10 Gaffian reptiles that are waiting for you in the country


You probably already marked how you go to Dacha. Hammock kebabs or there, beds, copulate sticks. And about the Mokhnogichi and sudden completely forgotten. And in vain: these guys successfully overwhelmed and just crave fresh blood. Your one!


Well, it is frowning (especially in the dark), the blood drinks is nonsense. It is enough to drag the blanket from your husband, and let the insect dinner with pleasure. Special mosquito talent - make you yourself harm yourself. To seek smelly cream, spray to toxic sprays, sleeping near the nasty fumigator. At the same time, the mosquito will still find the opportunity and you are tempted. Best of all, of course, bite a man at night, behind the ear and the inner side of the mother's legs. And no will save will save. You will be hurry, hide, turn, turning innocent red specks on the skin in creepy sores with crusts. And the comlarr seems to be like nothing.


What terrible diseases tolerate this little rubbish, let the doctor tell. We will tell you about tick-sacrifices. The epidemic of the scratch is striking people who heard something like: "Oh, it seems, I have something crawled on my leg." And even if there are rubber boots above your knee and encephalot with a couple, you will immediately understand that for you, too, someone crawls! For all you, and especially in the most sensitive places. If you, God forbid, the right, then there is no kebab in all, and the fascinating quest "swollen a tick throat" and, perhaps even a trip to the hospital with a jar. Admit, you have already been broken?


It seems to anyone, except for enthusiastic gardens, should not disturb the Medveda. Well, it spoils floral bulbs, so who only does not spoil. But she will try. Medveda - Master of Epic Appearance. For example, if you lie on a delicate herb, in order to romantically read the love affair, right before your face will certainly be expanded by the Earth and, cropping by shaggy paws, in front of you will arise this sinful fruit of the Crowning of Crow and Tarakan. Next nothing. Only the sun, air and a silent cry.


Cricket, Dami Diri! Disappointment of the whole life. In cartoons, this is a cute, hardworking creature in velvet fur coat, with a pretty fruit. And in his life, he's head as if the author of "Upin Fox" looked. Well, the pits of this infection leaves completely inconsistent with its size. There are some sole miserable Hortensia, and Croobovina will immediately appear. If you pour it with water, the mole will look for salvation, and disappears the whole yard to the crotch mother. Then he paints and go to die into the well.


Muha terrifies the combination of stupidity and perseverance. Usually she pursues those who naively decided to build a day. Muha unmistakably chooses people exhausted by weeding or watermelon. In the end, the destroyed Fly Dachnik suppresses disgust and decides: "Well, God is with you, sit on me, crawl, rubbing my nasty legs. But why always on face, and!?


If this insect was filmed in the horror movie, then the role of the maniac, who pursues his sacrifice on a desert country road under the scorching sun. It will be flown, it will be swaying, it will grab off by the shoulder, causing to accelerate the step and bewildered. Soon you are ready with your head to dive into any swamp or squeeze yourself with a dusty swan bush. And most importantly, to protect and control all your body in a frivolous summer costume never happens, so the painful blemb will inevitably grow somewhere.


A cute fluffy creature not only actively eats someone else's good and even more actively shits on someone else's good (mice clearly violate the law of energy conservation). After all, they are easily capable of turning a new, shining siding and lacquered wood house in a bad mansion with ghosts. In the exactly verified night clock, when the windows overtakes the wind and the rowan branches of ominously scratch the plastic frames, the mouse begins to walk, squeak and sometimes still fall into the slot behind the buffet. In addition, it causes inadequate behavior from urban cats and dogs. Where it looks in empty space watching your four-legged friend and defender - didn't the ghoster saw?!


Collective and, probably, the alien mind of the anthill one will once capture the planet. And he will begin with your ass, whatever the bodie you do not inspire her. And maybe ants have already seized the world. After all, where they do not shone, everywhere they. Imagine for a moment that all these forest anthills are only the top of the iceberg. In fact, all the soil is permeated with a giant ant mushroom. Once, they will have overpopulation and our homes, cars and legs are falling through the land of the land down, down, the kingdom of ants. Here, live now at this way ;-)


Another master of sudden appearances. The spider is able to proceed even pervert-Arachnophil, who sincerely loves and with sympathy looks at these shaggy paws. Because when something sterling to your forehead from the clean sky, you will not stand even the most hardened. Moreover, along with a spider in the face, his cobweb is arrived. Some miserable strings, but you will not take again, and while you are making hands and chatting your head, undoubtedly, and the nest also will be imprisoned in the nest.


In general, innocent creature. Sits quietly, eats something. Waiting for you in the garage or barn. And only the eyes shine in the dark. And pupils pillow. Brrr.

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