Horoscope: as the signs of the zodiac raising children


Children, of course, tend to happen with people, regardless of the signs of the zodiac, days of the week and other unimportant garbage. However, you need to choose a partner to jointly cultivate the heirs as they do not choose in intelligence! So read the revelation of our editorial magic bowl and choose a reliable company!


Capricorn just recalls everything he saw for his life associated with babies and children in the series, cinema, at a second-class grandmother in the village of the top balls, polishes this sacred knowledge of the top of the tonic learned by heart of the literature on the upbringing of children and methodically implements. At the exit, it turns out freezing blood Stoic drama, because the children are silent, hang on the oscillation of the neck and behave as they want, and he, you understand everything tolerates. Because the pedagogical process.


Aquarius kids love because they can all. Well, all. Excavator from the roll of toilet paper and two matches? Easily! Go fishing, turn over the inflatable boat there, do not catch a single fish, move to the bones, then warm the fire and there is a stew from the bank - generally easily. Children only add random fun in the already extremely entertaining water life. The main thing is to remember that they can eat with a sprat and an apple, because the lowland life does not occupy Aquarius from the word "at all."


Fish will fulfill the exemplary parent, to change diapers on the night at night, without tired to swing and sing lullabies, but even until the sacramental thought is in the head: "Do I tremble? Do I do everything right? Did I add dirty diapers? Does not harm the child listening to the Opera Aria at three o'clock in the morning? ". The main thing is not to be confused, to substitute the fish a strong shoulder and convince her that she is the best in the world. If the fish really believes in it, then the mountains will go no worse than Capricorn.


Aries - the perfect parent just because life in the mode "aaaa, everything was gone!" - This is what Aries knows, loves and practices. And everyone knows that life with children is about such a scenario and represents. If not, then Aries, no longer thinking, he himself will give it the missing tension, painting a cat with the children in a beautiful green color, exactly when, before going to the matinee to the kindergarten, two and a half minutes will remain. But it is necessary to give him due, everything will quickly destroy, the children will happen and will take place, where it will be necessary to take and then will request a medal for the intelligence. Of course, not children.


Taurus, becoming a parent, blooms a buoy: what a wide field for activity where everything can be done logically, right and how it is necessary. The help for the Taurus is the Internet, where, quite accurately, experts on children's education are gathered exclusively. The problem is that the children quickly understand what they start to vote from the Taurus of the rope without sleep and relax, passing the chocolates and the conquest of the world. The calf, referring to the schedule and finding that the conquest of the world there is definitely there, it dies, letting a stupid parental tear and submissively goes behind chocolates.


Parent-twin is extremely concerned that everything is not worse than others. Olga at three years read? We will start a year! Petopka in four plays gamma? PFF, we will pick out symphony! The most important thing is that even if the goal put by the twins of his own child is unattainable as uranium in the third house, they are able to sincerely and truly rejoice in every victory, sing songs of their own essay and selflessly stay with children at home instead of going to karaoke -Therinka. From time to time, looking at himself in the mirror, play muscles and teach your own parental milot.


Little is able to remove cancer, but a small child is a number one tool. Before his appearance, cancer will examine all the instructions of the world and it is terribly surprised that the manual's own baby is not attached to three sheets with comments. The second terrible blow is waiting for cancer when it turns out that children in pictures in books and real screaming babies with dirty pops have almost nothing in common among themselves. At this place, the cancer will think, hurts the head of the culsendous, it will permanently on the imperfection of the world and will take it for children's education, after occasionally complaining that nothing is understandable, and how much it is possible - without instruction!

a lion

The lion will purchase all the best immediately, by the month of his children will be aware of the waiters of all nearby cafes, by the year - half of the city, and in three they will already be attached to work to the Lero - wearing papers from the office to the Cabinet. It is quite natural that by 7 years, the children of Leo will have a share in his company, moving the winning contests of young readers, acting skills and skills to embroider a cross to speed. And who suddenly says or even thinks that the lion is a bad parent, he will immediately be without a head, because her lion will break off her, even without turning his royal attention to it.


Virgo is usually pessimist and a panicker, and children strengthen her anxiousness and faith in the worst in geometric progression since its appearance and up to 18 years old - because it is so much the Virgin is ready to raise your child and no longer. The disruption of the Virgin walks clean, in the heated clothes, even if he was half an hour before that, he splashed in the deepest puddle, depicting the diver, and for each case he had a detailed instruction, including a list of allowed products on a desert island and action in the event of a meteorite fall. Also, Virgo knows about his child. But tactfully uses this knowledge only in extreme cases. For example, when the meteorite falls.


Weighing scales do not bring children from equilibrium. Well, children, well, triples, but yell, it happens, Cho - will change their scales with shoulders and will continue how you did not have to live as they lived with breaks to throw diapers in a washing machine and open a jar with baby food. That is why weights are extremely independent and collected children, who, without any instructions, know how to sew a button that Marylin Manson's songs, whose scales love to secretly listen to the moments of deep falncy, rubing treacherous tears and borrowing wine apple puree .


Scorpion has the best children in the world without options. And Scorpio himself is the best parent in the world, here too, without options. Therefore, children grow in love and adorations with complete confidence that they are extremely lucky, and their parents were lucky even more. At the parental meetings, Scorpio appears only under the threat of deductions from the child from school to look into the eyes of those idiots who are able to not appreciate the genius of scorpion of chad and see the enormous potential in it. Well, and to curse them of all the generic Gypsy curse up to the seventh knee. In this scorpions and so masters, and the ability is repeatedly enhanced by the parental instinct - a terrible thing.


Sagittarius - Parent-Wall, for which you can hide, even if you stole a million bucks from the Mexican drug trap, passing his favorite dog and taking a son into sexual slavery. Sagittarius obediently digs a pit for a dog, checks the reliability of handcuffs for the prisoner and charges his favorite double bastard to shoot from drug travelers. However, it is not worth abuse of streling patience. He will listen to a hundred times, will understand and support, and one hundred and first will get angry, deprivates a child of pocket money, takes away the favorite console, will impose a veto to watch the new series "Games of Thrones" and will announce a boycott. Sagittarius in anger is terrible, so it is better not to bring.

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