15 male habits that really furious


If PICS went out in paper, then the boys would, of course, gathered and burned us with Pompey on the Grevskaya Square. Well, or on red. But since PICS is an electric magazine, we just do not take us. Therefore, we can afford to write about how girls again infuriates something.

1. Sidushka Unitaza

Alpha and Omega explosion of girls rage. That would seem - an adult smart person. A whole advertising manager, for example. Remembers the characteristics of all tanks in WOT. Remembers Burns by heart. Remember, in which year there was a rising rebellion under the leadership of Spartacus. But at that moment, when you need to stretch your hand and lower this damn seat - a failure. Black hole in memory. Infuriates.

2. Socks

Socks are such a metaphor. Dirty and scattered at all it is not necessary to be socks to inflate. Especially desires, when a dirty light movement is sophisticated under the bed - and as if there is nothing dirty in the house. Only eyes are such tricky: O-Lo, as I beat everyone.

3. Tanks

"Oh, honey, you are already at home, cool, I'm in the raid." And the girl is so complaints about: "break at least." The problem of tanks is not only that the boy can go there for years and wander, shouting into the microphone amazing words. The problem of tanks is mainly lies in the fact that it is an online game. And, it means that the situation "Oh, cute, I accidentally formatted a hard disk, but I love you very much." I will not solve the problem.

4. Switching channels

Girl can watch football. Girl can watch hockey. A girl can watch anything - she focuses on what is happening and after several clarifying questions, like "and offside - is it?", Even capable of getting, albeit unusual, but pleasure. But the girl cannot focus if the channels switch once every 10 seconds. But can kill.

5. Habit walk in shorts

Or generally naked. There is a problem that women excites it - a common myth, sorry if someone has happened now and insulting. But does not excite at all. A naked man, in fact, looks pretty funny. And the tests are swaying when walking attract close attention, mainly cat.

6. Chickening

Dinner after half an hour, but no. It is necessary to approach, move you away from the refrigerator, grab the Baton sausages and drag into the room, urcha. And the girl such a chinki does, Khachapuri and Borsch. And the boy so sparkles from his chair in the living room in the sausage and does not understand why the cat can be, but he is not. The cat is also impossible!

7. Toothpaste

An open tube from which the white caterpillar crashes. Large fat white caterpillar. Already ready to pounce on the girl and strangle it. Strangle in a deep offense and desperate cry: "Lord, for which he is with me so?"

8. Dancing around the mirror

This is a whole process. First you need to get up in front of the mirror in the profile and pull the belly. And rather whine. Then to become in the FAS, raise your hands bent at your elbows and strain biceps. And shine still satisfied. Like - I am a pitch. And then it comes a turn of white shirts: one first puts on, then the other is removed and put on. Then follows a sudden question: "What is better?". I don't even know. This is two. White. Shirts.

9. We are in a hurry!

Three hours before the exit from the house, the boy comes to anyone suspecting girl and sadly says: "We are in a hurry, going." Girl honestly going. And in a second before the exit, the boy reads the news feed, answers an important comment in Facebook, looking for keys from the car, cleans the shoes and makes many very important pieces. And then finishes, irritantly looks at the girl and asks, raising the voice: "We go or not?!" R-r-r.

10. Kozhenka

He thinks it does it imperceptibly. Imperceptibly pulled out, imperceptibly rolled, imperceptibly dropped by clicking into the angle. Well, nevertheless, that we forbid garnostral houses.

11. Very interesting book.

Which lies in the toilet. It has 500 pages, and until the latter will not be turned over, the boy from his humble abode does not come out. And then the boy proudly and condescendingly looking at the interlocutors, no, no, and bryaknet: "The last Pelevin is just divine ... You did not read? Well, how are you so. " And his girl smiles at a dead smile. Because he knows - like.

12. Blanket

In a dream, the boy imagines himself that he is an Indian princess. Which cannot function normally, if it does not fail in the standard nine-meter sari. The fact that the boy in the morning wakes up, testifies only that girls are very patient and are not prone to violence.

13. TV!

He snores. No seriously. He is lying on the sofa and snoring. Smiling in a dream. So cute. But as soon as the girl fits tiptoe and switches the canal, a cheerful and very offended voice is heard: "What I look".

14. Chest

If you relax and stop controlling the space around yourself, a boy can jump out because of the servant, grab your chest for the girl, confusing it with an expander. Or with dough. Or with a ball. In general, it is not possible to use at all for the purpose, while I someburst in the mumbens.

15. Hamyak

Nests usually wipe females? Ha ha ha. Drags and drags the boy quietly shaped pieces to mink. If you shake the computer keyboard, you can live on the residues of the month of about one and a half. And if you save the territory within a radius of 1 m. From the computer, you can open the shop of dishes. Wash (what is not always possible) and open.

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