Horoscope: as the signs of the zodiac come to a pension


It only seems to be a pension - it is far away. If you ask your grandmother when she went to school, the grandmother will turn around and say: "Em ... yes, just yesterday." Therefore, you venture to look into the future. It's not so terrible.


Capricorns live under the oppression of obligations and for a clear plan: here I have to, here I must, and here we wrap the fish. He gets tired so that it can easily forget how old he is. Therefore, the pension on the cluttered Capricorn falls completely unexpectedly, and, first, he flows into a wild depression. And then inspecting, it understands that the alarm clock can be turned off, and, on joys, falls into childhood, starting to believe in wonders, aliens and Santa Claus.


All the life of Aquarius live according to the principle: "Cute universe, and you can skip all this garbage in my life and immediately go to the part where I travel around the world?". Therefore, the pension for Aquarius is a gift of fate. Well, since the Aquarius and at a young age care about what others will think about them, on the slope of the years this skill progresses to the terminal stage, and old women are doing a cashier in the stores of funny hats, gloves and river pearls.


Fish is used to panic "I die." At the same time, the average fish, guaranteed, will survive us all, but these are already details. Fish, usually sit on the sofa and come through the missed opportunities, passing the remaining. The most funny that fish, however, have a unique gift - it's not easy to desperately believe in a fairy tale, but also infect these others. Therefore, sorry for fish nothing about anything - they can still have to get married three times, divorce, marry, ward and get married again.


The kipache energy of the Aries does not give them to notice age. What is terribly complicated by the life of others - while the departure of the field of light industry is waiting for the boss to retire, the summer replaces the winter, and so - once twenty. As a result, the deputy officer snaps from longing, disappointment and, of course, age, and his place occupies another and also begins to hope hopelessly. For Aries is retired only forward with legs, and the health of the Aries is strong.


Taurus on retirement finally turns into a silica. No matter how much this life remains, you need to have time to go everywhere, revise all the best films, re-read all the monuments of human literature and, of course, devastated all the tasty, which is still left in the bins of the homeland, the refrigerator and the French restaurant next door. Perhaps, just for the last good benefit of the Taurus and retire with a full majority of large beautiful banknotes.


For twins, the pension is the expected opportunity to quit pushing themselves on the affairs of all yellow and make a favorite thing. At the same time, the twin, as a rule, does not know what particular thing he is - the most favorite. Drumkruzh? Circle by photo? As a result, the twin will try both. And if you read in some holographic pics.ru of the future motivating story about the old woman, which in 98 years began to draw pictures, and now put in the Metropolitan of the Museum, then it will definitely be the age of twins.


For cancer, pension is a real holiday. Because cancer either tolerate can not work, in principle, or has already earned all the money, and may finally, with a clean conscience, give itself the whole family and completely. And for grandchildren and great-grandchildren begins standard children's hell with boilers: "Did you try?", "Are you in the hat?" And "Lord, I don't have enough health for you ... where you went - attempt and the cap is put on!".


Oh, the lion on pensions is the natural queen mother. With perfect make-up, manicure, pedicure, a bunch of fans, handbags, hats and scarves on the neck. Regardless of the number of listeners (although, as a rule, she collects many listeners around him), the lion will smoothly smile and detail, with metaphors, hyperboles and successful jokes to explain these inequers as they need to live.


Virns are very afraid of old age and try to pull it out in every way. That is why they refer to pensions with mournful humility: Yes, on the one hand, it is a sentence, in the morning execution, and, on the other, you can spend the vacant time for walking and even jogging. To be in shape, and live, at least one hundred years in the sad waiting for the executioner at dawn.


Pension weights are not allowed, because they are confident that they faked the passport. Estente-scales are rotated not only on beautiful things, in principle, but also on their own appearance, in particular. Therefore, by any ways, dependent and independent of the wallet, the scales will manage to preserve the charm if not youth, then, at least, early maturity. Plastic, Botox or cucumber ass - not the essence, the main thing is that weighs, maximum, forty, what kind of pension, what are you talking about?


Before the invention, Viagra, scorpions to pension turned into philosophers that rethinking their violent youth until writing scientific works. But after the pharmacological breakthrough, it lost its meaning, because in retirement you can have sex even steeper than at the Institute - no need to get up on the first pair, Yo-Hu! And let the scientific works write raki until the grandchildren sleep.


Obedient Sagittarius honestly try to behave in retirement and fit. But they are not enough for a long time. Sagittars are afraid of old age, so they load themselves according to the full program, setting up a new job or at least on the freelance. Moreover, they will be loaded so to be desperate to beat in Deadline networks and promise themselves: "I will retire, I will behave in a stepwise, fit and even, honest pensioner, will be remo."

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