7 things that lesbians want to say to their heterosexual girlfriends (18+)


Lesbians have to face the same issues and situations in a circle. It would be better to clarify them in advance, so that here are seven things that lesbians would like to tell at least their heterosexual girlfriends.



When you say that it is not at all against such as we, just not to protrude, it means: you can hug your beloved at the station, but I don't have a loved one; You can kiss on a date in the park, and I - no; You can come to the corporate party, where you are invited to a couple, and have fun there with your loved one, and I have no favorite.

You call the protrusion of ordinary human belongings that allow yourself personally, but I do not. It does not look like "I'm not against". It looks exactly the opposite. Are we exactly girlfriends?

# 2.

I do not understand why, discussing same-sex marriages, you are talking only about male anal sex and the fact that the receiving parents can pester children. Film parents and without gays from time to time stick to children (and this is called pedophilia, and not the same-sex love), should follow social services. And same-sex marriage, first of all, not about male anal sex. He is about thousands of purely female couples who together raise already existing children and want the same to have the right not to be solved with them in some critical situation. He is about keeping each other by his hand in resuscitation, take condolences to the funeral (because you have the right!), Do not steam, how to explain to officials that the body must give you from abroad if that. Sex people are perfectly engaged without marriage, count up?

# 3.

In our pair, no one man, open his eyes, it is called lesbian because we are both women. Rough or delicate, dry or emotional, completely different or very similar. What can generally induce, looking at two women, ask which of them a man? Names "Anya" and "Lena" seem to you too unisex?


We are not against family values. When we want to get married, it is precisely because we are for family values. Friendship by families, wedding in white, co-raising children.


If we like women, it does not mean that I rape each, to which I come to visit. This means that I care how all the normal people. It is terrible to imagine what is happening in the heterosexual world if you have a normal idea to rape someone just because it is attractive. I hope it will not be this norm.

# 6.

I don't care that you and my husband saw on a portal in the section "Lesbians", the offer to include in sex with you (for which I, by the way, did not even agree) an extraneous man is not about lesbians.

# 7.

Being a lesbian is not about fashion and not about the cloth. Not where you can rape you, "so that you understand what a man is, and threw your fool," or beat in front of dozens of people for being with your loved ones and smile to her. Not there, where the phrase "Well-knitted lesbian from heterosexual is no different" is considered witty and vital.

Illustration: shutterstock

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