9 ideas that will turn your cottage in Katorga


Exhausted urban winter and weakly distinguishable from it in spring and autumn, you dream of a summer, about Dacha! Oh, how much is there you can make a wonderful to spoil your summer. For example…

And do not plant zucchini?

Singing! Sat zucchini. Most likely, this is the only pumpkin, which will be perfectly going to go and will join (or what it does there). All summer you will enjoy the spectacle of spreading risks of the zucchini, which is not terrible with a mildew, nor drought, nor a weevil. You will stroke the glossy barrel of the younger zucchini. And in August, you will start to bypass the neighbors as a beggar, only on the contrary: "We ourselves are local, we take the zucchini!" "No, no, you're better than us!" As a result, the monstrous creatures will go to the city with you, where they will lie on the balcony until they are getting rid of, letting the huge flicker puddles under themselves.

Do not the alpine slide build me?

Well, well, features with them, with pumpkins. Yes, there will be beauty! - Decides the summer house. For winter, any idea of ​​the dacket is inflated to manic scale. From the plans to grow a pot of nasturtiums, a bustle bush and a strip of velvetsets you go to the idea of ​​alpine slide. And the foot of the slide is still desirable to make a small manner, so that the whole design reflects in it as Roshe de Na in the Lake Geneva. All the same plot of curve, you can use one of the bodies and use. If the dacket seriously binds to digging the meter of the soil in the depth and order of special stones, then he receives a catguard with a quarry. And if you do not try, you will become a mixture for all neighbors. A bunch, in the sense, the slide in reform. But you do not lose, tell them that this is a hamster grain.

And whether to grow a lawn?

Of course, you heard a joke that I need 200 years of care on the lawn, but I thought it was the truth joke. Well, firstly, the site must be aligned. In lowlands, the lawn boosts, on tops - dries out. In addition, the mower will not pass along the curve. Then you need to plant it and tolerate the inevitable propellers where he will not go. And then it will be necessary to care for him. And you will watered it, sustain, cut, clean and feed your heap. And with a twitching eye to look at those who decide to run or sabol. Lawn grass in comparison with the weed body is approximately like the fruit of monarchist bloodstream in comparison with a strong rural bone. Better asparagus Posadi, Chesslovo!

And do not make me a compost yam?

It is known that the beneficial plants must be fertilized. We still need to protect the ecology. And at the cottage, a terribly many garbage is formed, which you need to go somewhere. Logical output - to arrange a pretty compost yam and dispose of biological household waste in it, beveled grass and other crap. Professional compost pile is such a living creature. It turns around, breathes, eats, and then thanks his creator with generous branches of tomatoes or, say, celery. And you only know her servicing, tapping and take care. Well, if you understand that you do not want to work on Kakodemon all summer, then you will have a certain opposite of alpine bunch - a trash can. The nettle is perfectly closed. From nettle you can make a useful soup, however, only in the spring, as long as fresh. And in your, motley, two-meter - well to lose quadcopters.

And do not dig the well to me?

Even better - the artesian well. Water, they say, is on each, in the sense, under each site. If you decide to deepen a basement, for example, be sure to make sure this statement is right. But to get to the water purposefully - he is still a quest. Do not have time to look back, and the plot is already in the pits. In one empty, in the other IL, in the third strange water of black and dead crotch. With this, even the zucchini watered somehow embarrassing (although they do not die, do not hope). And along with the well, you will set the perpetual fear in the country, that there anyone will fall out. By the way, the well burst is not easier than digging, although, of course, a little cheaper.

Do not build a veranda?

Not one garden alive dachank. For example, a veranda can be attached to the house. Beautiful word, beautiful bourgeois life. Tea drinking at a round table covered with an embroidered tablecloth. Well, or okay, merry boys behind a plastic table a la sherry at refueling. In general, food in the fresh air. Spirals, melting napkins and non-distinguishable mosquitoes, flies on a kebab, flourishing plastic dishes. Then grandfather decides that this is a great place to store everything that no longer fits in the garage, and the children are bred here here ... Well, the neighbors behind the bushes of sea buckthorn even do not really rally their curious ears. From the veranda you can see and audible as on the palm - very convenient.

And don't you build a bathhouse?

Personal bath for costs is, about how another house. Only functional is an order of magnitude lower. Actually, in this and joke. You want to bathe, well, once a month from strength. Clear in the bath - I never want never. Some, especially confused, sometimes visits the idea of ​​driving healing herbs in the bath or some more perversion. And others it seems that just in the bath there is still not enough soul, toilet, locker rooms, wash rooms, well, and the roof can be built higher, so that there is like a room, and we will give it to landlords or here Masha, when the groom will lead . Meanwhile, the stove in the bath collapses. Bani construction is simply impossible to finish.

And do not make me a dog?

Duck and doggy - created for each other. All smart people say that there is nothing to do in the city of the dog. Another thing, countryside, grass, expanses, fresh air. Well, of course. Suppose you are not an enemy and do not kalace the dog's psyche, planting the ps on the chain. Then so. If you have a plot of hectares of the forest, then the dog takes him for the apartment, and wants to walk it three times a day beyond. If you have a gentle bracket with daisies under the window and all, then she digs there, shit and howl. And if the dog is hunting, she is not a fool, and hunts on chickens. Because what foxes are in the country.

Do not connect the Internet?

Looking for Zen and abandoning extra aspirations, the summer house decides to start the Internet. There, firstly, you can always clarify how to build and dig, boast of results (or complain), well, in general, somehow you used to live on the Internet, but not in nature. The Internet has only two states at the cottage. Either the Internet is bad, nostalgically bad, so terrible that one unhappy selfie with the lizard is inhairs in half an hour's blog, and some new-fashioned tambler does not open at all. Either the Internet is good - and then, consider, you have no dacha. Say goodbye to her!

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