Legalized rudeness. When those surrounding have the right to make you a remark


Since mom told us that you can talk to an unfamiliar person and that it was impossible, a lot of water left and a lot of Internet appeared. And suddenly somehow it turned out that the society gives good to rudeness. In some cases. And the impaired violation of other people's borders for others is a manifestation of civil debt, the action is completely legal (according to unwritten, of course, codes) and positive.

No, really. No one confuses that there is a kind of real people and, as if people are not exactly - which are sores and are obliged to listen to any sharp note. We in Pics.Ru do not categorically agree with this and want to say the guys from the list - we are with you! Morally. Give a joint defense of personal borders!

When you are complete

Really, remember that our moms would have done if we approached the woman on the street and said: "Too, you're so fat!" And now it is the norm of life. Because the wise pig itself is to blame. And at all, why do she show people! Would hide somewhere in the chuladler and eaten his mahaneesic there. The point is not that aunt, maybe it really does not suffer from non-polycystic ovaries, nor from the wrong selection ok, and herself successfully fades the sides. And the fact that fat and fat, go, boy, then walk.

When you see with a child

Well, here are those who restrained because of your weight, feel not just entitled, but obliged to inspect how your child is dressed, what toys love and how much goes to sleep. In the end, the first oncoming visible, how to combine the child's mode with the family mode and what is his character characteristics. By the way, no, children are all sewn one lecture. And you stand in Frunt until the inspection is carried out. It seems that, becoming a mother, you together with the child completely passed into public property. Hey! Momashi has a name and private life!

When you are not going to start children

And here it turns out that your uterus and your time are in public property to any kind of birth. And you, bastard, do not let any take advantage of them. He, passing, already built on them on them! Optionally with its participation, but without yours too - what does it seek, are you?

When you belong to subculture

But with you any passer-by, firstly, has the right to not understand that there is going on in your subculture, and secondly, but the second right has to speak out as much as fantasy. To predict death from cancer due to the passion for metal or blame for sale and drug use due to the fact that you are hippies. And the goths eat emo, although they do not distinguish anything.

When you are vegetarian. Or not

If you have a manner, you should be accessible to any criticism, valuable instructions and direct insults. Pebanks turn off the brain and the female nature is absorbed, and the meat ends are obliged to consider photos of non-baking human corpses.

When you have animals

If you have never had your pet, lean at a friend a smirny little dog like a pug and walk on the street. You will be surprised how many people will find the normal immediately rush to you with personal questions and reading orders. "Is he a boy or a girl? You do not give him these nasty dry foods?! Why do you have a dog tremble, immediately dress her! " This is from the advisers of unexpected, she trembles, do not hang over it!

When you are an atheist

Just spend your experience. Not a repity of any "offending" anthropological or sociological articles, but write short and clearly somewhere in a blog or social network: "I am an atheistic." Without clarifications, without additions. And watch what will begin. And there is nothing to protrude here. And in general, the king's atheists were shot.

When you Natzmenka

By these coupies, the sentence in the past times was denoted by representatives of national minorities. Jeweks, Gypsies, Armenians in the RSFSR and so on. If you have a photo with a seven in your album, and a blog entry about the celebration of the People's Gypsy-Armenian-Uzbek holiday, then everything. Now any right has to go and call you to answer. After all, somewhere on the other end of the city, countries or mainland Armenian with paisas hijacked a horse! And you and your heart does not hurt.

When you make mistakes or typos

Journalist, school teacher, official in the performance of duties undoubtedly must be competent. But to pay out loud and publicly on errors in pronunciation or missed commas, ignoring the meaning of the said and written - very bad tone. Was earlier. Now it is a mandatory feat in the sacred struggle of grammar-Nazi against grammar-Untermenh.

When you're in a swimsuit

You thought you were going to swim or wanted a curious show how the day went well, but in fact you, it turns out that I put on my forehead: "Hamit is allowed." Hey, why this unfortily-friendly Mr. hundredth comment decided that you dreamed of hearing his opinion about the form of their feet and especially about whether he would like to recover from you?!

When you are in the scarf

"Fu, collective farmer!", "Divorced sectarians", "And what are you like a multi!", "In Russia it is necessary to dress in Russian!" If you think that only Alkashi can only be released in the 21st century and let you go as an exception, then you are happy. Or in the scarf did not go for a longer day, or learned to live with such shouts, as with the background noise.

When you are a victim of crime

Especially beating, rape or attempt to rape. The public is very sensitively avoiding the discussion of the personality of the criminal, but you can also disassemble you on the bones and strictly ask you for what will come to mind to ask. Because the public is confident that in some cases you can beat and rape. And for some reason, the connection with the installation is mounted here - some people have fun. And then what are they.

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