You are super old: 8 reasons to turn a novel with a man younger than you



Jennifer Lopez, Madonna and, forgive Lord, Alla Pugacheva prove his own example that a man is much younger - it's cool. PICS.RU collected another 8 reasons to meet with a guy younger than you and nothing to be afraid.

It seems to us that evaluating and especially to condemn the difference between the participants of any relations (within the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is a terrible hypocrite and boss. A person has the right to be happy with anyone. But often a woman herself under the oppression of public censure begins to feel the feeling of guilt for "breaking the boy life", to be afraid that "after 10 years you will be not needed" and instead of enjoying pleasant relationships, in different ways to nightmare brain. PICS.RU encourages - Spit false modesty! We found 8 reasons to be happy in a relationship with a man younger than you, not paying attention to the opinion of others. And you are sure that this is not all.


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Sorry, but here we are terribly conservative! (Some in the editorial office even believe that everyone will get married at the end of the porn film). What suddenly flashed feelings are not a reason to break all possible prohibitions and norms of morality and morality, and then enjoy your own courage, sexuality and irresistibleness? So we believe that more than worthy. So there were far and for a long time all those who believe that "it is no one," he will exchange you on the young "," he is with you for money / connections "and then in the text. Maybe so. But as long as it brings you pleasure, why not? And what is someone who is, to whom you will write down your beautiful Zhiguli 2001 release?

Great stimulus

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Refine the music of the celestial spheres, now your beloved. A man of younger is a very good reason to look great, keep abreast of all new products and keep up with the times. Agree, next to the boyfriend I don't want to look like his mother, aunt or grandmother, which does not distinguish Android from iOS, but a muse, a passion, beloved, for which all stars, tears, roses, etc. Blind and lazy here will simply fail - you have to match. We doubt that the cool appearance and Ivan Dorn (by the way, who is it?) In the playlist someone harmed.


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Well, what interesting can you expect from men-peers? Most are married or divorced, all in their boring work, with a mortgage, leave twice a year and parties on Fridays. Well, if they still have no beza, but practice shows that some have more than yours already. No madness, lightness on the rise and reckless fun on the night of Sunday on Wednesday. With a guy younger you can count on all this and even more. Perfectly sometimes remember your own descendant youth and how to shine ancient, the main thing is not to fall off. The bore is always enough, but you will not be mistaken in your choice?

Feel wise

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Experience and alcoholism will always win youth and enthusiasm. You are just a storehouse of life experience and valuable advice. Just because you are older, and when he went on foot under the table, you went to the interview. But do not forget from time to time to get your own madness from the bins, which is still five to you, otherwise you risk turning into his bore aunt August. Feeling their own significance, psychologists say, is one of the basic needs of a person. Implement - I do not want!

Madonna, Jay Lo, Mariah Carey, Nonna Grishaeva ... If you are worried that I still have not met a man's dreams, do not worry. He is just not born!

Be yourself

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The times of desperate search for yourself and its place in the world behind (we hope that at least the most acute phase), you have a formed taste, habits, friends, lifestyle, you know our strengths and weaknesses and are trying to come to a party dressed Exclusively in piercing to produce on all a slaughter impression. And you are absolutely not ready to change something in favor of a man (well, except that the smallest). The most beautiful thing that he does not need it. We will be honest: in the overwhelming majority of cases, he is so happy to snot that you have reduced it, all the adult and beautiful, almost like Aphrodite from the marine foam.


You know exactly what you want and know exactly how to get it. In addition, you have been portrayed for a long time to portray, simulate and pretend, you will not be difficult to ask to lick "just below" or "slower, more tender", or "Where are you climbing, b! @ # $?!". At the same time, you are ready for experiments and you can afford much more than in youth when sex was considered exclusively as an application to a serious relationship, and not a means of obtaining pleasure. For all this, your boyfriend has tireless dust, raging testosterone, and his brutally excites all what you are doing, even if you just wipe the dust. Well, that, that in a short lace dress. It is home!

Do what you want

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And what I do not want - not to do! Do not try to match the idiotic inner templates that are sitting in your head when you are 19 or, even worse, 22. Do not build from yourself what you really are. Do not feel guilt for what you are doing, even if you wanted to suddenly listen to the lute music of the XVI century at 4 am. Just live and enjoy every day. And, by the way, do not be afraid that it will throw or "makes a young". Because it is only on the youth parting - a little death, and at your age it is already known that everything is overcome and indispensable, as you know, we have no.

Forget about age

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Women do it a thousand times more pleasant than men. Because the man is "about 30" - still the heart and Olala, and the woman at the same age is unhappy, which no one does not get married (even if she doesn't really like it or she is at all a lesbian). And here such a chance! Again these night calls, dreams, fantasies, frivolity and maximalism! On a date - in McDonalds, to the club - for the whole night, and before that, still stick to the street in the street, on the journey - to live on the site and not soak. Excellent! Age - the concept is so relative that to remember him and so completely optional. Just remember that in the costume of Fai Din-Din for the new year you will look at least strange. Cat and Latex woman - here is our choice!

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