Do not go there: 5 reasons to keep treason


He looks at you with a drip look, and you want to forget that your familiar Wasyan is sitting at home. Because Vasyan is a prose of life, and you seem to be a dizzying adventure. And it seems that you do not plan to start everything from a clean sheet, but how to keep silent from the temptation slightly? Go to the toilet, Rolds in the face of the driver and think twice. Treason may not be so exciting and romantic, as you suggest three tequilas and half of Hollywood melodram.

You will begin to suspect

Because you yourself master to hide secret dates. And now you know that you can mean the words "Mobile Quality", "sit down with girls" and "Yes, I'm stuck here in the office." Even worse if the mobile phone starts regularly discharged from your secret hero.

You risk getting into someone else's life

As you are burdened by Vasyan, and he may be burdened by Katyukha. And it's not a fact that Katyukha is also lagging like Wasyan. Do you not know what an offended woman is capable of. In the case of a puncture on his part, you can wait at best of very unpleasant telephone disassembly. At worst, the inventive Katyukha can arrange you a branch of hell.

You will be afraid

The secret always becomes apparent, we know. That's what we forget about is that the expectation of exposure is worse than the exposure itself. In the first couple of weeks, the risk gives an intrigue of sharpness, but then the courage gradually goes down, and the attack of a cold in his stomach, when you think that Wasyanov sits in the neighboring table, remains. And the constant fear does not contribute to anything good. By the way, British sociologists calculated that 44% of those who change, find out this on their own. So do not hold Wasyana for a complete fool - he will certainly or later begin to guess.

Relationship will begin to fall apart

The phrase "Good Levak strengthens the marriage" was clearly invented not those who survived the treason of a partner. Researchers from Nevada State University calculated that the victims of deception often begin to seek consolations in alcohol and drugs, and are generally more prone to sores than those who are confident in the partner - permanent experiences do not add health and badly affect the immunity. It is unlikely that your main relationships will greatly improve, if Wasyan is not only breeding, but also a rage and sharpened. It is possible that that is why only a third of the pride of the change does not lead to the rupture of relations.

You will take a double load

Mr. What should be needed with the same Vasyan, only in the profile, and sharp corners will also appear in relations with it sooner or later. Which will have to somehow go around and smooth. And then return home and again do the same - only already with a partner.

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