How to talk with a child about violence


Flashmob # YanebolessAncup opened the abyss. It is difficult to believe how many children asked violence in one way or another. But even more difficult to believe that the parents did not know anything. So that it is not to be such a parent, learn to speak with a child about sex and violence correctly.

Teach him to call things about their names

This is not a pate or a thing, it is a vagina and penis. This is the scrotum, and this is the clitoris. Here we have nipples, here anus, for me and you - ass, but it's just for you and me. Children should not be shying their body, none of his part, be it hand or vulva. Victorian speculation leads to the fact that the child falls into a stupor from shame or horror if someone takes him "Well, there." Because parents have always hinted that everything between the legs is so shameful that it cannot be called.

Not nervous about sex

All parents want children to really be innocent, like angels. But it is not. Children show the most interest in sex. Already at the age of 5, they masturbate and play the doctor. And this is not your pedagogical omission is a completely normal process. Who ceases to be normal when you fought a child in rage for the fact that he touches something unauthorized. When the rapist does the same and asks not to tell anyone, the child will not tell.

May I understand that the body belongs to him

Nobody, never under any circumstances has the right to touch him if he is against. Even if he is older. Not always who is older, that's right. In this sense, the practice of coercion to physical contacts ("Kiss Uncle Vitu!") Very, very vicious.

Do not run

Yes, violence exists. And parents from this in a panic. Those who decide to talk to the child on this topic, do not hide panic - the more child will be funked, the safer, so? No not like this. The more child is intimidated, the greater the chance that, what happens to what it will tell you anything. Because it is impossible to go to the kitchen so much like this and bring this nightmare. You will be upset. Carry me. You vault. You will say that I warned. Well no. In the consciousness of the child, parental anger or risk upset mom sometimes stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. And this applies not only to the kids - cases where schoolchildren tried to commit suicide, just not to show the parents with a reprimand - not such a rarity.

Pay attention to the child

The smaller the child receives him from you, the greater the risk that he will show the most interest in the attention of the rapist. And the rapist is not necessarily a terrible villain like Karabas-Barabas, it can be a pleasant polite uncle, who, unlike you, I wonder what this child is building from the leaves and sticks. And he has a real designer at home. Let's go with a cosmodrome from it!

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