Traveling in Russia from


As we know, the long winter holidays were invented in order for the authorities of all ranks to calmly go skiing, who is in Courchevel, who under Sochi. Someone in winter goes to swim with sharks in the warm seas, and we treat it too with all respect and love. But we are not from those. We refuel the full tank (since he now in terms of real money costs 40 euro scenes per liter) and we are going according to Russia.

Rus is the central part of the European part of Russia. The oldest part of our Motherland, the place where our civilization comes from. She is full of ancient cities, amazing churches, gentle hills, wide fields, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, Stalinist dams and strange ulcers in those places where the churches blew up, and they did not build anything in their place. At the same time, over the past 15 years, traveling in Russia has become cute and nice. The tracks are more or less decent, along the roads are motels, refueling at every turn, tires and car repair, in general, too. The trip has long ceased to be something extreme and turned into a cute journey. However, do not forget that the car, even good and new - not the most reliable unit in the light, and outside the window is the Russian winter, which is what. If the car breaks, it will take a few minutes. Accordingly, in the winter road trip, it is necessary to take a thermos with hot drink (and renew it at each night), warm clothes and blankets, charged mobile phones and cash.

Tula, Ryazan.

Traveling in Russia from 36808_1

Two cities at a distance of about two hundred kilometers from Moscow, between them - another 200 kilometers. Excellent journey for a couple of days. Before Tula - Direct high-speed route. In the city itself - the 16th century Kremlin, the truth is quite boring, just a perimeter with red walls. Inside - the museum of weapons. There is almost everything here - from the saber, Turkish onions, old muskets and kolchug to modern portable anti-aircraft missile systems, with all stops. In short, if there is in your family there are boys from 5 to 95 years - you just need to go there. Another important landmark of Tula is the Petr Petrovich Brewery restaurant. Do not consider advertising and order, but they have their own brewery, damp, smokehouse, and a cook, which prevented in Russian cuisine and reconstructs old recipes - this cannot be missed. The next day, you can navigate to the ancient Russian city of Ryazan, in which there is also a Kremlin, only if there are walls in Tula without insides, then there are insides without walls. Wildly beautiful Cathedral of Russian Baroque and Old Russian Chambers, built in the 19th century by architect Kohn on the place of the present. The road between Tula and Ryazan is a narrow highway with a decent asphalt, which passes past the vintage villages and towns with dilapidated churches. See the pointer to Viennev - do not be lazy to call. Before the revolution, it was a wonderful town with a huge cathedral. Komsomol members of the Cathedral tried to blow up, but the bell tower rested. And now it is now dilapidated on the hill-foundation a monument to Soviet barbarism. In winter, it should look especially sad.

Alexandrov, Pereslavl, Rostov, Yaroslavl

Traveling in Russia from 36808_2

The road is strictly north of Moscow, ancient and also incredibly beautiful. First there is a wide highway, and then, in a hundred kilometers, it begins the usual two-brand through the villages and by the hills. Carefully with a high-speed mode: traffic cops were hiding behind these hills with radar, now in the villages of the cameras. Interesting on this road begins almost immediately after the border of the Moscow region. If you turn on the pointer to the right to Vladimir, 40 kilometers will be the city of Alexandrov with the Museum-Reserve "Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda". This is the place where the king Ivan Grozny retired to Okrichnin. Even before the joining of the Crimea and the new course, in our policy in the Alexander Sloboda, there were shields explaining that Officon is the progenitor of our glorious CC-FSB, and that there was nothing progressive and more useful for the country. We return to the track and go to Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is a perfectly round Plescheevo Lake and a lot of private museums, including the kettle museum, the museum of the Iron and also God knows what. The main square of the city is the Red Square - in the summer serves as local cows pasture. It costs one Domongolsky Cathedral (that is, built until the middle of the 13th century) and several cathedrals. If these cathedrals rise to the city shaft - there will be quiet and seem that time stopped. Further on the same road - the Great Rostov, one of the few cities of Russia, in which a whole medieval palace ensemble is preserved, the truth is the Episcopian, and not prince. But all the same, all these chambers with Gulbishmi are symbolizing Moscow in all films about the old, including, of course, "Ivan Vasilyevich", which changed his profession. And in Rostov, there is a restaurant of medieval cuisine, in which the recipes of the 16th century reconstruct. This is at least interesting. Another hundred kilometers will be the city of Yaroslavl: the largest and vibrant city in this part of the country. There are beautiful parks, the milestone embankment, ancient church, the theater, quite an imperial Catherine Center, and at the entrance - an oil refinery. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, ride to Yaroslavl at night (in winter it is simple). The highlighting of the plant in the dark looks even more fantastically than City in Moscow: it looks like an alien spacecraft, for some reason, who landed on the Central Russian plain.


Traveling in Russia from 36808_3

According to Vologda, you just need to walk. There is preserved quite a lot of Russian Northern Modern, which is no longer anywhere. In some half-chacted wooden house there can be a doors with geometric ornaments of a completely museum quality. Then you can accidentally reach the crazy house, in which the Russian poet of Batyushkov, friend and contemporary Pushkin finished his days. This yellow house, and on it - lattices in the form of insane screaming rye. Under the impression of a madhouse, you can jump into the car, turn left, towards Cherepovets and Peter and get to Kirillow. It is necessary to watch the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, the center of the Russian Orthodox scholarship, and then drive another 20 kilometers to Ferapontovo, where Dionysius, the great Russian icon painter of Greek origin can be admired, in uncompressed frescoes.

Vladimir. Suzdal. Gorokhovets.

Traveling in Russia from 36808_4

To Vladimir to go nearly 200 kilometers. This is a relatively large city, in the center of which an ancient building, stone houses of the early 19th - early 20th century, very disfigured by different signs. The heart of the city is a park on the site of the Kremlin, in which there is a large and moderately beautiful cathedral and a small temple of Dmitry Solunsky, patron of warriors and princes, built literally a few years before the Mongolian invasion and decorated with fantastic beauty by stone thread. It can be viewed by clock until, in fact, do not freeze to the damn mother. Plots of threads are partially biblical, partly - from ancient myths. David Psalmopevets is peacefully adjacent to Hercules, and maybe it is, now there is someone who knows. A similar temple with almost exactly the same carvings is in the city of Yuryev-Polsky, it is less than a hundred kilometers from Vladimir. You can immediately jump into the car after Dmitry and go to watch it. But it is better to compare the Temple of Dmitry with the main church of the Russian Plain, the first stone temple of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus (if anyone did not know, Moscow was one of her border towns). We leave Vladimir, we are going a few kilometers to the village of Bogolyubovo, we park and go on foot to the cover of Nerli. The usual little church, minimum thread and jewelry. Explain why it is amazingly beautiful and in general one of the main symbols of our country is impossible. It may be all the case in the landscape: it stands on the low shore of the river, on the bay meadow, where in the Middle Ages it was convenient to consider the troops who came to the call of the prince, and in our time you can just look around and understand finally, what is it on It really means to love my homeland. After a session of love, we return to Vladimir and turn on the signage to Suzdal, another oldest Russian city in which in the 18th century there was an important monastery prison. Now there are a lot of beautiful temples, monasteries and churches, this is a popular tourist point of the Golden Ring of Russia, so there is where to eat and where to spend the night, although it is very expensive. If you return to Vladimir and go further towards Nizhny, there will be the city of Gorokhovets. On a huge grief used to be a princely castle, and now (that is, from the 15th century approximately) - the monastery. In the city itself - from half a dozen of the preserved stone chambers of the late 17th century. In some registry office, in others - the archive, and in another couple - museums, including a terrible interesting museum of medieval life. And on the castle monastery mountain, they built, by the way, a full ski track.

Kalyazin, Uglich, Myshkin, Rybinsk.

Traveling in Russia from 36808_5

People are lazy go on this route in the summer, and on the boat, on the canal and along the Volga. We will go in winter and by car. 60 kilometers to Sergiev Posad, from there left in a narrow two-band track. Somewhere immediately after the border of the Moscow region on the sides, villages will appear with fantastic beauty by platbands on the windows of old houses. It is worth staying at least five minutes and picked up. Then turn to Kalyazin, the city, which was drowned by two thirds in the Rybinsk reservoir. If the ice already gets up, it will be possible to fit the bell tower of the Nikolsky Cathedral: it usually sticks out of the water on a tiny island, but in winter the water falls and freezes. Actually, there is nothing more in Kalyazin. Next - Uglich. Ancient Russian city, still hardly experienced by the murder of Tsarevich Dimitria. Actually, for Uglich's guides there is no secret here and no detective: killed Boris Tsarevich Dimitri, stabbed the innocent baby, the scare and gentleman. In Uglich, there are many beautiful temples, including, of course, saving-on-blood at the very place where innocently killed Tsarevich pierced in convulsions. But we mostly love Uglich for his huge dam of Stalin's times. Imperial communist baroque of the 1930s is the truth is a very strange and very beautiful sight. In front, we have the city of Rybinsk, also very victim from the spill of the reservoir. In Rybinsk, a giant maritime cathedral, similar to Kronstaddi, a historic center, bursting a year ago by adsk repairs. In this myilest town of aviation factories, technical intelligentsia and skilled workers, there is a presence of a milestone museum, in which the whole hall is devoted to the relationship of this city with Hollywood: two local Jews, the Scholak brothers, at the beginning of the twentieth century, left for America and there were several Hollywood Studies.

Rajak, Torzhok

Traveling in Russia from 36808_6

First you will have to withstand the Leningrad highway, pretty ragged and full trucks. After Tver, about 200 kilometers from Moscow, look for an inconspicuous pointer to the manor of Znamensky-Rajak. Her (as well as a lot on this road) built a great architect Prince Lviv. This is a big rich estate with a semi-wall park, artificial antique ruins, streams, ponds and bridges. The main house of the estate is equipped with a gallery in the form of an ideal circle, inside the gallery - the places, on which you can, if you wish, build a whole regiment. Masonic symbols are encrypted in all this, and all together is an attempt to rationalization and domestication of native Osin. Schooked here on the way to Peter, Novgorod or even some Finland and take a walk in an hour. And after about 40 kilometers, roll on Torzhok. Torzhok is an old Russian town away from the tracks, not very often visited by tourists and therefore a little collapsed. Meanwhile, there is a completely unique urban ensemble of the 18th century, a stunning view from the city on the river (a solid flows there), and even more stunning - from the river to the city. Come there on a sunny day and take a walk. The place is a bit melancholic, like almost the entire Russian province, but the dream is beautiful.


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