10 signs that old age burst into you



The concept of relative is so much so that, perhaps, it is not at all worth paying close attention. But there are signs of cultivation of a separate individual who can not notice.

In fact, 10 points list is not limited, so add your signs of hopeless aging in the comments!

    Friday evening you hold at home

Lack of some more pitiful a couple of years ago, Friday started in the morning on Thursday, and on Saturday during the day you could be at all anywhere: on a visit, in another city, in a bath with new friends and the feature on the horns. Now you prefer as a maximum of a calm dinner with friends or your beloved man for a bottle-other wine, and at least a good book / movie and falling Bainics. It sounds boring to the odor, but this is what brings you true pleasure. Of course, relapses of non-restrained fun are happening, but every year more and exclusively about.

    Do not get drunk on weekdays

Not only did you have had a measure of the liberties on the parties and the mistakes of the mistakes of long trials and mistakes and are not working on Barmen's suggestions. "To drink there is still this delicious green cocktail with fireworks," so on weekdays now you allow yourself no more than a pair of beer or wine. In the head, the obsessive thoughts "Well, now, now drink, will be fun, then you will drink more, it will become more fun, then - Eh, ragble! - We'll go to karaoke, there, too, drink, will go, Stas Mikhailov and that's all this, I will come home in the morning, tomorrow to work, meeting, the head will hurt all day, under the eyes of the bruising ... so well, everything is nafig !!! " . And now you are prudently refuse to continue brutally kutnut and go home to sleep. The World Health Organization applauds standing, and we shrug - old age!

    In the morning, the feeling, as if yesterday was a party


The ambush is that even if you lay on the day before immediately after the end of the TV show "Good night, kids", sometimes in the morning it feels like that yesterday, when you fell asleep, my body began to have fun, dance to fall and drink everything burning. Bones Lomit, wadded head and do not want to get up at all. If you do not have a temperature and other explicit signs of a starting cold, and you didn't hang out exactly yesterday (the wine for dinner is not traditionally not counting), then as an option, you can change the mattress and pillow: they affect the quality of sleep. To think only, it would seem, quite recently you easily fall asleep at all on any horizontal surface, as well as standing, sitting and upside down! Eh, youth ...

    Do not fall to work

You used to jump from the call of the chef, it was headed with a phone in the window and a cheerful voice reported that you're already riding the office, but these damn corks !! After that, convulsively grab things and rushed to work, recired on the road, how many times during the current month you were already late and what it threatens today. Now you come smoothly in so much that you have enough time to drink coffee, chat with a colleague and meet on the Internet before the work day. And if you are late, you calmly warn about it: everyone knows that you can only have good reasons to stay. Even if all the morning you sang in the soul, imagining yourself with a new Mirey Mathieu, while your husband came running on the screams, thinking that you slipped and broke the leg.

    Steel meteo-dependent


Not so long ago, sharp drops of temperature overboard, and even more so any mythical pressure worried about the same way as a new study of New Zealand scientists about the length of nerve fibers in severe, that is, they were not worried at all. But now everything has changed: if the weather forecasters predict a rarery and rain - you get used to a liter cup of coffee and you anticipate in advance that you will crawl as a sleepy fly, and if the thaw - we carry pills from headaches with me. The phrase "magnetic storm" in itself causes dizziness, but nothing can be done - old age!

    Choose a cafe where tastier, and not cheaper

Student times, when places for meetings and parties were chosen on the principle of "cheap and angry", left far behind. Now you value completely different: truly delicious food, decent waiters, pleasant atmosphere and the normal ratio of "price-quality". If you are invited to a meeting in an expensive restaurant, which is served exclusively deflops with a grocery for mad money, then without blinking the eye, you wear the best dress, studs and sable. Maybe you have a diamonds for this case, an old woman?

    Instead of a heap of acquaintances - a few closest friends


Sometimes you open a Facebook tape and do not understand who are all these people in general? Do not worry, you have no failures in memory! It's just old age! Over time, your circle of communication is narrowed and instead of several dozen familiar and friends, with whom having fun to hang out and talk about the fate of the Motherland under the bitter bottle, there are only a few close people with whom it is expensive in fire, water and copper pipes. Of course, thanks to social networks, you support contact with everyone, but you are truly close only with proven comrades, without spraying in trifles.

    You know how to say "no"

And do not feel the guilty of it. No, if you do not want to buy this dress, no, if not ready to work overtime, no, if you do not want to leave the parties along with the blond and his girlfriend-lesbian, no, if it seems to you that the dish you brought you, the second Freshness, no, if you do not want to go on a date, no, if not ready to get married, no, if his mom again offers you salted mushrooms, which you are allergic. And your "no" always means "no", you have long discarded impaired impairment and pseudo-politeness.

    Remember how fashionable is that it is fashionable again


Multicolored leggings and Legins, Nachi in the style of "COC", high waist, massive decorations, leather jackets, blue and blue shadows, leopard print (although for some, he did not leave fashion), jeans-glue - you thought all this round In the summer, as a terrible dream? It was not here! Well, that, that all this wore your mom's years, ADAC 20-25 years ago, now - Tadaaaam! - Everything is in fashion again! Agree, a little strange feeling - again to wear things, which, as you seemed, you saw the last time in the sixth grade on the school "light". But already, rubing the tears of the dignity, get the Leggings in the flower and the jacket on the size more "with the shoulders", and in the bunches of Mom you find her old boots on the platform in the platform, than Jeffrey Campbell, in which she flashed, getting you in kindergarten .

    Control your budget

It used to be easy to lower half of the salary on "good boots, you need to take" or proceed everything in one evening, treating everyone in a row Tekila. And in general, somehow money was not delayed, whether there were few them, or it was not necessary. Now you hold in your head a list of mandatory payments, including all sorts of boring points like rent payments, a contribution to the trade union, cosmetologist, payroll (or gasoline for the car). Of course, and now sometimes rolls the absolutely uncontrolled desire to buy an incredible dress in pink feathers and shoes with pompons, but in most cases common sense wins. Well, that is not always, and then it would be fit to look into the passport and clarify whether you did not exceed the hundred.

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