We calculate the space from psychological bydlism



Knowledge - both psychological and not very - always used by the general public, not as much as it was conceived by narrow specialists. Over time, many words and expressions have acquired a figurative meaning, or, more interesting, become vulgar and authoritative stamps simultaneously.

The psychologist-consultant Dmitry Kolganov told us about the most visiting "psychological passing" - peculiar clichés, with the help of which people seem to be simplifying their lives.


There is no "subconscious" in labor-psychology. And there is an unconscious. But the "subconscious" has long been piled up from psychology and turned into a franchise. This is a kind of virtual commercial platform for suggestion and self-sucking. Twenty fifth frames, tenth mantras and even spirits are designed to provide the client the desired result. Efficiency is unproveless, although certain benefits may be - and may not be like a Schrödinger cat.

"Slave mentality"

Very cool, socio-psychological cattle. There are only two words, and who said them already rises to inaccessible heights. It flies over dark exhausted cities, clogged with dark exhausted people, and everyone has a blank slave mentality. Hard breakdown when returning from the transcendental office - guaranteed. It is only necessary not to forget the boss congratulation better to rehearse, and then again the salary will be cut, bald horseradish.

"I have a strong transfer"


This in itself inspires compassion. And if you add "to you", it becomes somewhat alarming. It is understood that the subject once had something with someone, and here you fell away, and somehow it was spinning. It's not to blame for anything, but do not wait for goodness. In principle, the phrase and hinting, as she could.


Any confusing relationships that participants are trying to repair, then to share. Or even reading a boring book and a trip to the subway. Only occasionally is real.


Callism number one of the chamber of measures and scales. People brought up by the harsh Soviet reality, firmly confident that the right to attention has only senior. All others sleep and see how much attention to get attention, so they will exist. And do not care should be at all so that life does not seem to be honey. Therefore, all sorts of cries, appealing to justice and perturbation about the torn head should be swirling as enemy radio. So, by the way, it will be ... to the stratum.

Glamor version of "hysterics" - "Emotional blackmail". Mmm! It sounds like a chocolate dessert with a sinking, it should be served coffee with a cognac and a warm checkered plaid, better red, of course.

"Close Gestalt"


This may mean anything. He graduated from the course - well done, she completed Gestalt. I picked up a sweater to jeans - Krasawa, now Gestalt. Star the number of the former, when I realized that I would not drink so much to call her - the man, completed Gestalt! Receded the car - Monster Gesthatta. I solved the entire Japanese crossword - Genius Gazhtalta. Certified to the Gestalt therapist - well ... just gut.


Is that a stream of protons? No, it is built into the degree of shamanism a certain ghostly property of the individual to be cool and unrecordable. As the scooter used to say - and it will not say garbage: "IT`s nice to be important, But It`s More Important to Be Nice."

The enemy enemy of positive energy - naturally, the negative itself, the great and terrible. The beast with a thousand spin, easily determined by eye.

"The cognitive dissonance"

This phrase is an experimental weapon of unspecified heroes. His, without knowing it, is experiencing many, even who did not want their own fate. We experience, without giving your heavy mission, hiding behind the pie words "where the premature, you did not stand here!", "WTF?!", "And what is it now for two hundred and sixty?", "I thought you were gay." The Russian analogue is easier and cheaper, only four letters, but they are placed so that they cannot be printed here.

"Free relationship"

Curious, but the fact: if one person is in a pair - a supporter of these very "free relations", then the other will certainly turn out to be with the "slave mentality". British scientists installed.



It is like "hysterics", but intellectual. Recalling in the store? Do you check the needles on a dispatch? Do not answer unfamiliar numbers? All: Paranoik. The hysteria and paranoia are born by hypochondria, which is especially identified in the age of not too free medicine, painted for 5 minutes per patient per year.


Such a formidness is such a formidality, inconsistency, mutually exclusive paragraphs. If you are not a psychiatrist, who knows all this adware cuisine of schizophrenic patients, shuddering with the inappropriate use of this word is not necessary.

"Release the situation"

Yes, open the golden cage already, and let us fly.

"Get out of the comfort zone"

This is the place where you are too good, already boring. But others ... and go out, in some socks, without a hat! Wise people know that it cannot be too good - can be a powerful rise in resources that are useful to dispose on time.

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