Some love is cold: the best recipes of cold soups


Cholel your dust - in the heat somehow does not pull on the tanning soup and borsch, but the cold soups go with a bang. Additional bonus - they are quickly prepared and almost completely diet. And they can be served in pizhonski in glasses.



Ingredients: Litter of tomato juice, half of a stale baton, 1 bulb, 2 boiled eggs, salt and vinegar, 100 grams of smoked ham (good Hamon, well, oh well), 3 cloves of garlic, olive oil.

Bow and Baton Demgement into small pieces and overalls in a blender with garlic and olive oil - enough 3 tablespoons. Mix is ​​a smoothie with tomato juice. Boiled egg eggs on small pieces, ham - on cubes. They must be served separately and add to the soup right before meals.

Belarusian beetner


Ingredients: Cunning - 1 pc., Potatoes - 4 pcs., Cucumber - 2-3 pcs., Egg - 4 pcs., Ham - 200 gr., 1.5 liters of kefir and as many mineral table, salt, greens.

Barrels potatoes, eggs and beets, clean everything and crumb into small cubes. Sodium cucumbers on a major grater so that something like noodles. Ham must be chopped into small straws. They filled everything into the pan, pouring kefir, sustained and let me stand up, make friends. In half an hour, dilute mineralka, sprinkle with greens and give under partisan Belarusian songs.

Soup with avocado


Ingredients: 3 avocado, 2 glasses of light kefir, a third of a glass of roasted nuts (any), halves of a red bulb, a bunch of greens, salt, wine vinegar.

Ensure with an avocado skirt, pull the bone and their penetration into small pieces. 2 Look in a blender, one left. In a blender to avocado, squeeze kefir, flowing nuts and finely chopped red onions, a teaspoon of wine vinegar and salt and bumps until a sort of cream gets. Serve, sprinkling avocado residues.

Apricot Soup


Ingredients: 10 ripe apricots, stale bun, 1 lemon zest, 2 boiled egg yolks, 2 spoons of sugar.

From apricots, remove the bone, and the bun cut into cubes. Bills with water (so that it covers the fruit, but you do not need to take too much), add the zest and sugar and cook half an hour. The result is cold and scrolling in a blender. Egg yolks of beggar into the dug, add to the soup and scroll again.

Almond Soup


Ingredients: 100 grams of peeled almonds, 3 thick slices of a stale battle without peel, 3 garlic cloves, 3 raw egg yolks, brushes of white grapes, sugar, olive oil, white dry wine.

Almonds, bread and garlic Grinding in a blender, add yolks, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 spoons of wine and again all the bumps. Add 300 grams of very cold water and mix everything again. Decorate grapes - and on the table.

Okroshka at kefir.


Ingredients: Potato - 3 pcs., Cucumber - 2 pcs., Radish - 6-7 pieces, egg - 2 pcs., Smoked chicken breast - 200 gr., 2 liters of kefir, bunch of greenery, green onions, lemon, water.

Swari All that is amenable to cooking - that is, potatoes and eggs. Redish and cucumber are a thin straw. Eggs, breasts and half of potatoes Demgement cubes, and the remaining potatoes are smoking right in the saucepan in mashed potatoes. There are all the components in the saucepan, pouring kefir, flowing down with a naked greens, the sustain and add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. And then dilute with water until you decide that it is, ideal consistency.



Ingredients: Three tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 bulb, half of the Bulgarian pepper, 2 garlic cloves, olive oil, wine vinegar, 2 slices of stale bread, salt, pepper.

All vegetables, except pepper, clean from skins and mumble in a blender. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, a slightly extinguished bread in water and a mumble with a vegetable smoothie again. Add a tablespoon of vinegar and 3 tablespoons of olive oil, sustain and pemer, if you want.



Ingredients: 1 Cucumber of medium fatness, a liter of kefir, a liter of mineral water, vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill, salt, a third of a glass of roasted walnut nuts (well, or any nuts).

The cucumber ruthlessly rubs on the grater into the noodles, the garlic is passed through the garlic and mixed with salt and vegetable oil. All this flood with kefir and mineralka, mix and fuel the finely chopped dill. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then feed, sprinkling nuts.

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