Will God Lawn Dust: Poverty Diseases in Children


The approval "God will give a bunny, will give and the lawn" more and more in fashion - along with the fashion for "positive" thinking. We are in pics.ru not against optimism. But for children and we believe that parents decide primarily not for themselves, and for a possible "haunch" and should take into account his interests. For example, threaten what can be a "bunny" to threaten the late appearance in not very comfortable conditions.

And when we are talking about uncomfortable conditions, we do not mean the lack of a villa and personal pony. We are talking about poverty. According to statistics, 20 million people live in poverty in Russia, and the appearance of a child significantly increases the chances of approaching this feature and jump over it. And there the child joyfully meet poverty disease. What is hiding behind this term?


Often appears in children and adolescents due to the fact that food rich in potatoes and pasta is usually poorly poor with vitamin D and calcium products. Most people easily notices the extreme forms of Rahita, like a strong curvature of legs, the growing "Rozhkin" and hair loss. Weaker pass by eye. But the relative external travelility of the appearance of a child with rickets in a weak form does not make his skeleton stronger. Output can be an abundance of sunlight, i.e. Children should be kept as much as possible in the summer, in the late spring and at the beginning of autumn. That's just ... remember how "sunny" was the past summer. And in our territories it is not uncommon.

Common hypovitaminosis

As a rule, low-income families for a person cannot provide a permanent presence of vegetables on the table. Children grow up with a constant shortage of all vitamins. This leads, firstly, to a decrease in immunity, secondly ... Let's open Wikipedia. With a lack of vitamin A (which, by the way, is absorbed only in the presence of fats), develop Vision problems . With the lack of vitamins of the group B, the child suffers Zapakhi "(Yazens in the corners of the mouth) - permanent, by the way, goal for any infection, not to mention the fact that it is unpleasant. To "Stamps" can join Sudzness , reducing vision and Memory disorders . The list can be continued for a long time, we all ultimately taught it at school.


With a shortage of red meat in the diet, children and adolescent develop anemia, which is not possible to straighten with apples, no pomegranate juice from the famous store class "Economy". Anemia is not terrible because the child does not look like the same ruddy as in an advertising picture. In this disease, the blood can not capture and transfer the necessary organism the amount of oxygen, which means that the tissues - starting from the muscle and ending with the brain - literally suffocating. It is not surprising that anemia is caused Vilyity, Tachycardia, Dysfots And, most importantly, problems with cognitive functions: memory, thinking, attention. The brain is not before, he is half unconscious.

Fragile bones and teeth problems


No one from the children's skeleton is iron, but a child from a poor family is more likely to suffer from fractures. Sometimes even from birth - if mom has not been completely during pregnancy. Or aged, but only macaroni and bread. The lack of calcium or vitamins that contribute to the absorption of calcium can lead not only to the brittleness of the bones, but also their incorrect development - for example, hands and legs will grow slower than the spine and will eventually remain short or incorrectly formed the pelvis and ribs. About the temples choking to twenty years and there is nothing to say.

Gastritis and gastric ulcer

Children from poor families often eat only one or twice a day. Gastric juice is quite actively produced. A constant excess of acid in the stomach makes its mucous membrane for bacteria and gastritis fungi, and can lead directly to the ulcer. We are not sure to deal with this hurt, forcing the child all day to drink a solution of soda instead of feeding with the desired frequency, such a good solution to the problem.



Located with defective nutrition and hypovitaminosis is only partially. The second factor impassing the spine is a banal lack of space in terms of man. Children from low-income families, as a rule, do not have individual tables to do lessons. At best (and this is the right decision), they sit together for the dining table, but more often sit with notebooks and books in the corners, in the wrong postures. In addition, they are often, due to the lack of space, they will sound on two or three-story beds, without being able to straighten up normally - prevents the ceiling or upper tier. Scoliosis is not just "ugly." It leads to displacement or transfer of internal organs, especially lungs. Health does not add it at all.


The current epidemiological situation in Russia is such that the causative agent of tuberculosis is lightering easier. And we often pick it up often, but, fortunately, the immunity of most Russians is coping with him. However, we remember - immunity is seriously weakened by hypovitaminosis and anemia. And if the family is large or multi-ocene and not better than housing conditions, it is worth getting sick one - everyone else is infected immediately.


Do not come from poverty. But in the case of appearance, it is easy to transmit in the conditions of a bought accommodation to the whole of the whole and, most importantly, the poor is especially difficult to deal with them. Buying a good facility against pediculose punches a serious gap in the family budget (usually just in the food area), and "folk" often have low efficiency and a bunch of side effects. However, the same applies to any other medicines from any other diseases. Poor children are dangerous to hurt. And it is almost impossible not to hurt - after all, the decrease in immunity for them is almost inevitable ...

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