How to appreciate yourself - recommendations of the psychologist



Prepared, dear, too, you need to be able to. Therefore, we asked help from a professional psychotherapist, Adriana Izh (MSU, IGIP, MIGIP, Doctoral degree in University of Austrian, 3 books on psychology and 9 years of experience - everything is serious), and she told us how to make themselves to mix themselves with dust and drive a broom to the plinth.

This is an instruction for those who like to say: "If I can't kick myself, I will not get anything." For those who seem to talk good about themselves, is a shame. For everyone, who thinks they did not achieve anything, do not achieve and do not achieve.

Surely, you have already tried to devalue yourself, but if you still think that you have anything good in you, it means that it did it not enough professionally. Well, nothing, now we will fix everything, and you are irrevocably destroying your self-esteem.

In the smart texts of the gestaltists there are two types of such processes - denial of themselves and devalidization. Always important, as a scientifically called the process that are engaged in? Well, now you know.

Denial of the ego. That is my own.

That was all not me. Not at all. I was not even close there.

It is important to understand - when depreciation, everything is good must be attributed to others, and all the bad one. Was the vase? I dropped. Won a competition? It was not me.

How not you, your last name?

Very simple. Do not give up.

First, the surname, of course, is mine. But next to it you need to write the name of the teacher. He is the best, this is his work, without him I would not stand nearby.

Secondly, the jury was familiar and sympathetic. Good. Or stupid. I put it undeservedly high marks.

Thirdly, something I was suddenly in my voice. Usually I am a fool-fool, I can't connect two words, I fall in dances, stupid in mathematics. And then the universe somehow eruled and half an hour made a star from me. Another time will not be so.

Fourth, it is generally an accident. Masha had to go to the competition, but she broke his leg, but generally Masha is steeper me a hundred times, and if Masha would have ever, I would never know.

Fifth, it's all mom with dad. If they did not take me in the mugs, did not beat the shovel on the head, did not kiss me in the navel and did not shout that I was inflated scum, then I would not have reached the circles to the circles, I did not learn how to deftly bent, I would not get unconditional love And did not formed a combat.

And the competition would not have won.

Sixth, these are all genes. No, not me. Genes. This is in me, as in the movies, Grandma Agraphen Arkadyevna recreated. So she was Wow. And I, of course, no. But 5% of the Agraphenes of Arcadevna once a year are creating miracles. And in general, the brain is not mine, I got from monkeys. And the feet from Caracatia. So this is not me, of course.

Not my victory. And do not offer, I will not take.



There is another knee, it is important not to get confused. Here you need to destroy the entire value of what is happening. Of course, you participated in the competition. And even won. But in vain.

First, the competition was shit. For morons. Not even so, for superdabils. It would be able to win in it even Chrome Chihuahua, but he did not come, so you won.

Secondly, the judges were idiots. They did not notice the brilliant Vasya, they came out that he was not prepared and fell asleep drunk under a dyssist, in general, talent offended, and gave the prize to you.

Thirdly, of course, this contest you won, but he is generally regional. And there is an all-Russian. World. Allian. Against the background of these contests, it's just a pathetic. And there you, of course, lose, there is nothing to think.

Fourth, well, you won - and what? Where to hang this medal? The houses are already woven the walls, and hangs from the ceiling, no money is not added from it, the life expectancy does not increase, and in general, it is not clear why you are so mumble. It would be better to porridge, honestly.

Fifth, here, by the way, yes - about porridge. While you participate in our contests there, the husband without dinner is curtsy, the child described, and the favorite mother-in-law was carried by a pack of milk from the store. This, firstly, all because of you (see the first point that everything is bad - it's you to blame), and, secondly, instead of contests for morons, it was necessary to feed her husband, to change the children and carry the package of mother-in-law. Well, or screw the light bulbs in his wife and again, to change the children and wash the floors of the mother-in-law. Little, suddenly you are a boy. Well, a girl at all like Cinderella, has the right to contests only after fulfilled the list of cases on five sheets with small handwriting and turned into a pumpkin.

Well, expensive students, remembered, recorded? Here, now you all know, but practice, of course, is still important. Do not forget to practice "this is not me" and "this is all garbage", whatever you do. And then you will be guaranteed to be low self-esteem, poor well-being and complete, the infinite feeling that you are a failure, and the rest or have already been smiling, or is about to share.


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