They also sing! Musical series of famous serials



Sooner or later, but all the TV shows are more than a couple of seasons, you have to do something, so as not to lose the interest of the public and at the same time not to lose the plot. And many series are resorted to such a trick as the music series (or a series-musical). We transferred a selection with reviews of such series, and you, if you want, add your favorites!

1. "Buffy, Vampire Fighter" "Once again, with feeling"

The seventh episode of the sixth season is considered one of the best in general in the whole series. His creator of Joss Odon not only took off this episode, but he himself wrote a script and all musical numbers. The idea of ​​the episode came into his head during a drunk (yes) with an acting staff at his house at the evening dedicated to the reading of Shakespeare.

The episode soon became cult, participated in the show of retro-musical films in 2003, but, unfortunately, the disputes between the copyright holders led to the fact that since 2007 special shows of episode were suspended.

2. "Clinic" "My musical"

In this episode, a patient comes to the hospital for treatment to Ji Di and Elliot Reid, which perceives everything that happens around her like a musical. The series was recognized as the best in the season and nominated on 5 "Emmy", including the "best poems and music", "best music for the comedy series" and others. Some songs are completely crazy, such as "Everything ever turns into a poop ". Injoy.

3. "Show 70s" "These musical 70s"

One of the heroes of the series, Fez, who participates in the school competition, is experiencing whether friends will be able to support him and dreams, as he could be lit in one or another musical style.

4. "Anatomy Gray" "Song under the song"

In the episode, in the spring of 2011, quite a gloomy plot - a pregnant woman falls into a heavy accident. While doctors are actually not other people, and close and familiar are trying to save their lives and a child, a woman begins to hallucinate from anesthesia. So, while real doctors, biting the lip, quickly and smelly operate - imaginary doctors sing and dance. Songs from the episode managed to get into the top sheets as the best and worst songs of the year. It is in this video that there are not so many doctors as the victim itself, and it looks very confused, as it should be the soul, chatting in a pair of meters from the body.

5. "Seventh Sky" "Red socks"

You can say, a double challenge - the heroes did not just sing so suddenly, they are so preparing for Valentine's Day ... Meanwhile, someone clearly lacks the blessing of this very saint, what they are actually singing about. Songs were recognized as the worst musical serial generally; We do not know why we give them here. Still, "red socks" sounds very impressive, probably, therefore.

6. "Ellie McBill" "Almost musical"

A girl-lawyer has a lot of a lot of episodes is in difficult relationships with the lawyers, their wives and husbands, builds a career and so on. They say this series is watching aliens and in "Futuram" will come to demand its continuation. It is good that "Futurama" is not soon.

7. "Prison Oz" "Variety"

Fabulous Volyna, or "Radio Chanson" in English. In prison, prisoners arrange a concert. Concert. In prison. Assembly room, yes.

eight. “

strong>How I Met your mother" "Girls against costumes"

Several musical artists were specifically invited to the episode, and the song "Nothing goes to me as a suit" was nominated for the AMMI premium for original music and text.

9. "Northern Side" "Old tree"

What would be like "twin pix", if nobody killed Laura Palmer? Well, in the final of the fourth season of such a story, one of the local girls wakes up unable to speak, and only sings. And there is nothing to laugh, so really happens to some skills. The town is sitting on the salvation of a local Great Tree, and she sings.

10. "Classmates" "Local Festive Music"

The tenth series of the third season and students, and teachers are no longer such students and not such teachers, but a research team, which, by holding a rather ridiculous circumstances, organizes a Christmas concert. In particular, the ensemble of schoolchildren is offered to sing a song about that from Christmas somehow quietly threw the birthday of Jesus. Schoolchildren with pleasure agree, still.

Translation: Asya MikheevSource:

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