What, besides the heels, you need to think when you think to start the children



It can very well be that soon you will start to look at the storefronts of stores with sprawers and suddenly discover that babies, in general, very cute creatures. No one has canceled the power of Mimi, but one dignity at the sight of heels and spouts is not enough to become a good parent. Check ourselves and one who is near - maybe there is only a teteer of other people's children, postponing his birth at the time?

You are ready to sacrifice your interests.

After the birth of the child, you both instantly stop being the main here. The main one will become. Now it doesn't matter what you want - just what he wants, and both will have to agree with this. Otherwise, the long, length of decades will begin, the song that someone from something refused for the sake of the family and now the family should be for it.

You have enough money

figure class="figure" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ImageObject"> Baby.

The wretched, Nishchebrodskaya and trying to lie the sentence about the bunny and the lawn does not work. The child is not suiced, even if you do without silk diapers and moraine oak shoes. You will need a bunch of consumables, good (really good!) Insurance, money for nanny, kindergarten, school and university. Suppose you are the heroes and are ready to arm yourself and in all of yourself refuse - how longly stretch in this mode? The child needs financial stability, and not only right now, but all his life.

You have a stable relationship

Maybe you like that your romance is rock-n-roll shakes and throws up for God's sake. But if so, this is not the best place for the child. This, let's say straight, lousy place. If the pair had some problems, the appearance of the third participant in relations would make them only worse. Much worse. The parenthood requires the ability to negotiate, a quiet and benevolent situation in the house, cooperation and, desirable, the same views on the upbringing of children.

You both adults


Not in a passport sense. In the sense of the head. You do not behave in childish, you both responsible and in no look need. If you need to do something, you do without reminders, scandals, blackmail and screams "Why am I right?".

Your office of humane to young mothers

This is not the first point that comes to mind when planning pregnancy, but he should think about it. You must clearly imagine how much native office is ready to let you go to the cradle and how he will pay you for it, is it possible to continue to work although a third of the strength, but remotely, and what other Saveki offers moms the company. All this should not be agreed, but it is clearly spelled out, even if you and the boss - friends-dusties, the last fire, water and copper startups.

You are ready for inclipboard and victims


"Oh, it's all nonsense, my sleep calmly!" It is very nice that some moms are lucky. This does not mean that you will be lucky. The mother accounts for a thousand pandas with circles under the eyes. And dad too. It's hard to sleep when the ship's siren is working under the ear. And the lack of sleep is not the only kick from the comfort zone. Both should be aware that small joys of life - like long sleepy Sundays, quiet toys in tankers and loud gatherings with friends on the balcony - will be in the past, it can very well, which is irretrievably.

You have enough place in your apartment

Or you easily, without financial collapse, you can move to the place more. Because the child will immediately need a space - first for a bed, then for a personal room. I do not even want to explain why the sleep is in a one-room apartment, divided by cabinets and curtains - is not an option and the path to psychological injury for everyone.

You do not need even more love


Children often give birth in order to prevent love or replace someone - parents or ex. But parenthood is not about "receive", it is almost 100% about "giving".

You are not very young

There are some scissors: doctors say one, psychologists - more. For doctors early, of course, better - the muscles are more elastic, the heart is a fiery motor, the body as a whole strong and vigor. But the head is still misappropriate. And if torn over a couple of months, psychological injuries can pursue you to a coffin board. Women who gave birth to the first child to 23 years old, more often suffer from post-end depressions, neurosis and sense of guilt, they are more disturbing.

You both want it


Imposing paternity - the last thing. You can't know what is better for him. And if he does not want children, the chance that after the birth of the heir, he will transformed into an ideal dad, small - the story knows enough examples. No one has the right to solve for the other, to become a parent or not.

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