On hook. Book that can save you from relationships


Overwhelming mother. The ridden, knocking the soil from under his feet. Husbanding husband. Adjusting to humiliate subordinate boss. Someone from these people you probably have no way to throw out of your life ... at least for Russian women, alas, an ordinary situation.

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So the book of Norwegian authors, Journalist Aud Dalsegg and lawyers Inger Vesse, was published in Russia at the right moment. Moreover, any of the previous periods would also be necessary, because the problems that are discussed in the book "on the hook" did not lose the relevance.

And the mother continued to complicate her daughter life. In her opinion, Nicchlene Inert Solweig simply could not be well taken care of children. The mother helped her in domestic issues, but only then to prove his daughter's wrongness about its hopelessness and notification.

We are surrounded by psychopaths, the authors warn, and do not even suspect it, because in fact, psychopaths do not necessarily kill people. Moreover, we are surrounded by people who are not psychopaths, but they behave exactly just that no better. They catch their victims and hold on the hook for years, as if Dementors, sucking themselves the joy of life.

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They make us and others believe that what is happening is normal. However, the relationship in which personality with psychopathic features involve us is completely abnormal. They are poisonous. They are dangerous.

He was considered a pleasant, responsive man, and Sigrid often heard that she was lucky with him.

He became a thiran at home. Sigrid and children went on tiptoe in those periods when the father of the family did not go to the sea. They were afraid to provoke his anger - for this there was enough of some smallness. If there was no obvious reason, he could invent him out.

For those who may be, and himself does not believe, but feels that he was trapped with a psychopath relationship, and a book was written.

First, in order to dispel doubts, it contains typical situations that develop around psychopaths and their victims. Examples are taken from life and therefore they are easier to merge with their own experience.

Wedding journey was not particularly pleasant. Henrik often expressed discontent: hotel, food, city - everything was bad.

The authors tell about how to identify unhealthy relationships, how to determine whether the partner (or relative, or the boss) shows the psychopathic features of the person, under what circumstances the potential victims of psychopaths grow and how they come across a hook. Interesting and useful theory, but most importantly, the authors tell how to find the strength to get out of unhealthy relationships, how to do it, what should be striving for later - after all, relationships with a psychopath left serious psychological wounds that do not heal miraculously only because What have you saved.

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The accuracy and delicacy of Dalsegg and Vesza can only be fed. The Russian reader is accustomed to much more assertive and categorical "collections of psychological recipes". Special attention of the authors clearly pay to avoid Victimming (accusations of the victim with the simultaneous flow of the fault of the aggressor), which psychologists of the old school are spread to the left and right.

You do not understand how good or bad - applies to you aggressor? Respects you or hates? These people are easily confused, demonstrating various sides of their "I". One - friendly, positive, kind. Another is the one that only people from the nearest surroundings are usually seen - vengeful, complete hatred and overwhelming.

Literally step by step, the line behind the line is calm and confidently, they help the reader to decide and leave dangerous relationships with the smallest losses.

You have repeatedly felt the guilt for the fact that the relationship does not fold. You thought you had to behave differently: to show more trust, be able to listen, to be agreed and tirelessly seek to change yourself. ... But you can not and should not save an adult person who does not take responsibility for their lives, feelings and thoughts. You must ask yourself if you really believe that the aggressor will change.

In short, we are a great practical allowance that it has been necessary for a long time and very much, and we hope that it will come to his readers.

Graduation: "On the hook. How to break the circle of unhealthy relationship "Aud Dalsegg, Inger Vesse, Translation Nargis Shinkarenko. Publishing house "Alpina Publisher", Moscow, 2016.

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