If this woman is a bitch, say goodbye to her!



Ah, this delightful bitch! Nobody met her, and everyone adores her. In addition to our columnist. Ella Darzay exposes the idea of ​​droils as female dignity.

From time to time I meet a person who claims that every woman is a bitch. Or that I am a bitch, and it is cute and piquant. He is delighted.

Oh really? - I ask. And he joyfully nods.

The bitch is an excellent characteristic of a woman who argues. Only she means that named so individual:

  • evil
  • selfish
  • Ekland, scandalous
  • rough
  • intolerant to other shortcomings,
  • Tritters close and distant, and often in small things,
  • does not recognize personal borders
  • And it is not ready to go to his goal on the heads of these closest. And the target sometimes can be completely nonsense, like new shoes or a new lover.

And even if you do not take the philological meaning of the Word (in this place, many probably decide to google and wonder what I congratulate them!)

But it was almost impossible to fight positive connotations of this word. At some point, the "Broke" began to be fashionable, numerous benefits appeared on "how to become a bitch and easily achieving their own", "I'm a bitch, I'm cool", "Bitch, bitch, stervo - from diaper and to old age" and " This alpha-male prefers sterry. " The cult of the bitch went into the masses.

None of those who praise the branches do not read the books. But guess what's there. Therefore, it imagines a heroine not those who are actually actually, and the bullshit eternally young beauties with an acute language, loving sex without commitment, commanded men and preferring a diamond as a gift, and not a multicooker. Samantha Jones, unfolding from his nude sushi body. In the extreme case, the dominance with a whip. And not at all, the Baba-Yaga is not at all in the felling bathrobe, meeting the man from work with a rolling pin and a traditional greeting "You will live life, cattle."

Yes, women calling themselves with branches, too see themselves in the image of the queen, the commanding world (and especially the male part), in red lipstick, cocktail dress and with a branded bag. And not a petty scandalor of the format "Seryoga, to the nail!", Next to which most people are ashamed.


Sometimes it comes to nonsense: any woman who is capable of nontrivially replied to rudeness, for example, is proclaimed. He you: "Dear, you look bad, maybe you make a new haircut?" You are: "Your prayers, cute, two more or three such complies, and I will turn to Yeti." And all, the verdict is: "Well, you and the bitch."

A little more, and in the eyes of some bitch will be each, which can speak at all. So what? Not silent after the replica men, it means, bitch.

But you have a couple of stories about the real bitch.

One, Marya Ivanovna, was all his conscious life. And in personal, and in working matters. Nobody was surprised that she treated her husband as a resource for consolidation in the capital, and for children - both to simulators on violation of personal borders. She was nothing to break into the room to a teenage daughter and arrange a scene due to the fact that she was burning. And do it daily years in a row, and then wonder that a matured daughter refuses to communicate. Or tell everyone who wishes to listen to what nothing is her husband. But brighter of all her arms manifested himself when the scientific leader died, whose Marya Ivanovna wrote the dissertation. Hearing this news, she entered his office, scored all the papers that managed to find, and only then made a tragic face and went to communicate with colleagues.

Or, for example, Veroch. Unlike Maryia, Ivanovna, who never believed herself, the Verochi brague himself and continues to straighten. And therefore did everything, as I read about the most benefits. Ah, groom girlfriend is richer than mine? - I beat down. Ah, sister wants to buy this cottage? "I used to have time, I also like it." Ah, the mother-in-law fell ill, and therefore the husband began to spend more time from her? "To the hell of such a husband, all the more, I successfully made a marriage contract, now he will have to live with Mom. Sleep with the boss? - Excellent, can help in a quarry. Chief is married? - divorced, not going anywhere, not the first. Polish the employee for making her long legs? - And how else to do with it? Complain to the health care guardian because of the fact that her baby yells at night? - So he really yells, this neighbor is a bad mother. Scratch a man's man who parked on my favorite place? - Do not complain about him! He does not seem to disturb anything.


The only thing that really frustrated the height in her almost cloudless, although the complete endless struggle of life is that it is almost no friends. Well, in general - somehow people do not stretch to her. "Do not love us, bitch!", Sometimes the Veroral sighed sadly.

I would love to introduce her to someone from those who, according to them, adores women of this type. Let them get mutual pleasure.

I can not not be noted that I was interested in some male lovers of "bitch", whether they consider some of the words that denote the bitch-man. Do it like them when they hear something like "all men - assholes", or "Oh, you are such a bastard, I adore you, you are so relaxed!"

It turned out that there is no. They do not like it. Moreover, such generalizing structures are explained by women's logic or women's stupidity. At the thin end - bitching.

But most of all I laughed when one of the svolophilov described me my ideal as "responsive, respectful people who know the price, open and wonderful." Just like me, by the way! That is, here we see no longer just a different interpretation of the classic image, but simply turning it inside out.

Yes, my dear. I am open, responsive, knowing the price and then on the list. But I'm not bitch. There is nothing good in the bones. And I would be happy in your place that there are few real reference steros, and you have to invent them.

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