All not like people: myths about what should be the relationship


So it happens to sit, you look at this fool and you think about it - something is not very your novel resembles the best samples of the genre. We still explained to us at the time of the bows and golfikov, what should be true love, Hollywood added, and the magazines were filtered. But in fact, these rules from the ceiling are taken, and there is nothing terrible if you are not different, as you dreamed.

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He does not like your family

That's what he should definitely do - so it is to respect them, even if the whole family is a krefish on the mind. Imitation of respect is also normal. But love is a voluntary business, and even if your dad is a miracle, gold and the wealth of the republic, your prince fully has the right to consider it a common boring man and to disappear from the idea to fishing with him. Well, they also did not subscribe to be the best friend of his stupid cousin.

Sex you have some kind of mad


He has little mad from whom - if we are not talking about the first weeks of the novel. There is nothing terrible with you, and build up neurosis on the soil that he somehow rarely disrupts Peignoir with you in a rustling of passion, is very stupid. It is better high-quality full-scale sex on big holidays than a vague daily break, in the process of which one of you strives to fall asleep. After three years of relations, people on average have sex for about once a week - well, that is, they say so. And we understand that this is all inclined to exaggerate.

You do not think your union is imprisoned in heaven

In love, it always seems that these are all sorts there others just meet, fall in love, marry, and they are all wrong, they have a finger of fate and higher destiny. The shameless myth-making pair begins, attempts to imagine divine powers and nonsense about "half". If you don't seem like this, congratulations - then a normal person who is ready to answer for his actions. Otherwise, in each quarrel, he would also have to blame the celestial mechanics, which did not bother.

You have different interests


Anyone needs from time to time to sit in a metaphorical corner, which belongs only to Him. Soap, Thai Boxing, Maiden Shabashi on the verandas, scooter or volunteering in a dog rechabe - imagine that he would have dragged behind you. Similarly, the dude and he himself will not be happy if you declare that from this day I feel about Spartak and even if not even thinks to hide from you in the sports bar.

You still do not marry

Oh, Favorite Aria Mom and Grandmothers. Without a stamp, love is not love, and so, an intrigue. And the sooner the state bless your union, the better and more reliable. Although statistics with grandmothers do not agree at all: those who have met the wedding for longer than three years, 40% are rapidly bred. Everything is explained: Baba - you were covered with feelings, another euphoria did not roll away - there! - Wedding, dress, cake. And right there - Hechi! - Honeymoon. Not life, but endless fig. The more interesting to return to the reality year or another later, when the hormones will catch, the wedding money will be pulled out, and the credits for a celebration will not close. Also, the crinoline is impossible to sell this damned. And some kind of man walks.

You do not understand each other without words


Even Wolf Messing with his wife was talking, and he ate the dog on reading thoughts and did the dog. So far, the only way accessible to humanity is to agree - express all words through the mouth.

You do not work on relationships

Let the horse work, it is strong. The myth about the fact that the relationship is necessary to build, many blood drove. In particular, it is responsible for the fact that some years, or even decades, flying in frankly lousy relationships, it is hourly something working, saying and saving. And you just need to cut the door. But no, only those who did not work on relationships over relationships. I suspect this installation was invented by leading family trainings, it's just a golden bottom. In fact, the relationship is working on themselves, and if everything is fine, do not Gray head over their improving.

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