if I did not break the car. I'm tired, I put it behind the wheel. Rides, proud, chin up. And tells me about the subtleties of driving (some completely obvious truths, it is assumed, apparently that I don't know them). And then we needed to turn left. I say - you turn on the turn on, smart. And he answers: "Why, I'm on the main food?". Would be a biologist - there would be a subject about the monkey self-awareness: they are not aware of themselves. "

    - "I somehow one monkeys almost shot down at a pedestrian crossing. And okay would apologize, so there is no way. Jumped out of the car and let's yell that he is fifteen years behind the wheel. She told him that she was walking on foot thirty years, I had a twice as much. "

    - "Food for a man, and he has a black smoke from under the wheels clouds. Signal, blinking - nothing. Following nearby, gesturing. In the end, he slows down, the window opens and is tired: "What do you need, fool?". I say that, in principle, nothing, but if the car is removed from the handbrake, then the pads are more used, and the air is cleaned ... ".

    "I worked in a taxi in a taxi, I took two drunken men somehow at night, who were all the way jokes about women behind the wheel. And I dressed as much as possible (I never know) and conveniently. Cap, gloves, down jacket. In general, when I replied to them in the late squeaky voice: "Three hundred", they fifteen minutes are nervously. "

    - "An important thing in driving is the ability to be a realist, feel the situation and understand what will happen next. So then it will be that: you will receive one hundred fifty comments on the topic: "Baba still goat, laid right and ponasosali on cars."

    - "American scientists found out that men make selfie driving two times more often than women. And I, as a person, who did not make a single selfie (not only behind the wheel), I feel the highest race. So let them sign. "

    Opinions collected Alexander Smilaanskaya

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