If something is wrong with the child. How to find out what is the case in the teacher?


When something is in school, something is not laid, problems can be of different origin. From a sluggish cold to low motivation (so now they say when the child is obani). But if problems are always associated with the same subject, it is quite possible, the case in the teacher.

Especially, if at some days of the child's day, as a schedule, the mood is spoiled up to the harsh hysteria or panic attack.


Frame from the film

Polwy, when the teacher has pets. This problem is when he has unloved students and he allocates them in every way: he undertakes an assessment, bumps a bunch of tricky issues during the answer at the board, constantly releases the comments. Any interest in the subject of this, naturally, disappears, and the performance becomes a shame.

How to understand that the child suffers from the pickups. It is very difficult, because many children are justified, claiming that the teacher to them is unfair. The chance that the child is telling the truth, increases, if the day with the training lessons, in the morning there is a mood in the morning, if it sits longer than the usual textbooks and, finally, if you happily agree to your personal examination.

What to do. Each time at the end of the quarter and the year requires the exam pass to another teacher. Change class or school. As a last resort, talk to the child on the topic of the Caverz of Fate and the ability to endure them. In the extreme, we repeat, the case - it is not necessary to teach it to endure, with which you can cope with more difficulties.

Teacher aggressor

Frame from the film

The aggressor Hamit teacher is consciously, and also often exhibits aggression in other ways: spoils the things found from a child (for example, the drawing is touched while it should simply pick up to the end of the lesson), throws out items from the party to the floor, grabs hair, Shoulder, neck, face, can pinch, slam the line, push on the floor, on the desk or in the wall. Such a teacher is frankly dangerous and often has a certain security guarantee: I am confident that none of the students will dare to give it or that the director will not take any measures to curb the focus of the aggressor.

How to understand that the child suffers from the aggressor. Most often, the longer the child is subjected to a systematic attack on the part of the teacher, the less sure that something wrong is happening and it has the right to complain. Obviously, the best measure is a preventive conversation that the teacher has the right to do with students and what should not do in any case. Such a conversation does not prevent not only before the school, but also in the midst of the educational process - the child acquires the right vision of the situation and finally talks about what is happening.

What to do. First of all, protect the child from communicating with this teacher. For example, insisted that the child could miss his classes and take exams to another teacher, or translate to another school. Next, talk to the parents of students. Perhaps they will be able to talk children, and then jointly initiate the dismissal of the aggressor. Unfortunately, only possible. Sometimes parents even hear do not want anything: "Your child comes up with" (and it myself for the sides of the sinner to bruises, yes) and "probably, only your beat the lineup and, I suppose, for the work!" Do not even try to understand why they do not want to think about the safety of children. Just enough baby and run away.

Sadist teacher

Frame from the film

It can be an open aggressor, and may prefer fine bullying. Only put the child in an extremely humiliating position is not at all a study or comment for him is a real pleasure. Make a short to erase from the board, written from the very top, a full girl stand near a poster with a man's muscular structure to show it that such obesity, a weak and durable kid send to run the whole lesson for different very necessary objects or just to chase the parties , then the boards, transplant the screamer in the farthest corner of the class and ask: "Are you blind, or what? Here it is written on the board "... There are so many ways to make visiting classes unbearable.

How to understand that the child suffers from sadist. It is depressed almost all the time, and in the days when he has to sit on a certain subject, in the morning not in himself, and after returning from school too. As a rule, it is hard to understand the child that something intolerant is done with him, and it is difficult to explain this. You can try "between the case" to tell about some kind of sadist teacher from your childhood, you can even fictional - it seems like "was a parallel class, and we were still lucky." This can be the beginning of a long response story.

What to do. It's urgently to protect the child from communicating with the sadist, best - translate to another school. Unfortunately, a thin sadist to bring to clean water is very difficult to punish, so the main thing is to provide a child's child.

Travel teacher

Frame from the film

Almost always - sadist and / or aggressor. The whole class of accomplices allows him to attack several non-lovers and not be afraid of opposition and exposure. Such a type always tries to take pupils into the process, pumped them to tease the victim chosen to them, tries to constantly oppose the victim and class. It is very dangerous: the teacher himself is unlikely to come to criminal offenses, but children can take excitement. Film "Stuffed" remember? So he is still vanilla. Children even from prosperous families, having dispelled and assured in their rightness, reach the apparent harm to health and rape. Even if they are limited to the tiles, bullying and damage of the property, are good for your child.

How to understand that the child suffers from an organized trace organized by the teacher. It all depends on the degree of openness of the child, from his character and on how the wrong it was believed that he was to blame for everything. In general, signs and recipe for "diagnosis" are the same as in the case of a conventional sadist.

What to do. The urgent translation of the child, if not in another school, then on home learning. The excellent student in such an atmosphere will not still be, but the consequences of the situation will be very bad and long-playing.


Frame from the film

It happens that a hyperemological person falls into the teacher. Does not want to scare anyone, but that's and it breaks off on a scream, usually adjacent to Paphos. Pupils, as a rule, quickly learn that Krikun is harmless, but some children are emotionally different, and the sudden cries to carry it difficult.

How to understand that the child suffers from Krikun. As a rule, in the depressed mood, the child turns out after lessons, and not before them. In addition, the parents of a gentle child usually know that he does not tolerate screams. When, with questions, the child complains about the screams, it is important to specify the concomitant circumstances in order not to confuse the cries of more dangerous types of unpleasant teachers.

What to do. Give a slightly sedative or fulfill the ritual helping him, for example, to sit down on a sofa, throw on the shoulders plaid and hand a cup of cocoa with milk. Let him feel - no matter what happens outside the apartment, he always has his own calm secure place.


Frame from the film

He insults the child in the face, mocking his name or surname mockingly, roughly rises the characteristics of the child or his misses. In its pure form, this type of type is rare, Ham is very often at the same time and the sadist, the aggressor or the gravine serum. But sometimes there are gross uncompatible teachers who will not be deliberately mocking or putting unfair ratings - they are simply poorly brought up and paying attention to other people's senses.

How to understand that the child suffers from Hama. At Hama, children openly complain most often, as the chams are not as frightened as actually dangerous types of teachers, and do not cause feelings that they themselves guessed like crying.

What to do. Implement a minute and chat with Ham with an eye on the eye, indicating that such behavior is unacceptable and ready, which is called, complaining about Rono and write to the newspaper. The child is so saying that the teacher behaves unprecedented and what it happens even with professionals or in general good people. If the Ham does not show ready to take their own character somewhat, say already with the temptation or director. Do not be afraid and do not deceive them with a confident kind - they themselves are very afraid of all sorts of complaints and scandals. At least in large cities where public resonance can turn into a fine or loss of space.


Frame from the film

Many are pronounced at work, depending on the social networks and playing on the tablets, but to do it under the view of the disciples all the lessons will move, from time to time there is a grabbing tutorial and reading at random when the head looks up - it's a little too. Most students like Wolitsa: do what you want, it is not necessary to learn, but absolutely everyone understands that they disseminate themselves with them, and have dislike for a teacher. A teacher-lazy seriously reduces the motivation of students to learning in general, not to mention the fact that the program flies with a whistle by.

How to understand that a child has some lessons in vain. Children of the younger and middle school age often themselves express indignation by the behavior of the teacher. Of course, only at home. In general, it does not interfere just from time to time to check the lessons.

What to do. Complaints on a special site or agree in advance with the parents of other students about the collective complaint. The main thing is that students do not recognize where there was a leakage of information - they may be aggressive in relation to the child. You can still score and undergo a program on the subject of the house, and the lessons of lazy perceive as the ability to relax a little in the midst of a rich and difficult school day.


Frame from the film

I am glad to try in the lesson itself, but it knows his subject frankly bad. If someone from children catch on a factual error, it is not corrected (in the end, who does not happen to anyone), but behaves aggressively, because he knows perfectly, which is, and very afraid, as if ignorance did not notice others. Bad primarily by the fact that it interferes with children to master the program normally, and the inquisitive erudite students also raises.

How to recognize that the teacher of the child is ignorant. Perhaps only by chance - not to examine it.

What to do. Honestly to tell the child that the world works so unfair that the unfair teacher is difficult to remove from work, and in order not to stay ignorant for himself, it will have to sit on textbooks and Wikipedia.

Foreign teacher

Frame from the film

Looks like a lazy teacher: it explains little, does not work as a program, but "goes" on it, moreover, as a pick-up, asks very severe, puts low marks. His goal is to force the parents to pay for the tutor, and the tutor, of course, will he himself.

How to understand that the child suffers from the extortionist. This type of unpleasant teacher usually seeks to contact his parents, complains that the child cannot master the program and hints that it would be nice to organize additional classes.

What to do. To insist on taking exams by a child to another teacher, you can even from another school, and learn at home. Or - translated. They say, now helps and fill on the public service website.

Pedophile teacher

Frame from the film

In most cases, it does not inclice children directly to the sexual act, showing the activity of a different plan: too often admits to children, loves to hugging them, press, clap, joking, on the pope, joke on erotic topics (and with a "personal sight", and not at all About adolescents, as ordinary chams often make), emphasize the attention of children on sensual places in books or painting. There is a special danger that many parents are confident - only men can be pedophiles. In fact, it is also found among women, but they are less commonly moving directly to seductions or rape. In addition, pedophiles of both sexes are usually no orientation only on girls or boys, they like children or young adolescents at all.

The worst option is a teacher, draining children to bed. It acts just like the pedophiles of other professions, but has another pressure lever - the threats to exclude from school, leave for the second year ... does it sound in seriously? If you are not a child. Wrath of parents, especially if he is usually stormy, many children are afraid of literally more death - in many situations between anger and suicide adolescents in a truly difficult situation are solved on suicide. And the pedophile also tries to knock out all confidence in his parents from the child. "Write it yourself" "" Well, and to whom they will believe you or a respected teacher? " "They will refuse you if I just tell them about you something."

How to understand that the child suffers from a pedophile. If it does not take directly sexual acts - it is very difficult. Children often feel well that the physical contact of the adult is superfluous, and some sticky jokes, but do not understand what you can complain about it - it does not happen. If you have not talked to the child about the personal borders of man and the inviolability of each body, then right now is the time. Even if pedophiles do not chat next, this knowledge should be one of the basic.

What to do: The most important thing will be kept from actions that violate the Criminal Code. It's a shame, agrees if you put you, not a pedophile. More importantly, as in cases with other dangerous teachers, instantly isolate the child from the source of danger. And then in circumstances. If, do not give God, the child suffered physically, immediately contact the police. If not, it will be difficult to punish the pedophile, but then you should try to warn other parents about danger.

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