Features of national laziness and short determinant of the sloth



Chronic laziness is such our national feature. Century. Starting with fairy tales, where Ilya thirty years and three years sat on the furnace, and then all won, ending with the Soviet period, when it was unsafe, and half of active initiatives were held under the Criminal Code. But considering yourself lazy very offensive, so we disguised.

NOTA BENE! Of course, all the following do not apply to you, you are not lazy, you are an exception, yes.

Can I help you?

Surface shape. Masking is very cool. For example, we remember the past holidays. Girlfriends are covered on the table in sweat and soap, but one of them traditionally comes when everything is ready. Asks: "How to help?", Cuts bread and sits on a sofa with a sense of accomplishment and a little tired smile. Learned her, yes?

PS. Everything, sobs and forget the New Year holidays, sorry.

Something is not good to me ...

In principle, this person is distinguished by excellent health. With joy and delight goes into the forest, sunbathing, swims, dancing, the night is walking with a boy (with a girl). But when it comes to what you need to do something, this person changes in his face, pulls on him the mask "I am the most sick in the world of the world" and concernedly focuses on to touch my forehead, belly and other parts of the body. Everyone is immediately penetrated by compassion and exempt unhappy from current duties: "Sidi Sidi, I will do everything myself!". And right - this person knows how to negotiate with his psychosomatics. He really has something at the right moment.

Well, where we do not


This form of laziness is found in people who look at the news, making a clever face and trying to understand what the party bosses Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich were quarreled. Sometimes they even understand. They love to sit in the kitchen and arguing on the topic "We must go!". For typical phrases: "In this country, it is impossible to achieve anything to be achieved," here is my buddy in America ... "and" ruined the country, bastards "Banal laziness lies. Practice shows that if such people and emigrate, they are sitting on the manual and complain already on the country of their current residence.

I am very busy

From the side it seems that this person does so much that the normal would not master. When he (she) begins to list that he is planned to date today, just starting to swing his head delightedly, amazing someone else's ability to work. And only in the case when you have to evaluate the result, you find out that the efficiency is steadily striving for zero.

I have already done so much!


The trick is simple, but effective. For example, coming to a new working team, such people do not simply create the visibility of activity as previous, but also go for decades. And then scoring, but the image of the hardships work for many more months, and the sanctions are postponed. After that, our hero again plows a furrow, and again scores for six months. Thus, it is possible to hold out at its place for a long time, and work a couple of months a year. Those who have suffered this skill feel great.

Yes i am now

Well, this is a classic procrastination, we all suffer from it. However, why suffer. We enjoy it. Now I'm smoking, and then I'll call you back to the customer ... What did it say out loud? Damn damn ...

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