Fluity Fruits: 7 Most Crazy Children's Sex Theories


There are two different opinions about sexual education: some people believe that this is such an advertisement "And also children, there is anal sex. Want right now? " Other people believe that Sexposteve is a cleaner of wild faults that fill the children's mind in a situation of mysterious defaults. Editorial PICS.RU leans to the second option.

We remembered that they thought about sex and sexual questions themselves, and discussed the issue with friends, and that's what came out.

One girl believed that the boys are what is narrow and long - it is to write, and the fact that round and shorter is to Kaka. In the seventh grade, looking at the tutorial anatomy, was terribly surprised.

One boy believed that children from a woman were born through the navel. Doctors are unleashed, removed, tie back. And that the men's navel is also there - well, it's like nipples, just in case. And the navel, of course, it is necessary to take care of, no wonder my grandmother said "put it right now, and then the navel will unleash!"


One girl in the courtyard was told a terrible secret, as children make - you need to lie down on each other "Pissa in pussy, chest in the chest, lips in the lips", and so far all four points are not corrupted at the same time, the effect does not complain. The girl was already you will not believe how big, and everything believed that the diverse ridges in bed are intended to achieve contact for four terminals. And that a couple of different growth can not be children, well, you understand why.

One is already quite a big boy believed that a woman from orgasm should die or drop out for a couple of years in lethargy, and in this regard, despised the first partner for pretense.

Some people among us were confident that it was necessary to marry that the children would be, and without state manipulations would not work. Remember, at the wedding of the bride and the bride will be held somewhere for several minutes without relatives? That's there it turns on. Maybe there is a doctor sits.


One girl in the courtyard was told that the children are born from a blowjob, during which a man pisses his wife in her mouth, and now this terrible manipulation makes the woman first fat, then from the fat to raise a child (the theory was very detailed), well, naturally, a fat woman is Which husband does it more often than she can give birth. The girl had a slim girl, so the girl got sick, and decided that the parents decided on it only from love for her, and so they are good people, not any perverts, such as neighbors who have aunt Masha across himself wider and four children.

"The man needs a knife," they said, "and otherwise what will you burn in his wife a hole so that children are born from there? And yes, I mean, the hole also overgrown, you will have to cut it again. Yes, of course, they said, "of course she will be against, it hurts her. Well, regret my wife - there will be no children. " The listener from the final despair saved only respect for dad. He went and asked - "Father, how could you cut mom with a knife ???"

How lucky the one of us who could go and ask. Please, God, give all the current and future children of such parents who can go and ask.

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