9 reasons for excess weight not related to hamburgers and laziness


You eat like a nutritionist, you wish you practically live in the gym and run marathons, and the arrow on the scales refuses to move left. Well still, if it does not move right. Where does such a blatant injustice come from? We tell and explain.

Love for fruit

Such healthy, such useful, so low-calorie. But the fruits are stuffed with fructose, and with excessive arrival of fructose, the level of leptin is rising - the hormone, which signals that everything, you have been published, put a spoon. When leptin becomes too much, the brain just begins to ignore his call sign. Outcome: between the moment when the stomach is filled, and the moment when you felt it, it takes too much time, and you begin to eat more. Doc said - an apple a day, and not an apple per hour.

Reception of medicines

Some means among the eases have a set of excess weight. In particular, fluoofsetin, prednisone, valproic acid preparations and many antihistamines.

But the contraceptive pills, if the doctor picked up, and not the connoisseurs from the forum, the weight gains do not cause.


Research, which show the connection of overwork and weight gain, already pond pride. That is at least the most fresh, from the American clinic Mayo: those who sleep 6 hours a day and less, in a year they gain an average of 5 kilos more than those who sleep at least 7 hours. Just an hour, but what a noticeable difference.


Yes, some of the stress lose weight - everyone has acquaintances who have dropped 10 kilograms after the divorce. But so rushing is not all (and this luck, honestly, dubious, and below we will tell why). When stressing is produced cortisol, an increase in appetite - an ancient and wise mechanism that causes in case of danger to store calories and energy. Yes, now we are more like a meeting not with a saber-toothed bear, but with unpaid accounts, but I don't care the body.

Those who have stressed from stress, was no longer in the stress stage, but in the depression stage, when the food is taste like a wet cardboard and incentive to maintain life in itself there is no life. Not about such a slightness you dream, believe me.


Someone walks to the toilet a couple of times a day, someone - every other day, but in any case, whatever your routine, its changes can lead to weight fluctuations. If Nature did not call you something long ago, there is nothing strange in an extra kilogram on the scales. In the absence of other health problems, the cause of the constipation can be at the lack of fiber in the diet or dehydration. Eat the cabbage salad, litter a liter of water and see what will happen.

Polycystic ovarian

From him, by the most optimistic statistics, 1 woman out of 20 suffers - it is a lot. Small cysts in the ovaries arrange hormonal chaos and increase the level of men's genital hormones androgen. Stubborn acne, substantial and constant failures of the menstrual cycle, the hair where they should not be, and overweight - for all this I need to say thanks to Androgenam. In addition, they lower the sensitivity to insulin, which regulates the blood sugar level - and you are gaining even more extra kilograms.

Thyroid dysfunction

And more precisely, hypothyroidism, in which these iron produces too few hormones. Overweight in this case will definitely not be the only symptom - with hypothyroidism, people become sluggish, constantly freezing, they suffer from Handra and even depression, they decrease their rumor and eyes, they don't want to fuck hair and nails, sex does not want to feel slow - In short, the name of the heart. To the doctor, and running.

Hormonal changes

Almost any hormonal scatter can lead to a weight gain. Keeping everything about this changes during puberty and menopause. And if the first is already behind, then the second must begin to be prepared right now. Do not shake - the first steps in this side happened about 40 years already, and it would be nice to have a little smaller habit to this age, and to train a little more.


They are formed by many reasons. But most often - because you ate something salty. 1 grams of salt can delay up to 100 ml of water, that is, some teaspoon salt will be enough for the next morning to detect an increase in weight in the shelf. Fat food also slows down fluid outflows. It is technically impossible to straw sharply with 0.5-2 kg per day (and lose weight too), so if you notice such dramatic oscillations, they have in mind - most likely it is not fat, but excess water.

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