Manager Daniel - as the main inhabitant of Tinder



Our columnist, Ella Derzay, studied the fat salons of beautiful men in the popular app Tinder and came to the conclusion that Daniyil managers are the main inhabitants. Who are these? Read on

Tinder I use the time to spend time. Touch on beautiful men, if very honestly.

I do not want to meet with them. For several reasons. First, I already meet with someone. Secondly, I'm tired of new people in life. And thirdly - and this is the main thing! - There is almost no one to meet.

For six months, I found that men (Moscow, in Helsinki and Italy and Italy are different) there are three types, with rare exceptions. Moreover, representatives of the first two types are suitable for real dating, if you want specific communication. And representatives of the third type want one: to take away more dough. And their majority in our Russian tinder.

So, mostly wanders in Tinder.

one. Timid . Laiking, but do not write. Waiting for the lady will show the initiative. This also applies to familiar. I met people there, who I already know ten years! Silence like fish. Many of them seem to me - just see came. Most are married or deal with some permanent lady. If you offer them a meeting, promising something unforgettable - some agree. But immediately becomes a shame for their wives and girls, and therefore uninteresting.

2. Fast sex lovers . Most often boring and predictable. Start a dialogue with the question, how passionate you or want to meet right now. Yes, yes, at two o'clock in the morning. You can call a taxi! How do you go to bed?! Do you have a big bed? And what size breasts? How don't you like when you lick? And if you are well licking?

In general, scarlet again.

3. My most favorite. I call them Daniyal managers After one remarkable conversation.


I suddenly liked one of the men. He wrote the first, was the wit, did not ask, giggling, why such a beauty is alone, did not invite to drink coffee immediately or lie down among the meadows. Well, and graduated from Moscow State University, of course, here I have a pointer. I as I hear that the man graduated from Moscow State University, immediately I was doing a downtown.

Well, and here. We talk, it became. As suddenly he does Fint, I have already heard about, and herself repeatedly met. Asks the phone, but not just asks, but with mysterious argumentation. Like, I don't know how to communicate online, and on the phone everything is immediately clear.

I also immediately became clear, but just in case I reported that I hate telephone conversations, and I could easily explore me in Facebook. There, by the way, hangs. But a graduate of Moscow State University suddenly pretended to be mentally retarded and did the form that it was not able to do all these simple movements.

And I gave the phone, just knowing what will happen next.

After a couple of hours, the call rang.

- Hello! Are you Ella? My name is Daniel, I am a marriage manager.

- Thank you bye. I do not care.

- How not to interest? I imagine our customer Vladimir, you impressed it. You are bright and extraordinary.

- I do not think that the client Vladimir exists. And if there is, he does not recognize me.

- Not true! He called me and told me that you were impressed.

- Do you understand that if he suddenly exists, do you turn it into the perfect fool now?


- Why?

- Because only a fool can communicate with a woman you like through the agent.

- No, it's just a serious approach to business! Our client is only interested in serious relationships. Therefore, he turned to us.

- Goodbye, I'm not interested in me.

- Well, how can it be? You are not interested in marriage?

- Not.

- Like this?!

- Like this.


- And a serious relationship?

- Serious relationships are interested, but, sorry, not with fools fools.

- Client Vladimir is a very serious person! He is rich!

- Well, hurt. Why did this customer have not paid the information that I hate talking on the phone?

I almost put the phone, but here the manager Daniel issued the following PA:

- How long have you been alone?!

- All my life! A person comes into this world lonely. Conducts his life alone. And leaves lonely.

- Like this? And how old are you?

- Daniel, stop. You have a very nice voice, but I'm not interested in your agency. The fact is that on the Internet all your schemes are painted in detail. Further you will appoint me a meeting, and then offer to make a photo session or pass a special training, because Client Vladimir has found the happiness of his life on the other, but you have many more respectable customers. Which I like it, if I do a photo session.

-It is not true! On the Internet everything lie. We are a serious agency, and all serious people turn to us, because they are seriously suitable. And not frivolous. Agree, a serious approach is very important?

- Goodbye, Daniel.

- Ella !!! Wait. You are alone. Do not want to find your soul mate? And to gain women's happiness thanks to this? What if this is Vladimir?

- I do not believe in halves. Bye.

- You are welcome!!! DO NOT HANG UP. After all, you are alone! And the client Vladimir ...

- Daniel, Sunny. If the client Vladimir existed, he would call me himself. Or at least a mother sent. You did not think about introducing pseudo-moms to your agency? Great after all looks. A hundred-year-old man is afraid of getting acquainted with the lady, and therefore sending Mamuly. Girls that are struck by such an elegant approach, hundreds run to special trainings.


- Ella, do not let go! On the Internet they write a lie. I hear your distrust in my voice. But serious people appeal to us to find the second half. And find her! And you may also find, because you probably tired of loneliness!

- Goodbye, Daniel.

However, we passed another three or four terms of this dialogue before the Daniel manager realized that he would not succeed with my help. And only then said goodbye, finally.

I sent a client to Vladimir to Tinder message that I was ready to work someone's mom's when they would understand that it was necessary. After all, a woman will always persuade the woman faster, she will not carry a ridiculous nonsense about loneliness and women's happiness.

And what do you think? After a couple of days from someone from the pretty guys, a message came: Hello, I Olesya. You really liked my customer Vasily.

I want to be avoided at the end of ugly morals, but nevertheless: girls! If someone from Tinder asks your phone exclusively because of the fact that online communication is not that - beware of the scammers! If you write or call the Daniel manager and rubs about serious relationships - Beware of scammers! And if you want to meet you, then in the world there are plenty of real men who have learned to communicate with women themselves.

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