Alone at home. Independence or safety? Opinions of parents



Is it possible to leave the child of the school at home of one? Why not? And how much? We asked for women generation that grew up "with the key on the neck", express their opinion.

And they asked to join everyone. Including one former juvenile inspector - for a complete picture.

In ten - yes, thirteen - no

In Germany, under the law, up to 12 years can not be left, for example. I have nothing to say anything more concrete. Everything is very dependent on the child himself. My son in development such races were and kickbacks that in 10 could leave, and at 13 I was afraid to let alone. He then seems to be in the brain something closed, from hormones and stress, many social skills turned off when the road passed, not even looked around. That is, in eight, he flew to the store itself, and in his thirteen his dad dug out almost hand.


Always calmly believed to leave the child at home alone. It became a little bit wrong when I learned the story of the girlfriend: she left at home a fourteen-year-old daughter with a smaller nephew, and the nephew arranged Wigwam from the blanket on the sofa, and in Wigwam burned a fire. The daughter managed only to extract the boy and run out of the apartment, everything caught fire.

From the height of experience


I say as a former child, father and almost grandfather. Kids, perhaps, not worth it, and younger schoolchildren - why not? If, of course, they are sane and will not burn themselves along with the house.

The wife told how he came with his younger brother and sister from the first shift, and their mother went to another school, learn in the second shift. "Children! .." - "Yes, mommy, not approaching the stove."

As for a long absence, everything is individually here. But what to leave the child for three days, it is better to rush it to someone.

But children should be appropriately enlightened. As I remember: Five years later I played in the vacuum cleaner from the designer. They put them in a socket, holding two hands. Well, the voltage was then 127 volts. And mom's mom was. And the second time, too, at the same age - found Bengal lights. Lit alone. Dropped to the floor. And I decided to pour the first fluid that fell under the arm - cologne. However, when it broke out, the fire was flooded and flooded. But the subpaline on the parquet remained. This time there was no one at home.

Caring son

My daughter 3 and a half years. One she will not climb anywhere and do nothing. But it can be frightened ... and even sick from the experiences. And at that age it was easily easily left. Quietly sat and played, I was better at home than anywhere else with anyone.

My brother was left one early. These two stories were before my birth, it means that he was not 2 years 8 years old. He decided to take care of the family and heat all the water for washing (there was only cold water in the house) and turned on the boiler in an empty bucket ... In another time I decided to let all cookies. Path. It was burned, in the kitchen there was a horror, but the cookie, according to the words of Mom, was tasty.

My scene serves myself from five years old, nothing is afraid, and one is calm. At the age of 6 for the first time one house remained at night. Mother from the elders went for a free "night in the museum," and Small was at home, no problems. Maximum that could happen - this is a burning fried egg. But there the stove with the super protection, and the fire will not happen.



My father was born in the 38th, it became that it was the day before the war was. Or even before evacuation, father - November. The latter would explain why there was no one to look - other care. In general, in three years it was left alone. The grandmother had a job on the contrary, she saw a window with her son from her window. The baby was left with buttons, he sat down and moved them. I was even shown in Maloyaroslavets, where these two windows were ...

Cottage cheese

She began to leave a daughter from 9 years old (now she is ten). First minutes for 15 minutes - to the store and back. Worried terribly! And then slowly on a longer and longer ... In our United States, laws are strict, it is impossible to leave for a long time, but three hours it is perfectly at home - and the lessons do it and even once a dinner prepared me! For the night, I would not yet leave - fearlessly. I think in 15 years it will be possible, but I'll see what grows there.

From the age of 4 somewhere for half a day, one left. One of the bright memories of childhood - as mom before work shows the alarm clock and explains that when a big shooter is here and small here, it is necessary to approach the refrigerator and eat cottage cheese.

One house


The daughter of my friends in 12 years was sitting alone at home, lay with angina when everyone went to celebrate to the cottage. Watched in bed cartoons from the phone in the dark and one headphone. Someone came to the apartment, and she first decided that these parents returned, but then I realized that there was someone else's person. He wrote SMS to parents, grabbed the decorative katana from the wall and hid. When the robber in her room came, became from all the Duri without a break to beat him riding his head until he stopped trying to get up. In general, the man tied cops caused by parents. What could be if the girl was sleeping or was not so demanded, you can only submit.

Expert comment

Anna S., teacher, former juvenile affairs inspector

Children are all different. Someone can safely stay at home, someone hysterite suits, remaining without mom in the class of September 1, on the first school day. In the days of our childhood (80-90s), the independence of children was adopted, which was reflected in the mass culture (see the book "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat" at least, or the transfer of "Radionnai", "help mom"). Children themselves from the second, and someone and from the first went to school, took the younger brothers or sisters from the kindergarten, helped to get out at home, went to the store, went to the establishment of additional education. Now the situation has changed. In the circles and sections of children of younger school age, as well as to school, it is "water". One thing, when to the other end of the city, or in the evening, on the dark. Other - When the school is near the house, and the home of children's creativity or the music is for five stops, and the occupation during the day.


Healthy autonomy is the necessary element of education. Independence is permissible only in the presence of certain skills of orientation and self-service. If you take a child mentally healthy, without deviations in physical and mental development, then for years to 8-10, he must know his name, names of parents, the address of the actual residence, the ways to get public transport or on foot from the place of study to the place of residence. Must be able to pay in the store, calculate with the help of a calculator, buy a ticket to public transport and use it (in places where the conductor is missing).

Must be able to use the microwave and an electric kettle to warm up the lunch in the absence of older houses. For gas and electric stoves, everything is individually, so I would not have done any prescriptions or comments here. He knows how - well, it does not know how - not scary, grows, will learn, the main thing is not to delay it.

Another child must fully own personal hygiene skills, without reminders to brush their teeth, wash and combat. Yes, the girl may not know how to braid the long braid, which they are so admired by others, but remove the hair in the tail would be calm. The child should be able to dress independently, tapping all the laces and buttoning all the buttons.

And the child should know where to call if an emergency situation occurred. Fire Protection Phones, the Emergency, Police should always have a child to be in memory, especially now the number is one. On this topic with the child you need to talk, not frightening, but truthfully telling, in which world we live and what can happen.

Regarding leaving at home. If my mother goes to duty overnight, I would not advise you to leave a child under the age of 14. If only because the child can be frightened, and he needs a feeling of security. It is better to ask for someone from adults. If my mother comes late, well, if it will call and report where it is, as well as how much will be at home.

You can leave, as I think, hours on 5-7 calmly. Leaves the mother of a child of one at school. Having come home, the child should come there to eat.


And about independence. Situation. Mother came from work at 11 pm, and sits down with the Date lessons to do, until two o'clock in the morning. What does the child have a child to study, mom? Nothing good in the end. I am for the time to accustom to the child to do lessons yourself, so that parents only checked them and helped, and not everyone was fully done along with the Date. Then leave one easier.

Think also than the child will do in your absence. Well, the lessons will learn, will make a sandwich and burns the cutlets, look a TV, and then? This is already on yours, moms, discretion. You know your children better.

Leave children some and leave in another settlement categorically I do not advise. Everything can happen anything. It is element: children are often afraid to be alone. And then it turns out that mom let them, but left, and do what you want. What if the ambulance will need? And suddenly the child will accidentally flood their neighbors (a pipe break through maybe, for example), you will need to urgently enter the apartment to emergency services - and what to do then? Imagine what kind of stress maybe for a child? These are the biggest examples.

And on the farm to leave in reasonable limits and you need. Although half a day.

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