You disgrace me: if you are ashamed for him



Our partners are not exactly the same as family and friends. They represent us in society, even if the whole society is a handful of ballobs, alien secular conventions. However, opportunities to dispose us in lovely more than anyone else.

The relatives do not choose, and few people pay attention to the story of your mom about your infant trips. Friends we scored themselves, but they do not associate them with you. But the partner is another matter. And if he is lying fool, for some reason you feel foolish. Maybe in vain. Or maybe not.

15 ways to overlook you


By whatever the question, you would have squeal and no matter how to blame, the Pludy screams and swinging with candelabras are definitely not what can please.

Disclosure of secrets

Even if this is not a state secret. Share your girlfriend living on the allowance as you spent on this bag. Report with the whole noble collection that you read the Donets in the toilet or snore with the management. In response to a compliment of your harmony to bloom that the whole thing is in the weekly diarrhea after the stupid cake. As nice.

Stories about your sex life


She, of course, and him too. But in any case, the stories about how often (or even worse, rarely) you have sex and how exactly you prefer to do is not at all the topic for the secular trend.

Political speeches

Whose is there Crimea? For the sake of all saint, it is not necessary, no need. Debate is one thing, but this is not a debate, it is without five minutes a fight.


Mat - high art, and few people own. But even the courtyard champion in obscene vocabulary should not demonstrate their talents in the presence of your parents or colleagues. Yes, and friends, if you have something in your company, it is not customary to spend a speech by strong seasonings.

Speech errors

"The insanity of their expression is proud. The last time did not care. Well, even the prices are cheap. I will drink, once stupid. " And then you want you to nicely have a sudden falling from the ceiling by Tomik Rosental.

Flasky dressing manners


It is very difficult to maintain imperturbability when dear, stinging the mouth with a kitlet, starts to laugh from the soul. What is there, impossible.

Hard relationship with alcohol

It seems that this is not you dreamed of visiting the entire master's bar and fell into heresy, but still immensely shame.

Bad jokes

Especially jokes, read out on the last page of the district newspaper, outlined in order. Worse - only jokes about PMS.


Which can also approach the category of bad jokes, especially if your precious bear has come to your feeling. Advice to a friend, who is already three years old trying to acquire the heir, do not steam and start five cats? Lord a lot, for what I have it.

Excessive playfulness

Often follows from the previous point. At the age of 15, you would have experienced attempts to dump you by a passionate kiss right at the bus stop, but now somehow it is not very.



Dirty hair, a T-shirt with a hole and a mourning kimea under the nails is not his personal matter, since you got out for people together. This disrespect for you.

Sarcasm non-stop

Another unscrewing of people endowed with an inverted ch / y - to believe that constant studs in your address are horror as rusty. You think? True or what? You can like it.

Some and the same stories

About how he once, Schwan hijacked a cart from the supermarket, already know all his friends, your friends, their cousins, your colleagues and concierge in the entrance. How not to know - he already repeats it 128 times.


This man is a slowdown bomb. It moves through the space with the grazing of a snow removal bulldozer, a fearless fragile subjects, people and a situation. In the store behind it stretches the loop of broken cans and overturned racks. And it is impossible to do nothing to do with it.

What to do before you arrange a spread in a quiet corner?

Reply to these 5 questions. And, preferably, extremely honest.

Is everything really so bad?

We often exaggerate the scale of the crash of their renome. Remember what you thought about Lenka, when Lenkin Khahal flashed at the table and told the anecdote about Mother? Most likely, you did not think about her. And she still sits in the corner and suffers from such a shame. Quite in vain, I must say.

All this noticed?

Yes, he danced like mummy boxer. It was bloodlause. It was a complete failure. But there was a 200 person in that club of the same dancers. And it is unlikely that everything, hopping his breath, was horrified by the plastic of your Vasi.

Is he definitely to blame?


That is, he intentionally humiliated you and extorted with his crying non-demand behavior, or simply could not hold back the belch, and with his jokes was always tight? Some people have social skills pumped up to the level of God, while others are lost in the company of two people. It is unlikely that the clumsy beech will turn the head of the party only because you are awkward for him. But you saw that I took, right?

Is it constantly?

It is not difficult to convey to a person that some kind of zakidon drive you into paint. Moreover, it is necessary to make it extremely clear, not allowing the discrepancies - if you say "what a fuck do you get up?!", It can easily be perceived as admiration for violence. But if he is great, it is knowing, continues to bend his line - here, alas, a clear lack of respect.

Is there no system in this?

It is one thing - social prochestness, another is a systematic poisoning humiliation, which gradually cuts you from your support group. You will start to be ashamed and avoid meetings with them - and the one who organized all this will get full control over your life. This is already really dangerous, except for jokes.

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