As the signs of the zodiac go to visit, when holidays come. Horoscope


Russian National tradition - about the beginning of winter, two weeks wander from guests to visit and receive guests themselves, and all this with non-stop absorption of saladics.

We looked into the editorial palanter to learn how to visit different signs of the zodiac.



From Aries, everyone is just waiting for it to start or fight, or group sex. But Aries loves not only sex and fights, but also to shift, so it will prefer a discrepancy and very hot discussion about Russian poetry and Russian politics. Moreover, what to talk about both is - I don't care what to fight.

After reaching the point when all the sucker is already simultaneously and in all the power of the lungs, the Aries pulls to eat and smoke. That he is with great pleasure and will do.


Taurus prefers immediately to the table. The intermediate phases between the entrance to the apartment and the table of it are somewhat alive: nothing interferes with rejoice in each other with the mouth bought and ask duty issues instead of toast. Unfortunately, most familiar Taurus are terribly decent people, so you have to endure and pretend that the food is not the main thing.

This does not mean that the Taurus is just shy and interests. But the friendly atmosphere he best feels and creates at the table.


Gemini want moving. The fight is not channels, the twins will prefer something less traditional. It is screaming as soon as everything finally will be sitting at the table and take a plug in the hands: "And let's sing in karaoke! And let's go to play snowballs! Is there a twister rug?! "

Finally, the hostess at home thinks to turn on the music and declare dancing. After that, everything can eat calmly, watching like drunken twins conquer the dance floor. Well, as calmly - exactly until the moment the twins want to conquer the dancerstole.


Cancer loves to lose heart. But it is not necessary to make incorrect conclusions: Cancer does not want to remove from the world and indulge in the wall. Cancer loves to lose heart in a good company so that the life is sparkling with champagne, and he sits on the contrast to be so sophisticated, such a tired of the vulgarity of life ... and revels, drinks with laughter, Mishur and attempts to dispel his longing.

After the third-fifth-tenth of the glass, the cancer includes a TV, reaches catharsis from the vulgarity and festivity of a particularly large scope and comes to a suicide. After that, it is popornient and together with everyone sings Tsoi and Allegr.

a lion

Stand off for a lion - too small. The lion wishes to shine and lead the parade. So he immediately is accepted to help the hostess - but so that his help is laid in the framework of the conduct of all other guests. And still toasts to speak beautiful, he knows exactly that people do not like to speak toasts. Here is a lie for everyone and say! With great pleasure! It is definitely beautiful in case someone wants to make a photo. And then climbs following the twins to dance on the table. And, unlike twins, the link to YouTube in the morning will look at himself and will give the link to others.


There is a stereotype that Virgin is removed all the time and never relax. So, the second is not a stereotype at all. Mixing the floors visiting Virgo will not become, but take and relax for her - practically impossible mission. That is why she tries so hard. And the vodka is attached to the fall in the master's chair, and to play the first, and let's go to the creek for undressing. Virgo is ready for everything.

If you want to help her, arrange around or perfect order, or perfect chaos around. In this and another case, she already makes no sense to do something, and it burns her briefly.


Scales cannot choose what they want, everyone knows. But quite in vain think it means that the scales will be discouraged somewhere near Cancer. No, the scales will simply be delighted with any movement that will be offered, because it was not enough to make decisions, resting from work and life. Not then the scales left the houses warm plaid and the detective series.


Scorpio for guests walks carefully, with a loaf. Scorpion is allergic to idiots, and on a visit you can face anyone, and no matter how loved the owners, there will still be a taste and scratch.

But Scorpio is able to link the Pafos of the Aries, obedient enthusiasm of the scales and the riot of twins by quiet stylish sarcasm, connecting the evening decaying on separate acts into something whole and post-settlement.


Sometimes it seems that the Sagittarius comes to visit only to lead the guests from the owners somewhere in a hike - on the river, in the forest, in bowling or, in the extreme, on a slide in the yard. What to do, the Sagittarius does not like closeness and adore adventures in the company. If you follow how much he is poured, the adventures beyond the framework of the administrative and criminal code do not even come out.


Capricorn is the most abnormal, which is kept on the provocations of Aries and begins to discuss Brodsky and actual news for a long time and passionately. If he will be able to warm up with erudition about some dish on the table or the details of the hostess costume, the Capricorn will be generally satisfied as an elephant and will accelerate to demonstrate a healthy appetite and a fresh blush.


Aquarius loves to go to visit without holidays, and he does not like the holidays. Because Aquarius is like the quiet evenings together. Moreover, he is capable of such a number of participants to arrange a crazy masquerade for twenty costumes, each photo from which will receive hundreds of likes in social networks. In general, Aquarius - a big craftsman, any massive fun to organically transfer to the company of the species "I plus the best girlfriend", because there is even more feeling of style than in Scorpio, and the artistry is enough for half a jury of Lviv.


For fish, access to visit is to enter the scene. At the same time, the role of fish today can be appointed any: a modest charmal, Famm Futal A la heroine of TEFFI or the same dance floor star, whose twins with lion purely on dumps. All the same, everything will end with the transition to the role of drama-Queen, breaking the shirt on the chest, clean hot tear and long variable seizures in the toilet. But still, even after the toilet, the fish will be forgiven. Especially those who managed to go to the eye from the feeling that now is the very moment for a beautiful gesture.

Illustration: shutterstock

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