10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest


Not so easy to be a woman, it turns out. Because a woman should everyone. From the earliest childhood should behave decently, learn to one five and not climb on trees. Because "You are a girl!"

In childhood, all sorts of ridiculous demands were worried about a little, because it's a childhood to run barefoot and imagine yourself Chingachguk, sticking a pigeon feather into the pigtail. And now, you know, somehow too. Because from the grown girl they require impossible. This is, for example.

Be feminine

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_1
I want to crack down the head of anything heavy and slope "Eoya, Macfly, who is at home?!". If a woman was born, then where is it wary? Another pair of boobs to grow, or what? And here it begins: to be feminine - it is to be such a fuck ..

Comrades Citizens! Do you already decide before demanding, eh? And then in some femininity is to skirts, curls and charm, what a fool, and others have the seven along the beings and full hem beast. Do we, break, whether?

Be a good mistress

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_2
And this is our time when space ships are furious, and so on. The requirement is meaningless, due and impracticable. There are women who like to do the house, play a variety of flag-ladies type and tame cars for the manufacture of pasta. A good thing.

And the rest is why? And, most importantly - when? Go to school, go, and then - Batz! - second shift? At the slab or with a broom. And when? When to live, we ask you?

Be understanding

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_3
And all-friendly. Okay. We are ready to understand everything and all forgive everything. Only, please, then you pray on us and bring us victims, or something. Because the all-things and understanding is there, in the nosphere, inhabited by a variety of gods. They have such an option by default is stitched - well, if you should run. And we have no this option. There are things that we understand do not want and will not. I do not like? Write to Sportloto.

Be sexy

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_4
It's impossible. Physiologically. We are differently arranged. In the narrow circle of famous cynics (which the media ended) in the course of a strange term - "ovulatory beauty". A few days a month, we really emit sex. And we want. And we are so beautiful at this moment that there are no words.

And the rest of the time is not-a. That is, good sex is we are concerned, but in order to shine this very sexy - Fig. And what is called "be sexy" - all these studs, frank dresses and appeal looks - all this does not end. At best, the fracture of the ankle. At worst - attack in the dark alley.

Be modest

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_5
Do not stick out, that is. Do not select once again, and then you never know what. It remains to understand how to combine with the requirement "Be Sexy."

Be a good mother

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_6
How?! Here you read about who such a good mother is the same robot. Insensible and tireless. She never sleeps, never experiences any emotions, except for the dignity, and she doesn't have a brain in her head, and a chubby reference book for the cultivation of perfect little men.

With a child a good mother never happens. He is healthy, well brought up and never mapping. That is - he is also a robot. Do you know what we are talking to your girlfriends who feel drunk in the corner? "You are a good enough mother." Nice good. Because just good - she is not a man, no. In any case, the requirement to it is inhuman.

Be mysterious

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_7
And then they tell us "you, women, fuck you will understand." And then they tell us "female logic - incomprehensible." And then they tell us "And you could not say right to say?". Do you have enough of this, bunnies? Still squeeze?

Be defenseless but strong

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_8
Thin, but with forms. Blonde, but with black hair. Green-eyed, but so that I looked at blue eyes. And in general - go there, I do not know where.

Be obedient

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_9
Let my husband's wife and so on will be worse. Allow, but obedience is typical, mostly dogs. Sometimes - children. In any case, they require this. And you do not require anything else, no. Since defeat in rights automatically means defeat in duties. So you do this - or crossed, or the panties are put on. Or a woman obedient, or she is everything else. Together - in no way.

Be wise

10 requirements for you for which it is for a long time to send the forest 36832_10
A wise woman has all the above qualities, of course. How she succeeds - a big mystery. That is - we are about understanding how. In no way. That is why all sorts of femininity gurisses, experts and other Valyaeva are so popular. They also write unscientific fiction, and this is all interesting.

So you read - and you immediately want to become a wise woman. A real woman. With a capital letter. As in childhood, he dreamed of becoming an elven princess, queen warriors or a fox-clutch. And it became! On an hour while the game was interesting. So with the wise woman - the same garbage.

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