Let's do it together: a kitchen for two


One money earns, and the second in the kitchen squeezes - this is some last century and a dense paleolithic. Pics.ru decided to urgently overcome this disorder - and create a manual for a joint cooking. With elements of the Codex, Kama Sutra, safety equipment - and, of course, simple recipes.

"Something with simple actions so that the man does not kill, did not drive all around ... but felt his importance!"

(here and then - quotes editors from the working chat PICS.RU)

Rolls "Do you like to ride - Katay!"


Ingredients: 2 Rice glasses for rolls, tutu Nori, a weakly salting fish, crab sticks, avocado, cucumber, vinegar for rolls, soy sauce, pickled ginger, Vasabi.

The process itself. She cooks in a saucepan of rice so that it turns out not crumbly, but a sticky. He diligently cuts the cucumbers and other stuffing. She splashes into the welded rice a little vinegar, while rice cools, they begin to the sake to the sake and read the hockey. Now it spreads the nori firing on the mat on the mat and grinds the rice carefully on it, and he sharpends the knife. After that, it lays out the filling on the rice and even more accurately wraps, and he walked tracks her. And when he crops the resulting "poles," she could not take his eyes away from him. Skolbing the desired number of tastiness, they plug in sauce plates with ginger and vasabami - and start the game "Romantic Dinner Geisha and Samurai".

"Where you need to cut something curly. Or then clean. Or chopped meat! And better to twist. "

Salad "Cardiac attachment"

Ingredients: Per 100 g of calf heart - a lowing, wine glass, egg, a little sour cream, olive oil, greens, for beauty (to choose from) - a little sauerkraut, cucumber, walnuts, tomatoes or grenade grains.

The process itself. He cleans and cuts the heart - and she caresses him (putting on his knee). She throws cooking. He scolds wine. Of course, trying. She, of course, tries too. It becomes very romantic. She is uncomfortable, Hands him onions. It cleans, cuts, crying, she grabs in a frying pan with the addition of wine. While the heart is negotiated, romance continues. As jokes - he twisted on the meat grinder. She famously separates the protein from the yolk (it is observed admiring), the yolk cooks, the protein and sour cream sends to the meat (it mixes). She puts meat on the plate, sliced ​​greens and onions (if the romance reached the right degree - then in the form of a heart), it inflicts the last strokes: rubs on top of the yolk or nuts, decorates the composition of the cabbage, figurily with sliced ​​cucumbers, tomatoes or pomegranate branches. Under the remaining in the bottle, romance reaches apotheosis!

"Cake! Because while the cakes are baked, you can relax. And the cream can be stolen ... or erotic to lick. "

Cake banana "Grandpa Freud"

Ingredients: 3 banana, 3 eggs, 300 g of flour, 100 g of butter, on a glass of sugar and sour cream, slightly vanilla sugar. For decoration - almonds, nuts, mint, chocolate, what you want.

The process itself. It separates yolks from proteins, connects them with half sugar and melted oil. He diligently misses the dough. She says: "Well, enough, enough, it is already dense, you are great and mighty!" - And removes the dough into the refrigerator. Hugging, they watch the sunset. Suddenly remember the cake, get the dough, she sinks it (not him! And the dough) on the crash form. It cuts bananas with circles and sprinkles with vanilla sugar, she lays bananas on the dough. It mixes sour cream with powdered sugar, she flashes this thing on top. Now the cake goes into the oven degrees for 180-200 minutes by 20, and they watch the stars. Troubleshooting, prepare cream from the remaining proteins and sugar. "The longer whipping, the more tastier," she says to him with the meaning. Now the cake is extracted out of the oven, it is smeared and not forgotten with it (stole and licking?) - And after another three minutes you can decorate the masterpiece and arrange a different orgy. Gastronomic. And you can and what. If it turns out after such a cake;)

"What needs to be kneaded - for example, tight dough. Or beat. Manually. This is a job for cooks! "

Cake with condensed milk "My sweet"


Ingredients: Finished cakes, a pack of cream oil, a glass of condensed milk, pollia vanilla sugar, a spoon of cognac, lemon juice droplet. You can play with tastes, adding a sulent banana, or cocoa, or a little coconut chips, you can decorate nuts.

The process itself. He asks: "Cute, where our oil! I do not see!" It produces oil from the refrigerator from his shelf at the level of the nose and climbs on the table - to pick up. While you can try cognac - and is it worthy to shade our future divine cream? When cognac will be quite worthy, you can continue. Namely to smoke and rub the oil until the golden crust is planned with muscular hands, armed with a spoon. Now she will definitely add milk with a spoon, and he continues his steady persistent courageous process. It slips the vanilla sugar, drips cognac, then juice, puts "taste additives", and he continues ... Finally, he asks: "Are you already?" That is: "Well, already possible?" She tries and exhales: "Oh yeah!" Now you can miss the cakes, decorate the top - and send a joint masterpiece for the night in the refrigerator. And to dinner with cognac. In the next morning he will bring her to bed of coffee with a cake - and she melts, like oil at the very beginning of our recipe ...

"Where can be sculpted. He, of course, lonts these most ... organs. But you can tell you that your husband is superman - and the baking is also able! "

Ginger cookies "I blindly blind"


Ingredients: 2 cups of flour, a glass of sugar, an egg, 100 g of butter, a bundle spoon, ginger, a bit of a cinnamon, several naviffs.

The process itself. It warms up the oven and makes him a neck massage, and he bravely grinds in the mortar and rubbing ginger on the grater. She adds all this to flour with a baking powder, it whips oil with sugar. She adds an egg and flour with spices, he knead the dough and rolls it until she inspires him and sings his grandeur. Now you can cut together and decorate the figures, lay them on the ardent baking sheet and send it into the oven. Somewhere in half an hour there will be a cozy fragrance and a mimic family holiday!

"Cool, for example, to make such a ratatoo, like in a cartoon ..."

Ratatuus "like in a cartoon"


Ingredients: In a pair of small zucchini and eggplant, pieces of 4 tomatoes, clove of garlic, parsley, you can half a sharp pepper, olive oil, salt-pepper. For sauce: 300 g of tomatoes in juice, bulb, Bulgarian pepper, olive oil, half-spoons of sugar, salt-pepper.

The process itself. She washes vegetables (as he wakes up, everyone understands, not small), he cuts them with circles. Eggplants fall asleep salt in four hands and left alone minutes for 20 minutes. During this time, he and she managed to kiss it three times and to build a sauce. The bow cleans and finely cuts it (do not cry, cute!), It cuts peppers and tomatoes. Now all this takes turns goes to the pan with butter Gold: first onions, then pepper to him, then tomatoes there. He with an important type of spit-pepper and adds sugar, she shoots his deeply tastor gaze to the phone. Now all this is stealing for 10-15 minutes - and half goes on the bottom of the baking. Now she neatly lays out vegetables until the form is filled, and it grows all this with chopped parsley and sharp pepper. It remains to sprinkle with butter, cover with parchment - and an hour to send to the oven (in which degrees 200). Things to do at this hour, we hope you do not need to teach. Only set the alarm clock, and we know you! When he is silent, water your joint brainstorming by the remaining juice - and restore the power exhausted by passions.

"Manty! For them, the meat should be crumbling knives. It is very tedious. But a man can dance his dance with sabers literally. "

Manti "Dance with sabers"


Ingredients: Kilalo Veal - sheltered flour, egg, 3 bulbs, 3 cloves of garlic, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Meat is chopped finely - of course, strong and brave them. You can, of course, twist it on the meat grinder, but it will be less cool and slightly unsports. Mixed (the same) with a crushed bow and a small amount of water. And she still makes a slide of flour, and the survey is a hole - splits the egg into it, poured water and mixes the dough. Here he is with gentle: "Bunny, let's help" continue to knead it, and when it is the necessary texture, and rolls. It cuts the dough on the squares, in each laid on a piece of the filling and gently replaced. Then they both confusedly observe how their overall culinary pride floods in boiling water - and, decorating this lept out with greens and watering sour cream, dried at speed. What is the account who leads? We bet that friendship won, that is, love!

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