Rubber not a disease: we treat french snot


Anna Dmitrieva - Mom of the Russian-French Child, who is always ready to share his experience in observations of differences in the Russian and French approaches in education.


I live in France for almost 3 years. My daughter was born in Moscow, and when she was a little more than a year and a half, my husband and I decided to move.

The daughter has always been considered in Russia a frequently ill-friendly child. Alfa visited us at least once a month. At the same time, I, as an exemplary milf, came up in a very important treatment for the treatment of your child - a call to the doctor, the adoption of various medicines, the seat of the house to complete recovery.

But here, in France, at that time no one would understand me ...

If you look closely to the children who live here, then almost everyone sneezes, curses (or strongly cough) wipes (or wipes at all) snot. At the same time, all the vigor, cheerful played on the site, go to visit, to the pool, gymnastics, school and kindergarten.

Contact with other children, as if they were absolutely healthy. Well, in general, few people pay attention to this kind of ailment. And in the people they are called "Little Rubber", "Little Otitis", "Temtery", etc.

If the child for some reason is sluggish (optional option is to bring a child with a temperature in a children's institution), then they say about him that he is "tired" ...

I remember how the first time led daughter to the doctor. Not to the pediatrician, to the therapist. He treats adults and children.

- Complaints, Madame? - He asks, examining my child.

- High temperature, cough, nose.

Purpose - Nasal washing with sea water, antipyretic syrup in temperature. And ... all. Unusual ...

I am: "But Dr.! She is so bad, she has a nose, temperatures above 39! ". "Relax, Madame, in 5 days she will recover." I did not learn: "Tell me, is I normal? Well, in the sense of healthy in general? Otherwise so often sick! " - "Absolutely normal. All children are sick, Madame. That they are children. They love to share microbes among themselves. Good luck! Following!"

I go from him and I think that, probably, there is some other, special marine water, which quickly and effectively treat the nose. As a result, it turned out to be the usual salt solution, which and the mortgage does not really remove ... But the child really recovered soon.

First time I was in shock. You come to a doctor with a "patient" child - the doctor does not appoint any particularly treatment.

Little removal of symptoms, and only. Call to the ambulance when the child is under 40 - they say, strip it, wash it with warm water. The ambulance does not come to such challenges. It is believed that the temperature, if it keeps no more than three days, the parents are able to knock down their own on their own. Well, in the extreme case, you can call a doctor to the house.

You come to the hospital with a dehydrated child after three days of severe vomiting, diarrhea, temperature 40 - prescribe a water-salt solution and send home. But but calm down. To the hospital, no one will put you in this case, do not ask for! "This is a virus, Madame, take patience. After 3-5 days, everything will be held by itself. " And in the end, indeed, a few days later the child recovers. And gradually began to reach me ...

1. In France, quite calmly relate to viruses and various kinds of infections. "Little Rinofaring" (as the Doctors are expressed) is a common phenomenon, and if the child is cheerful and cheerful, he can go to school, attend sections, including the pool. If "sluggish" - you just need to observe.

There are no treatment as such from ORVI, antiviral drugs (for example, on the basis of interferon) in France do not exist, the vasoconducting drops are for sale at all are prohibited (I still order them from Russia, I can not cut a runny nose without them).

If the child is worse and worse - antibiotics are prescribed. Also, in fact, according to Doctors, nothing terrible. They are adapted and effective. 2. "Madame, we come to challenges to a greater extent to calm you that with your child is all right," the doctor told me once.

The role of a doctor first is to inspire confidence to parents and teach how to act independently.

3. Pharmacies in France - mainly in order to issue medicines for recipes.

If I decided to be treated myself, then to your disposal sea water for the nose, antipyretic, homeopathy.

I was always worried about droplets into the nose that we used to use in case of a cold. Neither I nor my children can sleep without them in the event of a strong nasal congestion. In France, they are prohibited. There are analogues, but they do not help well, and are issued only by the recipe of the doctor. 4. Absolute trust doctors. If the French mother or dad came to the doctor, they never argue with him and fully fulfill his prescriptions. Excessive treatment, "from ourselves", which is called, do not practice. 5. In case of a cold, the main treatment is washing the nose of sea water. Although, according to my observations (there is no need to be a professional), the nose often in the kids is laid, and one thing is not always helped. I still can not understand how their children are sleeping with a nose ... (In France, children sleep all night in their own room almost in birth). 6. Children are dressed "weakly", according to our standards. See the children without a hat, in shoes, thin pants without a pantywood in winter at a temperature of just above the zero can be very often. No, do not think! They are not hardened! Although! Nobody canceled snot under his nose!

Just moms do not shake on children, do not straighten the scarves, do not push the hood in case of wind.

Having lived here, I myself began to wear children more "cool", but also that, sometimes their mommies, I was called a "mom-zoom". It is difficult for me to get rid of ours: "What if it otitis?"

You can talk about it infinite ...

Did I change my attitude towards childhood diseases during this time? Yes, of course. It became calmer and pragmatic.

I realized that you should not heal the child, without the end of the picing of his medicines. Do not at first calm the doctor.

It is not worth keeping it at home to the complete disappearance of colds, if he is cheerful and full of strength. The child must communicate, develop in society. And produce immunity to viruses that are just sisha in children's teams. In France, there is almost impossible to find a completely healthy, not a cold. With this, of course, complement it difficult. But then your child will have to sit at home and do not go anywhere.

But still do not drive a child in the garden, if he does not accept. I still bring some medicines, which are not here, from Russia that our doctors recommend. I still dress the children adequately, on the weather. In general, I try to find the Golden Middle.

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