Tourist sorrow: 10 species of creepy travelers



Our columnist, Ella Dare, travels a lot: this is her hobby. So the experience of survival with the most different fellow travelers and the fellow travelers is enviable. She wrote about greedy companions separately, and about the rest of the terrible types told in this column.

So it came out that I was traveling with different fellow travelers. No, no, not because after a trip with me, they throw me forever, since as I have a lot of Noah, I quickly go and taste everything that the meeting. With some score, joint travel is already nearing the top ten. I just can't stand it, while someone from my usual companions will gather. Or someone from them does not like the place where I pulls me. In other years I had a dozen fellow travelers, and everyone is beautiful and amazing.

More precisely, almost everything. There are several varieties of fellow travelers who are able to spoil their vacation to anyone, and now I will tell you about them.

Non-drinking / non-smoking

Oh, these are not people, but sacchada hell! A healthy person next to them is hard. Imagine, you open a bottle from morning a bottle, so that the day is set. And then your girlfriend crashes without "bad habits." How she calls it. Grozno looks at you and looks in progress:

- Are you alcoholic?

The same story is repeated during lunch and dinner. And if you are also with a layer of a liqueur and a view of the sea, you want to sit in the night, then in general the tragedy. You are a finished person, and you will remind you about it as many times as you need to agree.

Non smoking even worse. If non-drinking at least occasionally keeps themselves in their hands, non-smokers usually in 24/7 mode are in a crusade against nicotine. And you spend time on vacation between lectures that you will soon die, and trying to hide behind a bush and enjoy a cigarette. And if you are not neurotic, then after a couple of weeks, in this mode, it will certainly turn into it!

Children / their parents


Oh, these charming angels! And their parents, confident that the angels need to know the world. As a result, you do not enjoy the beauties of Brugge, and you are looking for a toilet, then apple juice, then a toilet again, again the juice, and then a store with children's clothes, because three pants have already dirty, and there are no more. Thank heaven that your (or foul) Sibling did not fall into the canal!

Then you have a dinner in the restaurant, tightly clutching into the appliances, a napkin, food and a glass, and you put your ears left out of eight hands, so as not to hear the screaming of the bored chad and the voice of the girlfriend who urged the baby to eat at least a piece.

Shopping? Well, if you want to please everyone in the store, come on, try.

And on the beach? Even for a minute you will not see the book, because it is this minute that the baby will use to swallow the stone or play at the depths of its height. Patch yourself? Forget, the beach is a place to entertain the child, and not you, a stupid fault.

Think, everything will change when the child becomes older? Three times ha. It will be even worse. Only now a rolled baby will not slander and beat in hysterics due to the fact that instead of a game in the typewriter it was dragged to watch abstract art, and monotonously and tiringly whining, demanding the right entertainment and new sneakers. And you will regret that he is not two years old: at this age he sometimes slept!

Connoisseurs of History and Culture

It would seem, what kind of danger from them? On the contrary, one advantages. This fellow traveler knows everything, can answer any questions, he always has a travel concept, fun and interesting with him.

Yeah, how! Here you go on a small French town. Pretty houses, cozy area with planeis and cafes. And suddenly the cry of the congestion:

- Van Gogh lived in this house! Four days! I dreamed here to go!

And gets to the steps. And he refuses to get up the next hour three hours, at the same time telling you the biography of not only Van Gogh, but also a half hundred of his contemporaries, as well as the ancestors and relatives of the then owner of the house. And you were lucky if this unfortunate does not happen from Alienora Aquitan. Then you will have to spend the night on these steps.

And the next day, he will drag you to the museum, where he will spend at least an hour next to each picture. Then in the second. Then in the third. And so will continue until you visit the Filateli Museum in the Vatican (this is a regular finale of such wandering) or you will not run out, deciding to go to the pirates.



These are also harmless, at first glance. Well, loves your friend to ride a bike. Or swim. Or just goes quickly - what's since?

But in a joint journey it becomes a problem, and immediately.

You can't maintain the pace taken by this crazy. You want to walk around the boulevard slow step, and he rushes somewhere as if he smelled his heels in pepper in the morning.

He drags you in the rain on a bicycle walk in the fields. Makes climbing every middle a mountain or tower, because it is a cardio training. I reported in the evening that tomorrow you have a rafting on the mountain river. Or a jump with some famous Tarzanka.

Scolds for the fact that you did not lead yourself to a form to such a responsible trip, and therefore behind. It chases even in the sea, because your technique and the speed do not suit him. And to the fact that some love to enjoy on vacation at no speed or overcoming themselves, he does not believe. As in the fact that your muscles hurt after yesterday's jerk twenty kilometers along the next way of the gods, and now you need only the dream of the gods.


Travel every time turns into a difficult quest, when one of your companions - Gourmet. And again, nothing foreshadows. He knows the best fish restaurant Oslo or Naples Pizzeria. Anywhere in the world is ready to help in choosing local dishes or culinary souvenirs. Will not be mistaken with wine.

But if you suddenly want to eat in the middle of the day, when many restaurants are closed, and you will pull the gourmet in the first passing eatery - beware. His resentment on your stupidity and gastronomic inventiveness may be long. Also try not to buy street dishes without its approval, but otherwise you risk jumping on a cry:

- This is food pigs! Emmit immediately!

And certainly do not try to choose a seat for dinner or products for cooking. Because your inevitable mistake will be remembered not only until the end of the journey, but until the end of life! And pouring his beloved wine in case, in the restaurant where Gourmet wanted to get, there was no free table. Otherwise, your friend will suffer all evening.

Photographers / fashion model

Of course, these are two different categories of people. But the representatives of both are painful if you do not refer to one of them. Let's say if you are a photographer, and your fellow fashion model, or vice versa - you found each other. Or if you are both photographers of about one specialization. But if you are a fashion model or even indifferent to the photo, then write.

The photographer, like an athlete, climbs on every mountain and tower, only another purpose. He wakes up early in the morning to catch the right light, not noticing that he woke up all the travelers. He attacks people if he considers himself a portrait. On birds, if he is Berdvotcher. Drags you into slums if a social photography attracts it. And even if you do not drag - will you let go of this blissful one with all its equipment?

The model makes exactly the same, just to shoot it. What can irritate stronger than her endless:

- Dear, take me away near the fountain? Even here in this posture. And in such. And with a flower! And how I remove Selfie! And now I want a Juliet balcony, I get sick from there, and you take a picture so that I am in love with you!

After a couple of days of such a lifetime, you regret that photo octot and hunting are different things.

Fans of true color, authenticity and communications with locals


These eccentrics also can not immediately scare you. But when you understand that it is not possible to climb to the tower today, as well as look at the monument, which I have long dreamed of, not to mention the famous cathedral - you will take anxiety.

Day after day you will be diverted into the local life, carefully avoiding any tourist sites, attractions, decent restaurants, shops, guides and - especially! - compatriots. At the same time, your friend seems to be specifically to strive for some monstrous holes, which local avoids, not counting the baryg or marginals.

He will choose to communicate exclusively those who cannot understand it because of the language barrier, because it is possible to know the country in this way. Will try only the most strange looking dishes. And as a gift, Mama from Greece will buy authentic men's shoes made by hand back in the year before last. And you make you do the same.

By the end of the trip, you can get a couple of phobias and lies, but you will learn to understand not only the old women from the little Greek villages, but also the sheep.


These people are terrible if you count on the resort novel. Or just at the unscrewing flirt with a charming dutch, who smiled at your cafe.

- Did you forget that the boyfriend is waiting for you at home? Why did you put such a short skirt? Do you want these animals to get you from morning to evening? Behave yourself!

Do not even think about nightclubs, nudist beaches and other vocations! And try to make a face with brick while approaching men. And women, too, you never know how many perverts are among them.

In general, relax and enjoy it will not be easy. Therefore, they say, rejection and behave as you say! Or again try to escape.


This is the most nightmarish. If someone from your travelers has little money, you can somehow get out. But if your friend is rich, and each of you pays for myself, then you will soon feel someone else's on this holiday. And even completely unfortunate.

But comfort yourself by the fact that everyone has its drawbacks. And that your friend at least not Berdvotcher, not an amateur of parachute sports and is not going to buy a plane on his journey, and therefore pulls you exclusively at aviation factories.

And languists with champagne and boutiques from morning to night - it's nothing, you can cope with it. Although it will be difficult.

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