The offensive forgetfulness of our moms. Real stories



It's a shame when parents come with us unfairly. Another moreover, when they deny any oversight or conscious nastiness, which we did. And do not understand, purposefully pretend or really forgotten.

It is clear only that they are very unhappy with our memoriality. We asked readers and readers to share our collision stories with the offensive or strange forgetfulness of the parents.

The culprit of our poverty

My mother, for example, I forgot how I demanded to give her a scholarship, appealing to the fact that my gift for 18 years was more expensive than she planned.

And in the first grade, she invented that she was reduced by salary for my bad ratings. I had a panic, since I was not easy to let the letter, and the teacher was authoritarian and constantly oral. When I reminded, my mother said "Yes, I probably played with you."

And I forgot how when I was twenty, my brother peeps saddown to me in the bathroom, and she did not do anything to help. You, they say, it seems that you will want to look at you ... The boy was "good," the sober in our house did not appear.


When I was twelve for years, my mother was sick, did not get up - she had no one's leg. She all treated it for a long time and drove me for all boring-feed almost continuously. Plus, she had something in his head, she checked everything and rechecked: whether the window was closed, whether the gas was turned off, whether the towel was turned off ... more precisely, I drove me to check and did not calm down, I was loud and scared at the entire apartment. And when I stopped the time to run and I began to scream in response - "closed, turned off, did not dry," she cursed me and announced that I was no longer a daughter. Winter was, night, outside the window dark, in the room dark (the light annoyed it). It has always been opened to okay and sinking, but before that she didn't shine curses, I was wildly frightened and perceived very seriously.

And when I grew up, it turned out that this was not, she does not remember. Well, osteochondrosis treated ... and that's it.



Our mom master such jobs. There was no and everything here. Sometimes a different picture of the world is found in amazing places.

For example, I have received an increased scholarship since 1986. At first, five rubles (the base was 50), then 25 rubles, then I had a scholarship council and then Lenin. Then graduate school, then immediately salary. I lived with my parents, my mother was retired from the end of my studies (and then worked on the Council of Veterans, then in court), and Pope has been disabled since 1987.

While there was a scholarship, I left everything that was over the base. And this money bought books, clothes, food outside the house, tram tickets. Food at home and rent - here I gave 50 rubles to my parents. And when I started working, I gave home half of earnings. If you consider that from 8 am to 10 pm, I was at work from 8 am (there and it was fed - on my half of the salary) - then the share I made to the family budget can be considered normal.

I started working in 1992, and in 1997 I got married and we finally divided the budget - I paid my share of rent and total expenses (such as Crane), and my husband and I already fed from our refrigerator. Motally sometimes shot each other's money, then I have 5 rubles, they have them. The usual young "wedding the parents did" we also didn't have, all the last sandwives we paid themselves. For we are both working, what are parents in old age?

And what would you think? What does my mom remember about the nineties, when did I just work at the university? What do you think, what share of my financial participation remained in her memory? Zero.

For breakfast, she had to the word and here:

- You did not give anything from scholarships and salaries. Yes? Cho, gave? Half? True, what? Oh, probably. Well ... it's logical, probably ... And I thought you didn't give anything. Well, probably ... since you say so, then probably ...

I'm so frightened that he began to choke. How much there is still there, from the series "You did not give anything" - I do not know ...

Does he marry you after this?

When I decided to part with a former husband, my mother betrayed "Why did you need to marry?" They lived with her husband by that time together for five and a half years. Still denies that "it was necessary to marry" just because she herself insisted: six months of our living together with the future then husband every phone conversation with mom (long-distance, it should not be noted, there was no mobile connection) Began to hysterically "and you filed statement?"

Not really you wanted


At the age of 16, incredibly wanted to become a doctor, even worked in a sprocket, and the corpses were not embarrassed, and that the work is difficult. In the medical institute in Armenia, it was possible to enter only the grandmother or the tutor was aware, so he thought over the plan: first in the medical school, and after it and to the institute. Mom seemed to support, said that she would take the documents in the school itself, and then pulled-pulled, until it became late. On my words "How I wanted to become a doctor" says now that I am inventing and never happened.

Yes, I all the soul!

When I started a joint life with a girl, Mother at some point announced: "Or I, or she." Right everything was solemn and grandiose. Soothe Mother succeeded, but hardly. Well, now she, natural, does on the memories of the initial confrontation of big eyes and says "I? Never! What do you say so? "

Perhaps over time, I would accept the fact that mom's memories are not like mine. But a stubborn addition to the denial of my phrases "Always, you invent all the nonsense" - this is such a fair portion of salt into the wound of resentment ...


My mother claims that I, though I studied in the boarding school, stayed at home every evening (Yeah, yeah, and I went crazy and remember this damn bed, coated before the floor, in delusion). And grandmother (before school) lived from the strength of the month. From about 6 to 8 years old, I have lived, my mother explained to the repair in our apartment. Moreover, when I returned to my mother's apartment, even the wallpaper was the same, only parquet Otzkichell.

The boarding school was Hindi. Mom tells that he gave me because of my talents to the tongues, so that I teach Hindi, and I spent the night at home every night. Maximum once a month in Pope, and at once a month in both grandmothers. And I remember how specially totted the door from the closet at school and slept on this door, putting it on the bed, because otherwise the springs to the floor hung, it was impossible to sleep at all.


We live for some time not in Russia. Now Mom, critically evaluating the surrounding reality, constantly rejoices that we observe all this no longer from the inside, but outside. But absolutely does not want to remember how we needed about "who we need there" and led me as an example of Ahmatov, which "was then with my people ..." says that almost from school told: "learn and leaving." Unfortunately, the ending of the phrase was different. And no matter how it could be such in the 1980s.

Praise Uncle


My uncle on Father is a pedophile. When I told about his mother's plains, Mom said that I would not bother to talk about it to anyone, especially my father - he would kill his brother in place. And the uncle after Afghan, on the head of the patient, you can only regret it. Quote, yes. In general, one thing I had joy - he lived in another city and came intensely. The day was completely small, he only had enough enough. At night, I made my way to the crib, under the pretext of the fact that I had a type of toy fell to the floor, he came to put it in the crib, and grabbed everywhere. And I didn't believe my mother - and I also demanded that I would not raise the scandals, like, do not disgrace me in front of people.

Then, when I was about 12, we went to the guests to visit, for a week. And we were sister and sister in his room. In short, the innocence was deprived of his native uncle, under the side of the sleeping senior sister - also with his parents behind the wall. I didn't say anything to anyone. He knew that it was useless and did not believe.

Already later, many, many years later, when I already had my daughter, my mother was trying to ask me when I started a sex life. Well, I told. Mother was enough for the heart and asked why I didn't say anything to her and dad, when everything just started, they would not be typed type and other blah blah blah. Well, how did not say, I answer, I said, and more than once. You herself said to be silent, because the shame of the family and all that.

In general, Mother does not remember anything like this. And not remember - it means there was not. Moreover, I was again told: "Well, after Afghan, a sick person, what to take from him" ...


I worked from thirteen years, that is, since 1989. The dad in the workshop filled outflares and tables working for salary. Dad was the boss, chased me scary for blots, Mom comforted, in general, somehow everyone participated. From 13, I did not take my pocket money from my parents, from 15 years gave private English lessons, there the beginning of the 90s ... In short, all this story brought me up with a responsible girl who always has his own money and she is proud to do not burden his parents. All books, all outdoor clothes, all ice cream, I bought all the gifts to my own. Recently came a conversation with my parents. Did you work? - asked dad. I have? Received 25 rubles? Tabel? Did not take pocket money? - Mom asked, who really wants me to be perfectly happy childhood. The fact that I went nuts is nothing. That's what I thought they had to remember. It is terrible to think that they have in general about me.



When I still lived together with my parents, we had for those times a fairly advanced 286th comp. And for almost ten years, my parents satisfied with the dramatic scenes, so that I did not even think of installing the programs, picking up in the gland and the more study the assember - "this is a computer! And you hto? " As a result, I scored stupid about this case. Then, after another a few years, it came to them that the "PC user" with a certificate of courses - it's a cool type! And they began to cut me, so that I went to courses, where it is taught to use Windows, Word and Excel. Explanations that I can spend such courses yourself, and what to get a job with a salary of 100,500 dubbang per month I will not help me such a certificate, the effect did not have. It was previously about to get on such work for ten years (when competition was much lower, and my knowledge on the topic is much more relevant) they did not give me, they, of course, forgotten.

Go away

The story number was drawn quite a long time. My mom had a pretty cruel way to stop all my attempts to explain what I don't like something. The wording was simple: you're in this house - no one, do not like it - I went out from here. It was said to be tone ... Well, businesslike. It was seriously said. Not a joke. Structurally so.

As a result, I have already thought out the options in six for years: where I will go, if I really find out on the street. If during the day. If at night. If in the summer. If in winter. Where can I spend the night - if you leave for midnight. How not to freeze - if winter. I even had a whip for some time - the ruble three, and hidden outside the house: if they put it quickly, so that I would not have time to gather. I knew where there are warm basements. Where you can hide from the rain ...

My father did not know about Mother Emaster. When I tried to tell him about it - the conversation was overhearding the mother. Of course, she accused me of inventing and talked. When I turned thirteen years old, all this somehow came out "No." For years, thirty, I decided to ask my mother direct question: what was it at all? what for? And received the answer: "You invent, there was nothing like that. At least I do not remember this! "

The family, by the way, was by no means marginal.

The second story was mysterious. And also from the series "You all invented!" I don't know why, but my mother did not love me. Specifically so. Whether because I was in many ways a copy of the mother-in-law, either because I am the first child - "planted" her houses with diapers, or ... I don't know why.

This was especially revealed when my younger brother was born. It was then that I drew attention to the fact that our mother calls in a conversation with his father in different ways. Speaking father about me, the mother spoke "your daughter." Speaking about Brother - "Our Son." To fold two and two, I knew how to go to my then five to six years. If I am "Forth's daughter", and brother is a "common child", then that means that? This means that my mother is not native. Step by which I was imposed. And she did not really want. I found a bunch of confirmation of this in all sorts of homely trifles.

Eight years got courage and asked her senior aunt - where is my native mother, is she alive? Aunt (the older mother sister, who grown her after the death of his parents) arranged sister a terrible head, and the son-in-law (my dad) fired ... When I remembered this story in ten years - I was told that I am inventing any nonsense, nothing was , do not blame!

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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