7 myths about how to save breasts from the sagging, in which it's time to stop believing


Our time places the appearance of women a lot of requirements. One of them is a high breast. An indication of the sagging breast is one of the favorite trolls on the Internet, it enters, perhaps, in the top 10 insults in frequency and pretty, along with, for example, overweight and shape of the legs. It is not surprising that women are trying to take all measures to respond to age change in the form of the breast.


Dr. Fuead Hamza, a plastic surgeon with 20 years of experience, annuls the effectiveness of the 7 most popular myths on how to prevent the bustling of the chest.

Myth 1. Exercises for breast muscles

Yes, these breasts are undoubtedly useful. But not for the part for which we raise. They strengthen well and develop the chest muscles that are under women's breasts, and do not help strengthen the smooth muscle skin fibers or supporting ligaments.

Dr. Hamza explains: "The chest pulley depends on the state of the skin and the size of dairy gloys. With age, the skin tone falls, the dairy glands are reduced. " That is, the chest not only falls, but also becomes less filled and, it means less elastic.

Myth 2. If in a bra even to sleep, the chest will remain high

Even Holly Berry admitted in an interview, which enjoys this way of preventing breast accusation. Alas, notes Dr. Hamza, this is an incorrect idea of ​​prevention. "The bra helps give the breast the desired shape and the view right now, but without it the breasts returns to its natural mind. Moreover, the wearing bra can strengthen the accusation, since weakens the natural ability of the breast to self-sustain. " Bundles and leather in the bra do not resist gravity and get used to "lazy".

Myth 3. Water massage - just a miracle


Many people believe that the massage with cold water makes the cloth shrink, from which the breast is tightened and its form improves, says Dr. Hamza. Without a doubt, cool water helps improve the tone and elasticity of the skin of the chest, but all the chest will not make an elastic and completely age-related changes can not be prevented, alas.

Myth 4. Breast saves from too big cups of bra

They are located there almost without support and can be gravitated as they want. However, there is not a single scientific confirmation of this opinion. The worst thing that can happen to breasts in too spacious cups of bra - it will seem less than it really is.

Nevertheless, Dr. Hamza recommends women to pick up linen in size and shaped breast. Just because it is more convenient to use.

Myth 5. Running Prevents Breast Charging

Sport in general, of course, health. However, in the exercise of sports that suggest an intensive movement, the only way to prevent the accusation is to use special sports underwear. Bundles and smooth muscle fibers from excessive load are not only not strengthened, but even, on the contrary, redistributed and lose tone.

Myth 6. Exercises on breast muscles reduce the chest itself


Some believe that from this she saves rags, others, on the contrary, joyfully indulge in the dreams about how she tightens. However, there is not a single evidence that the exercises for breast muscles somehow act on the size of dairy glasses. Another question is that girls actively engaged in sports decreases the volume of fatty tissues. Including in the chest. Whether it saves, it depends on the tone of the skin and ligaments.

Myth 7. In general, nothing can prevent the bustling

100%, of course, no. But Dr. Hamza argues that something can be done so that the process go much slower. Follow your health, properly and well eat, do not practice abrupt discharges (and sets) of weight, do not avoid sports, do not smoke, take care of the skin of the chest from excess ultraviolet - all this will greatly support the chest. Special creams that increase the skin tone, moisturizing it and slowing her aging.

Based on Dailymail

Retelling text: Lilith Mazikina

Photos: Yuangeng Zhang and shutterstock.com

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