7 Best Picnic Dishes without Mangala


Why is it necessary to drag a hundred kilograms of meat to nature, which flows in the trunk, and then, desperately fighting with firewood and rally and waiting for the smoke, five hours to fry him? You can get into the forest without these difficulties, making the dishes of the house simple in transportation.

Layered roll


Ingredients: Dough layerless bearing - 200 gr, zucchini - 2 pcs, any solid cheese - 150 gr, ham - 200 gr, egg - 1 pc, salt, sesame.

How to cook: Tuccini peeling on thin slices and fried on a slightly satriped frying pan, sodium cheese, in the ham is better asked to cut back in the store - they will have thin petals.

Shatter dough and spread it on the baking sheet, covered with baking paper. In the middle along the leaf of the dough lay out zucchini, then ham and, final chord, cheese. Roll dough from sides So that it turns out the roll, lining it with egg, sprinkle sesame and baked in the oven at about 25 minutes.

Warm black sandwich with liver


Ingredients: Rye bread, packaging of cream cheese, on a small piece of Edam and Cheddar, sheltered chicken liver, salted cucumbers, salt, butter.

How to cook: Liver of slip, dry and cramp on butter creamy - and however, you can not care and buy a finished roasted liver in cooking.

The top half of the sandwich smear of cream cheese, put a slice of salt cucumber. To the bottom laying out the liver (you can take it), peeling it with grated certore and edam and send one minute to the microwave. And then simply connect the halves and Ponte for the sake of the sake of the sake of their own crafting eco-paper.

Fish Kish.


Ingredients: Any solid cheese - 150 gr. Sour cream 20% -100 gr, broccoli - 100 gr, smoked salmon - 100 gr, flour - 1 cup, butter - 150 gr, egg yolk, salt, 3 tablespoons of water, green onions.

How to cook: Hands in the crumb of flour with butter, add yolk, salt, water and wrath dough. Putting out his shape, arranged the aircraft with a height of about 3 cm. Ground cheese, sour cream, peeled fish and boiled broccoli mixes and pour into the mold, and on top of sprinkling with green onions. Bake at 180s about 35 minutes.

Potato Muffins


Ingredients: 4 potatoes, sour cream - 150 gr, solid cheese - 50 gr, dill, salt, black pepper, flour - 1 tablespoon, vegetable oil.

How to cook: Clear potatoes, cut into small thin slices, sprinkle with pepper, salt and flour. Fry in oil on a strong fire until the crust appears, then cover the lid and leave on a small fire, so that the potato soften.

The cooler, mix with greens and grated cheese, put in molds for the muffins, fields of sour cream and baked at 200 ° C half hour. Then add sour cream and grated cheese on a large grater.

Road Julien


Ingredients: 4 strong buns with crisp crust, 1 chicken leg, onions - 2 heads, teaspoon flour, 6 tablespoons sour cream, salt, pepper, solid cheese - 100 gr, vegetable oil.

How to cook: Mowed onion with rings and fried to translucent, then add flour, mix and turn off. The chicken leg of Swari, take metox from it and devour small pieces. Sodium cheese on the grater. Mix all ingredients with sour cream, lingering and across.

Sold up at the board the top and pull the flesh, so that there is a sort of capacity. In the rope, put the filling, supper the remains of the cheese and baked in the oven for about 15 minutes. Cutting cut-off bread paint. There are spoons, eat dishes.

Watermelon Lemonade with Basil


Ingredients: A glass of water, ¾ Sugar glasses, a glass of fresh basil leaves, a watermelon of medium fatness, a half-table of lemon juice.

How to cook : Swari Syrup from sugar and water (enough 5 minutes, if only sugar was dissolved). Remove from the fire, fright basil and leave for an hour. While Basidik is mocking, grinding in a blender Powerpus mek and pollution through a sieve. Do the same with basilic syrup, mixed watermelon juice and syrup, add lemon juice and bulk bottles.

Sweet sandwiches "Elvis"


Ingredients: White bread, 2 ripe banana, peanut butter, butter.

How to cook: Friends of the fork bananas in porridge. Namazh one bump banana bread, and the second - peanut butter. Slug all together and fry on both sides on the butter, until it is shoved. It is a tasty, but calicly calorie, and what a passion for such pieces can lead to, looking at the later photos of Elvis Presley. But you're on a picnic, there is a badminton and volleyball, so it is okay, sometimes you can.

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