Brief history of virginity: myths and legends



Virginity - she is almost like the clitoris. In the sense that he covered myths and legends. But in something she is opposite to him. If the clitoris was mostly not noticed, then it, on the contrary, usually protruded and waved it in the air (often literally). Only now the advanced minds began to reach the revolutionary thought: maybe it is not at all?

Myth first, mythological. This is a dangerous thing!

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Blood is death, and the evil spirits are saught in it. So it is necessary to do with low blood, and better and without. So threw a bunch of peoples at the dawn: from Tibetans and Japanese to the inhabitants of Australia. But what to do, if you still need to multiply, and this stage will not go anywhere? The conclusion suggests: to take on the fire should be the one who is stronger. Say, priest. He with spirit spirit adds. Well, or relatives, they are not so sorry as young and strong, socially useful newlyweds. So in some African tribes, the first marriage night with the bride first took place at all guests at the wedding. The main character was splashing in the tail of the queue. In the Marquis Islands or in New Guinea, the defloration process conducted an elderly aunt with bone ... Mm, a knife. And one of the people in India was invited to this case a special man from the side - and so that it was not enough. The case is unsafe, self-sacrifice requires.

Myth second, religious. This is the necessary thing

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Then Christianity came and told everyone about what can sometimes give birth and without sex, but if it was very impatient to fruit and multiply - then it is necessary to marry and more from it under any circumstances do not speak. And before and out - no. At the same time, the lack of sexual contacts from a marriage man somehow did not care anyone. But above the virgin devices, the virginity was messed up by the excellent. Say, the wedding rite in the Russian villages is touched by his approach to the prieves: the first marriage night had a young jokes, booms and a bunch of rites (you eat a chicken with him, then the boots will take off it), they got to them all night, leaving, all Whether it turned out - and the beds with blood were then joyfully dragged around the entire population. What all this whistling has had to Christianity and love, a big question. But who he cared when such fascinating entertainment.

Myths Third-fourth, physiological. With pain and blood

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"When the sex happens at the young lady for the first time, it will certainly hurt and from you flowing." Who did not know this "capital truth" in high school, raise your hand! The process scared scared, and the girl rushed courageously, how they sit in the chair of the dentist: now there will be horror-horror, but what can you do, it is necessary to ever. And indeed, it happened. And in the second and next time - for some reason sometimes too. Because she is scared, he was ineptly, both embarrassed. But no one told about it.

Well, blood - if it was not found, the ancestors from the Russian villages wake up in the gentlemen of the twentieth century. Wikipedia did not turn out then, so it was difficult to beat hotels the fact that blood during defloration is not allocated in many (according to various sources, from 10 percentup to 57%). Yes, and the pain is not at all necessary if the girl is relaxed and breeding.

Myth fifth, no less physiological. Eating Pure - there was no sex

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Hymen is a delicate matter. In the sense, very diverse. Some are generally born without it. In some, it is damaged by some careless actions. In some, there is a concept of tensile, which is not breaking even after several completely genital sexual acts. However, why do you know all these subtleties if there is a full-fledged hymenoplasty industry? In the morning money - in the evening virility. Everyone is pleased, everyone laughs. And for what - and for whom - all this is necessary, it is necessary to think. And to think - much more difficult than manipulated with a small fold of the mucous membrane covering the entrance to the vagina.

Myth Six, from there. Virbs will not be pregnant

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Well, besides one, the most famous in world history, it can, and without any intercourse. And so, at least do the first time - you will not fly away. Full, of course, nonsense, uncomplicated creative protection of prevention. You can become pregnant, of course, you can even with half a half after the interrupted sexual intercourse, in which a man seems to "not go far." Sperm - these are comrades. Living, the will to victory is enviable. They are especially far deep into women to deliver and do not need: get from the outskirts.

Myth seventh, moral. Virginity is innocence

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Those who are still sometimes inclined to think about the great question for a long time: "Why a woman who decided to have sex is" whore "(that is, a bad girl), and a man who decided exactly the same thing is" steep pepper "(I.e., a good boy)?" Why nobody is worn with male untouchability? And why, in fact, in general, the girl should explain, justify, feel some kind of discomfort - about having this most unfortunate folding?

America Jessica Valenti in the book "The Purity Myth" ("Myth of Clean" or something like that) spoke more clearly on this topic. Society, she says, is worn with the idea of ​​virginity, as with a writer Tuba (she is about her, American, but in our same kind of troubles). But there is no such "purity", she says. What fright did you suddenly become "dirty" after the act of love? What joy do you have to feel bad now? Good heart, the brain in the head, the sense of humor is, it means that all the factors are "good"? Factor - Do you deal with these natural and most intimate in the world? Logic where? Where - where ... it was there.

But really. What is our chief synonym for "virginity"? That's right, "innocence." And what is the antony of the words "innocence"? Wines, yeah. So, we get: sex = wines. And the wines, gentlemen, the jury meetings, somewhere completely else elsewhere!

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