Favorite transfer of our childhood


They needed to look around in the program, armed with a red pencil. They needed to catch, competing with dad sports and grandmother's concerts. And we fought for them like tigers! And got silence in bliss ...

"Alarm clock"

Long live Sunday morning, give half an hour on songs and stories! However, any children's songs and dances, performances, performances and taps are, of course, very well, but the most exciting episode was still a cartoon. When the lucky winner was chosen from envelopes with applications for cartoons!Transmission of 1981 with Shansky's Songs

Screensaver 1984


If you do not get out of this name in your head all day: "ABVGDIKA, ABVGDIKA is a study and a game! ABVGDIKA, ABVGDIKA - ABC for children to know it! ", We just do not know, under what fence you grew up. However, the glory of Clap, Irisky and Tatiana Kirillovna penetrated under fences. When the author of these lines found out that Iriski died during a circus performance, he sobbed all day ...

Release 1983.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Thrown in the yard on Sundays followed without a few minutes four, because exactly four started the trump transfer with fairy tales. Aunt Valya, Holy Woman! You showed our drawings to the whole country (well, specifically, for some reason, for some reason did not show, but we were waiting for and believed), and then twisted us "Vasilisa", "Frost" (and indeed just a row!), "Three nuts For Cinderella "and" White and rose "..." Oh, how scary and ridiculous - but at the end everything will be ho-ro! " Would believe in it now ...Old Screensaver with Fairy Tale


Izynal with short rust stories on TV demonstrated not too often. So it was a special good luck, special pleasure. "See do not want?" - What a question?! We want twice! It happened, twisted it in cinemas in front of sessions or even in planetarium after a lecture on the stars. That was a buzz! Well, on the quotes of "Yeralshi" fell no worse than the comedy Guidai.

A bunch of old issues

"In the animal world"

Superman, comrades, it's not a spiderman. And at all Nikolai Drozdov. A person who knows everything - and not only about throsdov. However, about them too. By the way about animals, Pavlov and the conditional reflex: who from the immortal melody in the execution of the Orchestra field, Moria before his eyes, do not begin to flutter the cranes, raise your hand!Transmission of 1980.

"Want to know everything"

Children's scientific and popular magazine successfully replaced the inquisite world and pioneers of tedious adults who shook out of our endless issues: "Why does the sun shine?", "And where to rain?" We loved informative, we must give us tribute. Small grew. "Sho grew?" - Question to the connoisseurs ...

1984 release

"Children's Hour"

Auditative gear, beloved by the kids of the eighties and the beginning of the nineties. Zykinsky light bulbs under the Roman "Beautiful Far" (we still did not know that they were raised from Picxar - and the most cool lessons on the lessons of Iynazov: French with Irene Girl, German with Grandma and Undine - and Shoulder English with Mazzi, who ate clock.Screensaver with light bulbs

Excerpt with English lesson

"That you can"

In theory, an adult gear, but what normal Soviet child is not interested in inventions, does not dream of collecting the time car from cans and is no longer trying to build a spacecraft from everything that dad lies badly?!

Release 1989.

"Up to 16 and older"

Children of the restructuring of years from, probably, twelve flourished on this gear. And with a terribly significant species discussed sensational issues the next day at school. Rockers! Drug addicts! Speculators! Mannequins! Oriental martial arts! Stand not get out, Rebans ... Well, in this program, we first met with beautiful, beautiful Sergey Suponov. How missing it! ..The release of 1988 with the participation of Tsoi

"Star Hour"

Another Supunevsky transfer, which has been published since 1992. Children's intellectual show for clever and cleverware. It was very disappointing when you knew the answer and understood that if it were there - I would have won the tape recorder. Also more than the "field of miracles"! Especially with this, Mr., Yakubovich ...

Release 1993.

"Call of Jungle"

And again the nineties, and again the beloved our immortal seinery - with a cheerful call: "Jungle is called!" The two teams of "predators" and "herbivores" gambling competed for their "bananas" and "bones". Of course, the predators were hurting somehow funny! ..Release 1993.


And this is also a Suppeury project. Something like "look" for a teenage audience. About music, sports, ancestors, friends, love - and even crazy, about sex! Seryozha and Zhora - just a paws unearthly.

Release 1989.

"Rock Lesson"

Music talk show for youth audience, younger brother "Muzobozoz". Leading - Boy Vanya Popov with his ingenious hit: "Bura-Buratino, where is your Malvina? UA-UAU! " - I was attracted by myself in the heart. And to hear here it was a pop "car man", and informal Shevchuk.Release 1992.

"Good night, children!"

Half a century already with this evening piglets, unpredictable. At first, the truth, other characters appeared in "spokes", but we do not remember them. And Fil-Stepashka-Khryusha-Karcush gradually came from the end of the sixties and before the start of the eighties - and now we will not forget them, even if we want. And still tosseat, you look. True, without aunt Vali, uncle Volodya, two to the tang and the aunt Lina is not the same knee! Although then, actually, waited when the Cartoon will begin already end and the cartoon will begin. But from the songs about the blankets and pillows I still want ... No, not to sleep, a clear case, and protest: "Ma-AM, well, five minutes!"

The release in which Khryusha finds out that Nikulin became the director of the circus

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