20 situations when she definitely does not want sex


Manual on a woman - 20 situations in which you can be reinforced and confident that she doesn't want to definitely, and no coquetry! Maybe someday then. But not right now.

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one. In a child 39.

2. Doers manicure.

3. You have just suggested postpone the idea of ​​"getting married" for the time you need to decide on your feelings.

four. Milk runs on the plate.

five. The football match was interrupted only for 5 minutes, and she knows it.

6. You are visiting her aunt in a one-room apartment.

7. Dicaprio puts the Winslet on the door (or Commander Shepard is about to save the galaxy).

eight. There is a disclosure of the generic paths.

nine. In the window flashed the number of your queue.

10. The dog dances Jig at the door with a scattered eyes and a leash in the teeth.

eleven. You are still in the overgrown car.

12. Her boss dictates some address by phone.

13. She just realized that you were not sure about her name.

fourteen. An hour ago, your mother said that he would come in forty minutes.

fifteen. Her tears (or less than 5 minutes it stopped).

sixteen. You tear (or less than 5 minutes, as stopped).

17. Before the alarm call, 48 minutes left.

eighteen. You have just returned from the daily absence and with enthusiasm offer three new postures.

nineteen. She undressed two hours ago and spent this time, listening to printed circuit boards / technique of the Rod Rodes \ Rades of the Borodino battle.

twenty. She told you "No, I don't want" words through the mouth.

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