Siri saves people (except fools and criminals)



Patient interlocutor for those who do not chat with whom the secretary for the lazy, imaginary girl gickers with corpus palms, inspirer for the creators of the film "She". It is Siri. At first, this service was perceived as a busy toy, but over the past 4 years she proved not so simple. IT-Girl, our girl, almost Vanderwumen. Nudgeon itself - Siri ...

Friends with sick kids

Siri has become the best friend of the autista guy from New York. Gus Newman talks for hours with her about airplanes and weather, and Siri does not tease him for the wrong reprimand or non-standard logic - but others have been engaged in this. After conversations with Siri, Gus has improved pronunciation, and indeed communication with these people went to the way. Surely such as Gus, a lot - just not at all mom - writer Judith Newman, who can write about this column in New York Times.

Helps blind instagram


Do not be Siri, Tommy Edison would never have started instagram. Not that volume is weak in terms of technologies - it's just blind from birth. But, cooperating with Siri, Edison started his own account and mightway will post pictures. The voice service suggests which icon is his finger, it warns that some item lights up the lens, gives a signal when someone's face appears in the frame, well, everything is as usual - select the filter, pull the brightness, add contrast. Here Tommy clearly explains how he turns this number, and here you can see his pictures.

Reveals crimes

In 2012, the police detained a guy from Florida. His neighbor in the apartment has failed through the land, and the detainee somehow was very nervous, carried Ahine and was confused in the testimony. There was no evidence against him - while the cops did not decide to check his iPhone. And they found out that on the day of the disappearance of the cohabitant, this foolishness asked Siri: "Where can I hide the body?" Well, Siri, naive at the time of the girl, with the go to him offered a lot of options - from the reservoir to the swamp. Now, the science of bitter experience, she in response to such a question gloomy drops "very funny."

Saves people


Liz Niton from Mneshesota has a serious problem - sometimes it loses consciousness, and seriously - sometimes the help of doctors is required. But Liz lives with a two-year-old Yves daughter, and how to explain the two-year apartment, what to do in such a situation? Liz came out of the position with Siri. Do not ask us how - this is a ready-made nomination for the Montessorian award - but Liz was able to train Yves during the attacks to include Siri and ask her to call 911. Skill came in handy - when Liz was fainted once again, IV caused physicians and everything ended well, Hooray.

And does it regularly

Not the first and not the last case when Siri saved someone's life, by the way. Here is the 18-year-old trucker Sam Rey from Tennessee once picked up with his truck and something went wrong - shorter, a cabin collapsed on him. I collapsed and pressed my hands tightly. And you imagine what is a truck cabin? This is 2.5 tons of metal. Sam somehow sore himself, pressed the hift button "Home" on the phone, which remained in the jeans pocket and asked Siri to cause rescuers who had calculated his position on the phone location. Everything is fine, the guy saved, he slowly recovers and swear, which will use the iPhone until the end of his days.

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