10 Misa Books for All Times



On the eve of the day of all lovers and gender painted holidays, our friends from No-Kidding.ru decided to refresh the memorial books in memory, most of which it also pops up in lists like "80 books that every man should read" or "100 Great Works, which you need to have time to read before your death. "

The book is still the best gift, but some surprises are better to prepare.

1. Trilogy "Rosa Crucifixion" Henry Miller


Henry Miller is a frequenter of any top of the men's twentieth century. Open his autobiographical trilogy and our list.

"Somehow I went to learn from the exchange in Samarkand and decided to read Henry Miller there. The idea was worse you will not come up. I then fought hard on the guy who said that "Sexus", Plexus and Nexus - the best books on earth, so I went to the book, but they were too expensive, so I bought only "Sexus" and "Plexus". And brought with them to Samarkand. I felt alienate, reading them, and then thinking about Tom Guard, and it was so hot, and it was in the summer ... From all this I wanted to be walked. I then did not know what to do with them, because they had these naked women on the cover. In my opinion, I wrapped them into paper and carried it to the garbage. "

Eliff Batuman, from an interview with N + 1 magazine

2. "The story of my disasters" Pierre Abelar, as well as the letters of Abelian and Eloiza


The famous philosopher Pierre Abear relieved to seduce the most educated young maiden in Paris Eloise and succeeded. On a puzzled girl had to marry, although she, being for the twelfth century, was very progressive, assured that this is from all sides the bad idea that the Institute of Marriage extends the passion and ruffles philosophical careers. Abelar decided to hide their marriage from the public and teach, as if nothing had happened. What was offended by Uncle Maiden, who invested forces and money in her education, and waspiled by Abelar. A squeezed husband kneaded into the monks and forced Eloise to also take the monastic san so that she did not get anyone. These events of Abelar describes in the "History of My Disasters" - a work written in the genre "Letter to an unknown friend".

Letters of Abelian and Eloisa produce an even more painful impression than Abelirov confessional prose. From the letters, we conclude that Abelar is not capable of the movement of the soul, while Eloiza is a living, smartest, sincere, sexy woman, for nothing that the nun. Answar Answers will force you to freeze and remind you of all cases when you have found someone's head on your head.

These texts are unlikely to tell you about the "eternal love" - ​​rather that public intellectuals are abusive boyfriends what else to search. One joy - Eloiza lived a lot longer than his spouse and managed to succeed as an effective monastery manager.

"Ah, Peter Abelar! The only person in history that has become a big **** [member], having lost its *** [member]. Although something tells me that he was a narcissistic asshole and before. I know that these letters are a wonderful historical source, but after reading I wanted to go back in time and give Abelian around the neck. And then remove Eloise to the side, explain to her what is inner merges, pour something to stronger and talk about why you should not have things with emotional rapists. "


3. "Farewell, weapon!" Ernest Hemingway


If in your work you imitate Gertrude Stein, try not to be a misogiine, homophobe and anti-Semite. Fight animals for pleasure - also a bad idea. And although Hemingway has something to learn (at least writing short clear sentences, and not like this), if you did not have time to read it in youth, it is likely that you will be difficult for it to return.

"I was absolutely noted at this absorbed, brainless, insensitive main character and his co-dependent, psychologically injured girlfriend-litter. This is not a love story. I feel sorry for everyone who believes it is she. Men hate women are not able to write love stories. No matter how I tried, I was not able to strip out any topic or even the general meaning of this book, except maybe this: "stupid, meaningless tragedies sometimes happen to people who do not care." A couple of times during reading I wanted to cry, but only because alcohol is mentioned almost every page. I literally heard Hemingway spills to death. It broke my heart. "


4. Any book Erich Mary Remarika


It is impossible not to include in this list of the author of the following words:

It seemed to me that a woman should not tell a man that he loved him. Let them tell her shining, happy eyes. They are eloquent any words.

Or such:

Women do not need to explain anything, you should always act with them.

And thousands of others are still.

9.6 / 10 on the objectification scale. 10/10 on a scale of toxic masculinity.

5. Any book Philip Rota


Philip Mother - Honored Misa District, always claiming the Nobel Prize and forever remaining with the nose. Rota loves with us: his creative heritage is almost entirely covered by translations into Russian, as, for example, Alice Manro to Nobel could only dream.

Somehow my girlfriend acquired too attentive boyfriend (and now married him). Deciding that it would be funny to introduce a good guy and the women's writer, I gave him a "humiliation" of the company for the new year. It seems that his book completely seemed to him completely passing, and the mouth in the later things was painted his devilish charge. A young man in order to impregnate the mising of plumps, it is shown to read the company in the years of personality formation.

"- I read the memoirs of his wife about what is married to him. Judging by the book, this is not very fun. - I can not imagine what it is. - He is like an animal. But with this fact, I feel more comfortable, because Philip Roth played in his sick games only with adult women who could be prepared for what he climbs. "Yes, years of preparation took place. - Years! I know. He warned everyone. If you have ever read Philip Rota, and then you think "today there is nothing with him, fun" ... these are only your problems. "

Lena Dunm, Mark Maard, WTF Podcast

6. "On the road" Jack Keroaca


If you read "on the road", it would be good for you to associate yourself with a male protagonist, confident in your depth and sensitivity. Because women in the novel have a short shelf life and fly quickly in the garbage.

"The book could wear the alternative name" the misadventures and chauvinistic observations of a white heterosexual man. " And even it sounds more interesting and not so insulting than the real content of the book. "


7. "Love during the Plague" Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Once a long time ago I took up this book, because the object of my romantic interest she was listed in loved ones. This is a story of a man, all his life faithfully loved one woman and who flipped in the sake of the sports interest of all other women in the world, as well as one child. In general, if you feel that you fall in love with a person who sincerely like this book, take off and run away.

8. "Post Office" Charles Bukovski


I really love Bukovsky very much. For such love, he can love only the young Virgo who read another young Virgin in the blog that the girls fifteen years old should not read Bukowski, and immediately rushing at him to the bookstore. Fifteen-year-old girls are very persistent in their readiness to love contrary to.

"I will never forget how terrible I felt, reading the" Post Office "Bukovsky. The way the narrator describes the thick legs of the ugly woman. It seems that it was the first time the book with which I tried to associate myself, discarded me. Nevertheless, I swallowed it, and, of course, she made me hate her body. "

Dane Quantorie, from an interview magazine N + 1

9. "Rabbit, run" John Appdaika


The most witty characteristic of the Appdaika ("APDIK is simply a member with thesaurus") belongs to Writer David Phoster Wallace. Let's give David to speak more:

"- Appkah, it seems to me that there is not a single unpublished thought. And he has the ability to climb all these thoughts in a very lapidalka prose. But, as in the case of the Internet, 80% of its writings are absolute trash, whereas the remaining 20% ​​are priceless treasures. And you as a reader have to overcome tons of a magnificent empty letter to find at least some life in it. In addition, I think he is mentally ill. - You're really thinking so? - Yeah. In my opinion, he is a nasty man. And if you decide that I don't like it, try to mention his name under Franzen. "

David Foster Wallace, David Lipski, Althought of Corse You End Up Becoming Yourself

10. Any book of Zakhar Prilepina


By a member of the editor of the editor of a progressive urban publication, Zakhar Prilepin works in the genre of "Corrugated Machism". It closes this list with a meeting of all his writings.

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