Nostalgia Post: Funny stories about how we passed the session



Everyone remembers the scorch of the SCOMOCK program about "from the session to the session ...", but, frankly, the session itself is also quite overwhelming and still time. PICS.RU collected stories about the fighting student past. Such a nostalgia, eh! ..

Through hardship to the stars

Once he handed over the history of foreign literature of the legendary Ninel Ivanovna Vanchikova - a dry bonus old woman, which it is impossible to pass if you do not know all foreign literature by heart. I was ready, but for no hope - on the eve of the evening we celebrated someone's birthday, I slept a little, as a result I came to the exam in a state of very heavy hangover. While I was waiting for my turn, it became very bad, so I accepted a strategic decision: I went to the store, I bought a beer, I discovered, I understood, after which I ran to the toilet to find out the relationship with a white faience friend - very carefully, so as not to sleep clothes, the exam! After that, a non-hard gait went to give up. I passed, it should be noted, on perfectly, but I tried to breathe once again at the teacher.


The case was in the summer, the girlfriend had a drama in his personal life, on this occasion we drank a little champagne, then another champagne, then something else ... In short, I woke up at 13 o'clock in the morning with a vague feeling of some unfulfilled business. After a second, I was painted - the exam in Russian literature! AT 10 O'CLOCK! I lived then in the suburbs, go to the university at least an hour with the best slander, but I went away. He suffered to the audience and so managed - it was the penultimate. With the fear, with a hangover and without preparation, so cheerfully told about women's images from Tolstoy, which did not depart from the cashier received an offer to write on this topic a diploma. Long wondered later, as I had it at all, if I read from the list only Anna Karenina, and then the first volume.

Where I am?


Once in the summer I went to Peter to the concert one day (in the evening there - next evening back). In the morning, when we have already approached Moscow, I came to SMS from the heads of the group, something like "will you come to the offset?" Naturally, I neither knew about this test, but I didn't know anything, but what to do - I went straight from the station. I come, I come to the audience, where my whole group gathered and from all the forces tool, and carelessly so interested "and what we pass?" Everyone, including a teacher who, of course, was at that moment came out to invite the first few people to surrender.

Did not wait!

Somehow it was necessary to hand over philosophy. The teacher was a real philosopher: big, bald, scattered, in glasses with thick glasses, constantly measured the audience with big steps and was very upset that we were not distinguished by Hydegger from Fromma, but not long because I thought that we would do everything and that, in fact, worry. Naturally, everyone was sure that he would be easier to pass it easier and not prepared. What was our surprise when we arrived at the exam and discovered a group that passed before us in tears: the philosopher turned out to be a real beast, Drals from all three skins, plagued by Trok, and he sent a large part at all. I panicked, but I had a printout of answers to the tickets that I convulsively began to cut and lay down on my pockets, challenges of pants, etc. I sit on the floor in the pile of cut paper, and suddenly hear someone calls mine The surname is right on my head. I raise my eyes and see a philosopher who says that, they say, I worked well at seminars, so "excellent" for the exam, he will put me with a machine gun. I overlooked. And he smiled so smiled so much, winked and with the words "But I, perhaps, you have confile!" I took all my sliced ​​cribs. So helping classmates did not work.

mission Impossible


We were waiting for a monstrously complex exam in Matanaliz. Tickets were not pre-given, only a list of topics for which questions will be drawn up is voiced. During the day, another group passed us, and we decided - engineers we or not! - Turn the cunning adventure. The exam was handed over in an old large audience, in which there was a mounted ceiling. But few people knew that this ceiling is a secret way out of the audience. We dressed our girlfriends as a sap spy - in all black, face masks - armed with their phones and cameras and sent to this ceiling. There they lay on carrier beams and in the lumens between them managed to take a picture of almost all the tickets. The only unpleasant moment was that after the exam end, the teacher remained to check the work in the same audience, so that the girls were unscelled from the ceiling, no chance of unnoticed by the girls. So they sat a total of 10 hours on topper. The young were desperate! But as it turned out in vain: the next day the tickets changed.

Circumstances of force majeure

In the first year, I unexpectedly got the opportunity to go to the USA, it was a pity to miss it, and I filed a statement about the transfer of the winter session. It is not large in many ways to take a session in many ways: the teachers are in a hurry and more often put machine guns. My classmates check out this lifehak, and in the summer the dean was littered with such statements. Among the reasons were: the need for all three days at the rustic wedding of sisters, some unsuccessful skin diseases (not interfering with studies) and even a fake invitation to England. Only 2 people made it.

Session all year round

In the middle of the 4th year I was translated from the faculty to the faculty, and from the correspondence form of training for daytime. As a result, it turned out that I had to pass 38 objects of difference. As a result, one and a half years in a row (!) I had one solid session. The last 2 tails closed, after passing the printed diploma in the dean.

And with such an intelligent person ...


On the exam in Russian literature I had a ticket about the Tolstovsky "Confession". After a night shift at work in the morning I came to the exam, half of the texts, naturally, did not read and "confession", of course too. The teacher looked-looking at my torment, flows and wanders and says: "For a person with such clever eyes, you read a lot too little." I was not so embarrassing in my life! But she put Troyban and let go with the world.

Are you a witch?!

I once came to the exam on the history of Ukrainian culture, and we had a teacher - an artist, he said about himself "I am a people's primary svitu" (I am a man from the ghost world) and I did handles in the air. Well, in order to get "5" on the exam, I had not really blinking to answer the question: "Say it if you caress, and vo it's not an hour?" (That is, not the witch if I). I replied that "Zdіbnostі Mai" (there is abilities).

Morality and highness!

And once our exam was delayed for an hour or two, and we were sitting in a squat under the wall in an embrace with abstracts. And then there is a professor of Jossous. Scary pedant. And screams indignantly: "What do you need, rustic sorter?!" I answer something in the same vein - well, everything, I think that this dude I will yield, he will liquefy me with the light, and it will be in our second year, it is necessary to throw from the university. And then in the second year, I loved him very much, it was just such a strict intel of the Soviet hardening was.

The main thing is confident


I had a pretty teacher in psychology, which 50% of the lecture time devoted to the significance of self-confidence. Therefore, I went to the exam and instead of pulling a ticket, put a donkey on the table. And on a questioning look very, very confidently answered: "You said that I have a" automatic ". She pushed and put.

I recognize my brother Kolya

I somehow surrendered a girlfriend at the journalist test on the psychology of a journalist (or something like that). She rarely walked so rarely, so remembering her teacher, in theory, could not. Girlfriend Everything thought out: I had to lie, that the dutch in the dean (so that it was impossible to look at the photo) and ask for an assessment directly to the statement. The test was in the form of a test, I read the tutorial, the abstracts of female friends' girlfriend and wrote it on 4. It seems to be all right ... and only leaving the building, I suddenly realized that I know, I know this teacher! She also led psychology in my faculty, and I, by the way, did not stroll. It is still interesting - she learned me or not, and what thought.

Business - our all

I earned money at sessions - English surrendered for abnormalities in other universities. Five - 50 dollars, Four - forty. They crossed the photo in the counters - and go ahead! Schever, what to take with me!

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