In addition to tampons and gaskets. How to escape in the monthly savings and care



Just the other day on social networks, there was a post with "Femozi" - all sorts of meme pictures for women. One of the pictures portrayed dirty panties and denoted menstruation. So, Pics.Ru is completely for Femzenzi - a suitable picture at the right moment costs thousands of words.

But we do not need any leaks, stains and all this! Enough! And what are the options so that the cowardoons of Emodji lay down without affairs, discuss.

Our distant-distant Pramarata, when their occasion attended such a nuisance like menstruation (and this really happened rarely, and was considered a very bad sign - and so you fertilized and not pregnant?) I got sick with moss and junk soft leaves. Actually, and now women are doing this in the deaf corners of the Earth - they are stubborn in the far corner of the house or at all in any remote house of unclean women, and sit there on the grass and scraps.

Modern woman, firstly, does not particularly have the opportunity for three days a month to sit on MCU in the back room (although some women would not refuse), and secondly, where are you trying to attack everyone? Especially, given that the model "Fifteen people, perhaps a couple survive," Glory to science, canceled as unnecessary, and the monthly, we have much more frequently than that of Pra-PrabaBabooks.

The most common ways today are "White Wear, Trying to wear, and dance!" On any day the cycle is tampons and gaskets.


Both those and others have a property that can be considered as a plus and minus - they are disposable. On the one hand, they are produced in compliance with all sorts of hygiene rules, on the other hand, it is only possible to think about how much this good one is throwing a millionth millionth city! If you begin to think about nature, then you should go to something or reusable, or easily advanced. But, honestly, to start taking care of nature, you must first rest from the markers that were washed, dried and ironed our older sisters, and from halves of broken men's socks stuffed by cotton.

Reusable pads

So the reusable pads, often elegant and with removable velcro, are becoming increasingly popular in Europe. Some are fastened for an intelligence, some are a lastrian, which is disassembled from the belt and replace for clean (imagine panties, in which the lower part is changeable. And thick. And from the bottom with the seal, so as not to proceed.) Reusable gaskets do not cheaper or stopping. The fabrics, as I had to do our moms and grandmothers, and then from non-barking cotton, then bamboo fibers, then the opposite is something cheerful. For every taste, on any wallet.

Or maybe something that has not been?

Menstrual cup


Among women who are worried about not to produce too much garbage, the menstrual bowls are increasingly popular. In addition, when using the bowls, only the selection themselves are thrown out (and the package from the bowl is the first time), and it is possible to use it up to 10 years old (although it is recommended to replace once every 5 years) - an important advantage of the gynecological bowls believe that the bowl does not see the walls of the vagina, as it does tampon; And it does not save the selection in the open space for external bacteria (as a gasket). Capacity of the bowl can be chosen individually, as well as size; Most cups have a tail, for which the bowl can be pulled out and pour out in a safe place.

Minus bowls - it needs to be able to enter and install (it is recommended to practice the first couples in the bloodless days of the cycle, and does not hurry). In addition, it should be regularly boiled, and if you have a lot of curious relatives or neighbors who have a habit of peeping into all the pans - you need to be ready for explanations. Judging by the reviews on the forums, enter and install the bowl almost as harpping for the first time (but much less unpleasant with error) how to wear a contact lens. But about the ability of the correctly installed bowl to hold the selection written with the praise. But with the reservation - the first time, while you just learn to put the bowl, as it should, it is better to duplicate the gasket from sin. But in the end, the girls usually catch the movement that the bowl is spreads through the walls of the vagina, and then enjoy the bowl confidently and without confusion. Sports, swimming pool, woven clothes - here are the features that open in front of a confident customer menstrual bowl.

Menstrual sponge


Another fashionable reusable method is the use of menstrual sponges. Particularly advanced girls order real sea sponges for this. By the way, it was this method that American women soldiers in World War II used (the sea often turned out to be closer than cotton fields). And also small sponges can be used to have sex during menstruation, although in our opinion, it is pervert - the walls of the vagina during menstruation and are so easily damaged, and here it is also with a sponge - well, "so that the dear did not get dirty," apparently. In addition, the sponge is not so easy to pull out, it does not have a rope. Well, the sponge has the same minus that the tampon - pulls too much moisture from the walls of the vagina, why the desired microflora grows worse, and unwanted - better. You need to boil the sponge just like a bowl. But reusable gaskets, by the way, are recommended to simply wash in a washing machine.

The perfect option, perhaps, have home different options. And here you can only rejoice at our capabilities. Here you will finish the video history of the Indian entrepreneur, who designed a cheap car producing cheap gaskets, after he saws himself on the suffering of his wife. In many countries, alas, still ordinary things to do with dirty rags and even throw school, because you can't go anywhere in the monthly. And Femozi with dirty shorts here is more relevant.

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