5 myths about kids mom solo


In our country, every seventh child grows in an incomplete family, and in 94% of cases - with mom, and 6% falls on families where dads and grandparents look after the children.

Incomplete families are becoming more and more, as the myths about how children are growing, deprived of one of the parents. It's time to debunk some of these delusions.

Myth number 1. Children of single parents will not be able to create their family

The survey of the University of Michigan showed that about 43% of adults, who were brought up in full families, were entirely satisfied with their marriage or long-term relationships. And how many grew kids parents-loners can say the same? Surprise surprise, 43%. The first know, as it should, the second know, as it is not necessary, but the result on the exhaust is completely the same.

Myth number 2. Children's parents are more dissolved

It seems to be logical - to look after them there is particularly no one, because the only parent is too busy with the bread pressing, here they are thrown into all the grave from the eighth grade. In fact, in Russia, it is statistically no difference between the age of sexual debut in children from full and incomplete families - on average it is 17 years old for young men and 18 years for girls.

Myth number 3. Children from incomplete families do not learn bad

A large-scale study conducted in Asia countries showed that for some reason only in Japan, the children of single parents studied a little worse. In all the remaining Asian countries there was no difference in progress, and in Indonesia and Thailand, children from incomplete families receive even the best estimates than their classmates from full.

Myth number 4. For a child, at least what family is better than incomplete

Problems in children whose parents divorced, not when parents receive a divorce certificate, but before. Much earlier. American researchers observed families with children for the age of 12. Of course, they did not know, parents are divided into the future or not. But in those families where the divorce after all occurred, problems with the behavior of children sometimes began 12 years to an hour! That is, the parents still lived together, and the children were already unhappy. The presence of a complete set of parents is not so important as suitable atmosphere in the house.

Myth number 5. It concerns only parents and children

A study that analyzed the success and behavior of children from different types of families has shown a very interesting pattern. Researchers observed children from full and incomplete families, families where children were brought up with grandparents, and so on - only about 10 types. Considered as difficulties with behavior - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, teenage pregnancies and abortions - and schoolchardness.

And it turned out that children from the families of the same type were ahead of all the others - the most successful, calm and adapted children were children of parents, always formerly solids who were brought up in families, including several generations. In second place - children from full families, on the third - children of divorced parents living with mom (or dad) and grandparents. So the relationship between generations is no less important than the relationship between parents.

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