5 hazards of summer who lie down your child


Most recently came full summer. The parents have not changed almost nothing, but for children a whole new world, which is full of just joys, but also dangers. Moreover, quite real and serious.


Most likely you will go somewhere on the sea with a child. If not even at sea, then you will definitely choose on the reservoir. It is necessary to clearly understand that the principle is "throwing, and he himself will fall out" most often does not work. The child sinks in a couple of seconds, and even if noticing it, then not every adult will be able to save him.

All these inflatable circles and ducklings are no more than toys. They give a false sense of safety in the water. If a child accidentally releases a circle or turns over, he can be lost, and your skills of rescue drowning will find their use.

On the river or on a lake with an clay bottom, the danger is that the child will slip and choose. An option with the supervision of halflza will not pass here. While you will fry the kebab with your back to the lake, anything can happen.

Anonymous on the website Woman.ru: "He drowned in my eyes, per minute and a half. At that very moment, for some reason, I turned away towards the beach. In the meter from the shore. But they found it only after three hours. The pain is not at all the word that can be said here. There are even tears. Faith ... And what can you believe if this happens? To edit myself the whole life for the death of the only, beloved, the very best and beautiful, for which it was striving to be the best mother. In the room it is simply afraid of him, although I go. And talking to him in it. They said you can just breathe ... "

If the baby does not know how to swim, it is best to wear an inflatable life jacket on him. In it, he will definitely be afloat. This is not a question of aesthetics and not a sign of paranoia, but elementary safety.



The heat blow is not the mythical horror of educators in kindergarten, which make children wear ridiculous panamans. This is a reality that threatens a child even more than an adult. One of the reasons for the production of heat strike is too warm clothing or, if it is made of low-quality synthetic materials that do not let the air. Natural cooling system ceases to work and the body overheats.

External signs of the organism overheating: dry lips, dry back and armpits. The overexcitation and capriciousness of the child can also be a reaction to overheating. The heat punch is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees, nausea, vomiting and headache.

It is very important to prevent dehydration. If an adult can understand what he wants to drink, then the child can play and miss this moment. Remember the headdress and water when you go out with a child on the street on a hot day.

If the heat punch came, it is necessary to urgently dissolve the child, create a flow of fresh air. If this is not possible (in public transport), then wipe the baby's body with wet napkins, fan it with a newspaper, a book, a handbag, in any way create air movement. And do not hesitate to attract the attention of others, the driver, ask for water, call an ambulance, etc.



Remember, as before each holidays, conversations were conducted with us about how important not to play near the highways? This is also not reinsurance of teachers. In the summer, the number of accidents involving children is indeed increasing. Winning, guys can run out on the road behind the ball or just carelessly run the street.

The field of view in the child is already than in an adult, therefore, concentrating on the goal, they forget to control what is happening on the parties. For example, if a rowed ball is on the other side of the road, the child often runs to him without looking around.

When a child is on a bike, the danger increases at times. First, he becomes faster, and if he leaves on the road, then the driver is much more difficult to slow down.

Anonymous on the Forum Memoriam.Ru: "I lost my son, he was only 8 years old ... I probably triggered him very much. Massed to prepare for lessons, read books, go for swimming, 2 times a week for English language courses ... And during the holidays he left with a grandmother in the village, although I did not want to let go. But the son cried so much that he regretted him, thought let him relax. If I knew, I would never let go ... Nowhere. On the first of August, the car hit the car at high speed. "



Heat, air conditioning in the apartment, and you want to open the window. And not vertically, but a normal, latch. Everyone believes that it can happen to anyone, but not with him. Nevertheless, every year there are many cases when children fall out of the windows.

If you have little children, never open the window. Even if you are in the same room with a child, it is enough to distract for a couple of minutes, and can happen irreparable.

Most often children fall out of the age of five to six years. At this age, they are already quite active to play dangerous games, but do not fully feel their consequences. A greater danger carry modern plastic windows that children can open themselves.

Elena: "After a walk, I usually check whether the window is closed, and where is the child. Yesterday, everything did everything wrong. Hurry up, came from the walk and I ran to do porridge to eat faster and go to the beach. I cook porridge, and here in the chest, I did not check the window, ran into the room, the window of the Naraspushka, and Sophia is already head and hands on the street. I do not remember how to overcome the distance and took her daughter on the hands. Well, that I did not shout, because I could scare it. It will be me a lesson for life. "

Ludical place


The danger to get lost in a crowded place is always, but in the summer you can accidentally part with your baby in an unfamiliar city or at the festival. Therefore, we need to think about your actions in advance for such a case.

It is important that the child has always contact information for which those who will find it before you can contact you. For example, a badge, a medallion with a phone number or in extreme cases to put his business card in his pocket. Do not write the name of the child, because The attackers can take advantage of them to get into confidence and lead it to Mom.

Before going to some mass event, try to dress a child in bright clothes or at least a noticeable headdress from afar.

Lilya: "My daughter and I went to the airshow. Naturally, at such an event, everyone is watching a lot, and we did not notice how our girl disappeared. Before that, I handed it in my hands the red checkbox and said it would not let him. I was looking for a daughter of three hours, weaven, but in the end, they still found in the crowd for this flag. "

It is necessary to explain to the child that if he is lost, he should not leave anywhere. Parents will definitely find it. If it still does not find him, then approach the policeman or a security guard, say that he is lost, and show the card with the phone of the parents.

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