Gorky bread mother son. When children do not grow even as adults


We thought that the complaints about the excess of maternal love - the lot of girls. But the old-pretaraya, from the paper magazine "End of Epoch", the article of Denis Gorleov responds to our hearts, as if we wrote it, only the floor is different. And the problems are the same: "those whom Kutali, alone those who married, and beat those whom they were accomplished."

There is no greater attack for a person than parental love. Real. Blind. Manic.

Call home-and-I-I-la. Most troubles are beaten individually outside, and only this corrosive from the inside daily, in the fullest age. Even gnusi, as a prison, sum and army, deform the identity is no more than the daily requirement to wear a scarf. You eat carrots. Eat an apple. Seagull do not want?

An hour later we will dine. In half an hour we will lunch. After 15 minutes we will dine. Where do you go, my hands. Just not too late. And Misha is not you? And how much did he leave? And he put on the hat? She got married? So are you because of this only? She's not worth it, a stupid provincial girl. Why do you yell on me all the time? I spend you. I'll meet you. Time for you to sleep. It's cold outside. Make as follows. Opt ears. Do not print it, I'm afraid. Do not drink raw water, do not drink raw water, do not drink raw water.

Your Macade is worn around the quarter in slippers, looking for you. Thank you, I thought, give a cigarette. "The main thing is to agree with everything, taught his friend in misfortune. Rings in the evening from the station: Meet. Dress up. Go to the hallway, they say: you will not go anywhere, late. Well, I will not go anywhere. Undress. Go. Again, we dress and quickly leave, not paying attention to the screams on the stairs. "

He is neurasthenik, my friend. Boxer and neurasthenik. Wild combination. Three years live in Germany without parents, with her family, and still neurasthenik. Loves "inborn killers." I understand it. People have not seen not given. They are easy and indulgent.

When they say that your own grandfather is seriously ill psychopath, because five minutes after the call of the riding home of the Sorokaleny daughter, inversely in the door eye and fifty minutes stands, they are instructed, they say that when you have your own children, then you will understand. They are just happy fools. To them, in the forty years later to smoke-shower, never had a 65-year-old father and did not take home, because it was too late.

They are naive laughing and offered, as a last resort, exchange an apartment. They are not uncommon that a person who saw famously parental love does not know how to exchange an apartment. God forbid, so that he could pay at least for her. He knows how much nothing. Decisions. Take praise. To live together. Fit. Give up To keep distance. Give in the face. Buy. Repair. Respond. From horror in front of the world, he hates people much stronger than they deserve.

The exterior love for him the drug, which he always received free and healthy hooked. Narcotic dependence progresses, hysterical mother love is already lacking, severe hallucinogens are needed, and they do not give them.

And he doesn't know how to love, because for love you always need a distance, and he kissed since childhood, and I'm not used to give away, but also knows how burdens love for her object, and instinctively tries not to strain cute Him people.

Starting the throw between "I worry" and "I am God", painful dooms, reflection, a look at yourself from the side that cannot but exacerbate. When in an expensive restaurant, you imagine yourself with strange eyes, immediately begins to tremble a hand, and everything falls from the fork.

An adult beloved child is the Crown Prince, whom Humanly let go to live after the dad cut off his head. Better used not let go. Better finish right away. The combination of tyrant and infant in one soul reliably cuts off a person from humanity. Further my mother's help is no longer necessary: ​​loneliness sharpens and spoils the prince alone; The tragedy is already self-loaded, he is able to reproduce it himself.

However, if the mother has not yet died, she will always find time to call and ask that he has driven today and where it has contacted yesterday. It has long been the scourge of whole nations. A friend who returned from Israel was told that a whole generation of eternal inexpensive children who passed by the pogrom and crematorium increased there. Children who have never become adults, because they will be imposed on old age that they looted, and do not let go outside, because there are dogs, cars and criminals.

So the world is divided into two more signs. On one side, nervous lonely slugs with suicidal inclinations live, to the old age trying to seem cool. On other lungs, festive, all your favorite swiveles, up to the old age with money and sticks. They are fine.

At the time of their puberty, parents were engaged in work, each other, a device of personal life, but not with love for Chadam. Someone the father-director at the age of 16 left the apartment with money for two years and left with her mother on the expedition.

Someone the father-academician in the same 16 stated: "Further himself. Here is your room and breakfast at home, and the rest is not our business. " Someone has no father at all, and Mom and still berry again. "So, these are the right children, they can be released some, not that my", calmly tells any professional mother and soling. These are not wrong children are the right parents.

At the age of 16, you can throw one and you need any person except Serge from the book "The fate of the drummer", which is selling the burgeant, then spies will sweat.

In the incomplete society, the prince is always unhappy beggar, an infant of the university, LED Sawyer Heclberry Finn. Some life passes in complaints and dreams, among others in fiction and adventures. Some ride to friends to complain about the existence, the other secret from the wife to borrow another Lyalka, happy and grateful. Some months think it would be necessary to wash the floor, other half a day exercise new housing.

Some tightly wipes in their apartment, others change the keys like gloves, shooting, marrying and guests from friends. The military registration and enlistment offices can never find them, and if they are found, they are stumbled into confidently and quickly made by otmaz, and if they grab, then the Vanki-stands are easily in the secret, in the drawing, in the orchestra, and without any protection, since childhood, accustomed to decide Problems. In combat "fuel oil" served since childhood wrapped Chad. Back they come with a doubled Meroboyaznie, closure and hate to humanity. Rodin sorts gray whiskey them and immediately recommends to get dwelled.

This is a quiet, deaf, mechanical obstruction. In order for the child to be healthy, it is drunk in bed in the middle of the fourth grade and after the new year and three hours are satisfied with sobs in the pillow. In order for her daughter as quickly asked for the mind and became happy, she was told, what kind of in vain lived life of the fool, on his birthday, with champagne in his hands, in the form of a toast.

Sticky, like a lollipop, enthusiastically, like a flower cleaner, deaf, as an honorary guard, the parents are stubbornly and viciously do not want to see those whom Kutali, alone those who married, and beat those whom they were accompanied. They are methodically defending their right to love, while the most brave in the assumptions of children does not occur to protect themselves. This I must be proud of my daughter, and she is a fool and twenty-five lives with a margin. I want it to make the son to celebrate the birthday of the house with me, and what he wants it no matter.

I'm worried when you are not at home, so die, and be ten. And the fact that you, suppose, got used to the frost and slept on the snow more than once and not ten, it did not see you, I did not see you there, and I didn't hurt my heart, but here it is expected to go. Another live father, very correct uncle, said once my mother: "If you never got married, your daddy would run around you, sorry, clapping wings and would be happy."

In general, I understand why Zhenya Lukashin from the "Irony of Fate" to thirty six there was no family. He had Mom. That is the most. World.

Source: Fantlab.ru.

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